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Presenting the 2024 CODAawards Top 1001
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NOTE: The text below is an AI-generated edited transcript from my Audio. If you want to listen to my voice with all the things I said and noises I made then listen to the above audio, enjoy.
Thought Processes and inquiries
So I've been writing in the last few weeks, but I've also been contemplating and doing these exercises of just downloading some information, putting it into text, and not rereading it. I know I've started many things, and they will be threaded together at some point when I feel the need to connect them. For now, I'm just going with the flow.
This semester has been quite amazing. I've really allowed my emotional body to ride through the wave. Sometimes it's high, and sometimes it's low, but I make decisions based on observing this wavelength. It's neither on nor off, just a constant flow of change that finds equilibrium when I stop to observe it.
This process has given me a lot of space to trust my body in ways I never trusted before, as I usually allow my mind to interfere. My mind is always logically trying to find certain answers to make sense of what I'm reading, listening to, or getting triggered by. It's like a processor in a computer. I'm good at absorbing a lot of information and, when the right question comes, I stop and start seeing patterns to connect one thought with another. I still allow inspiration to come through without forcing it.
Another thing happening with me is that I'm under a lot of information because I decided some months ago, or even a little more than that, to start inquiring about certain things in history that I thought I knew or learned or were taught to me in a specific way. I've noticed that everything I am inquiring about is either extremely new—concepts I never realized existed—or I'm revising my position from 20 years ago, 30 years ago, or five years ago. Instead of getting crazy with all this info, I've been allowing my body to tell me where to go next. There's a lot of trust in me right now. I know that if I have a clear intention every day, even at the beginning of every activity, I will be guided by something bigger than me.
I've been feeling a lot of warmth in my heart and am very connected to the whole cosmos in a loving way without bypassing other situations that are happening. Almost like a processor between my eyes, emotional body, instincts, and intuition, allowing it to find its own equilibrium when needed at that specific time. I've also been directing my meditations daily, focusing on different timelines—what's happening three years from now, what happened three years ago, merging them, and addressing my needs for today and the week. And so on and so forth.
Aspiration as Value on how to contribute
Time itself doesn't exist, and it is represented very much by this wavelength that can have different frequencies. Within those frequencies, I can tune into it and make things happen in a way. How do you make things happen? Well, I make things happen when I pay attention to them. Let's say that I want to achieve something, and within that intention, I have an aspiration.
I'm going to stop here, (I take a deep breath, and I'm also going to add a humming to it, which is something that I do a lot to regulate my nervous system.)
The breath, aspiration, and inspiration—if you see the etymology of the word, it means breath. To inspire comes from Latin (breath). Anything that I aspire to or inspire is going to be between two frequencies. This is the time-lapse.
By consciously breathing and being aware of my breath, I navigate my life. Time is my most valuable possession—it encapsulates the moments I live, and within those moments, my breath is the ultimate asset. Without breath, there is no life, and without life, there is no Monika.
I've been focusing on this not just intellectually but physically. Now that I'm sharing this with you, I haven't written about it, just being one with it.
We are at the end of June, starting summer officially. A lot is happening in the outside world that can be triggering. My message now is about being disciplined in connecting to my heart, being aware of my emotional body, and responding to it as needed. This practice moves me out of a survival state that hinders creativity, allowing me, time, breath, and aspiration to create new things.
My aspiration and intention are to think of myself in the next few years, contributing to civilization in a new way. I've been focusing on tools and ways of thinking that are different, embodying them to serve humanity. Civilization is a significant word, and I've been making many inquiries. I just finished a nine-month Austrian economics seminar with Saifedean, which was impactful and provided me with a lot of material. Now, I'm interested in synthesizing this with psychology.
I know I'm not making sense here. My eyes are closed, and I'm trying to pick up the right words that are coming through me. In summary, paying attention to my breath and having these intentions focused through specific meditations have allowed me to think forward. Not because I want to live in the future but to make sure that when the future arrives, even tomorrow, I am in my most present moment with the intention of being connected to source, living the intentions and aspirations I had previously committed to. It is a practice.
Of course, I follow the moon and the planets, but I don't let them drive me. I'm aware of them and their energies. I don't blame Mercury or the moon. I never blame anything. I am always aware of certain energies being more stressful than others. In that sense, I am grateful for Jupiter's support in going into subject matters I never thought I would read about or listen to. It enriches my vocabulary and concepts, trying to make sense of the meaning of where we're at right now.
With a structure focusing on scarcity, on the meaning of the value in life.
I've always sought meaning, but I avoid identifying with ideologies, which limits my freedom. My process is to acknowledge and synthesize ideologies to become proficient and contribute meaningfully to society, building something significant rather than being puppets of a larger scheme. Asking questions has become vital in my daily routine. Everything I read prompts questions about how I relate to it. I'm interested in history, politics, and ideologies that have shaped civilization over the last 300 years or more.
A new moon is coming this week, with some significant planetary aspects. Saturn went retrograde yesterday, and Neptune will follow soon. I've felt the need to slow down. When planets are in retrograde, their movement slows, prompting us to go inward. This energy is familiar to me, having been born with Saturn in Pisces.
I've been working so much on my personal boundaries. I have Saturn in my first house, so I did work around that last year, and now it's in my second house. It's like how I am supporting myself because Saturn is a supporting factor. Once it defines a limitation, it can also be transformed into something very supportive; it will hold you, and it will protect you. So, being in my second house, a lot of people are scared, like, "Oh my god, Saturn's second house, money," and I'm like, "No, it is different."
I've been studying what money is and what the economy means; I've been preparing for this moment. It's not about focusing on the scarcity of not having, but rather on understanding the value in life. This is really the key.
I'm going to say it again: If you focus on the scarcity of not having, obviously, the hole is going to get bigger.
But if you make time to understand what it is that you value in your life, those things that you value, which could be your life per se, your own life, the time that you have in your life, the time you have to breathe from breath to breath, and you understand how scarce it is because you don't know when that last breath is going to be, that's the most valuable.
Then you start making very wise decisions about how you relate to everything valuable in your life, everything that you need, and then you make priorities. You can start having and living a low-time preference, which is a very important subject matter that I learned during my studies and I am applying.
I've been studying Austrian economics, and I'll write more about it in my book, which I am completely devoted to right now because I finally finished a lot of my previous commitments, so it's coming. I'm also editing a bunch of conversations that I had before; the next one coming is with my group, my study groups. I facilitate these beautiful study groups, and for almost a year and a half, they have been so important in supporting my progress of individuation.
So, I'm going to finish right now, get back to editing, and I'm going to put this Substack up so you can listen to my voice. As you may have noticed, this is an AI-generated transcript. Now, I do not have time to revise the transcript, so let's see how badly AI can understand my accent.
I wish you all a beautiful, beautiful week. New moons are to make intentions. So, my intention for a while has been to really connect to my heart, to what I feel, and how important it is to feel alive at this moment, giving our best so I can contribute to this civilization in positive and inspirational ways. That's really what it is.
That's it. Bye.

The CODAawards jury has voted, selecting the Top 100 most successful projects that integrate commissioned art into an interior, architectural, or public spaces. Now it’s time to cast a vote for your favorites: the top 2 projects receiving the most votes will be crowned People’s Choice winners! Voting for the People’s Choice Award is open until July 2nd. Winners will be announced at the end of August. DEADLINE FOR VOTES: Tuesday, July 2nd at 11:59 pm, central time (GMT -5:00)
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