This week’s newsletter is open to all subscribers—enjoy the Full Moon in Cancer! There’s a gift in the last 3 minutes of the audio. For anyone curious about what it is, what it’s for, or wants more details, feel free to drop me a DM or leave a comment.
Dante's portrayal of usurers, adorned with moneybags, critiques both societal and personal degradation due to financial greed. His vision resonates with contemporary issues, such as economic exploitation and the failure of centralized monetary systems to uphold equity.
In Inferno Canto 17, Dante places usurers in the final ring of the Circle of Violence. He views usury as the excessive charging of interest, compensating for the “use” of money. This practice was tied to the rise of liquidity in the Italian city-states, propelled by merchant banking. Dante, whose family had ties to money-lending, saw usury as a societal corruption.
Monika Bravo, The Nature of my Reality, 2024.
AI timestamps-quote:
Betrayal is Negligence: 00:00:38
"Because the devastation that we are experiencing right now in Los Angeles area due to the fires, it's staggering to me. Just I need to address this. These are personal opinions. I feel that it is deliberate. It's almost like it was not meant to be contained... Basically, what it tells me is that there's been a betrayal that is affecting everybody, rich or poor. This feels like a calculated negligence."
Courage, Embodiment, Service, and Perspective: 00:02:25
"The first word was Courage. Anything that is coming from your heart and you have a sense of bravery is going to give you that power, that virtue of being courageous. Not everybody has that virtue already activated. The second one is Embody. Embody means that you are walking the walk instead of just talking the talk... The third one will be Service. You know, when you already are in a state of courage and you are embodying it, you are of service in the community. And then the last word was Perspective…"
Pluto in Aquarius » Betrayal: 00:05:00
"Pluto, what doesn't take care of itself, it betrays. And we sometimes, if not always, make connections of betrayal from somebody that is coming outside of ourselves, like a government or an ex-lover or a friend or family member. We say, oh, I was betrayed. Well, I'm going to tell you guys, it doesn't work like that. We allow ourselves to be betrayed by ourselves because we don't take care of our needs. We don't set up boundaries. We don't know what we value."
Apocalypse is Revelation: 00:15:45
"Apocalypse, which means uncovering or revealing, is not really about destruction or catastrophe. It has been misunderstood and misused in the way of popular culture. The true meaning is about unveiling hidden truths, the illumination of what has been concealed. It is a moment of reckoning where the light shines on what once shrouded in darkness."
Cancer Full Moon: 00:20:10
"The upcoming full moon in Cancer at 27 degrees, and it will conjunct the retrograde Mars, which is very symbolic, because the emotional stakes are very high right now, more than ever. And this is a moment of culmination, like all full moons. It is a place where emotions rise to the surface, and you should not overwhelm yourself, but you should really illuminate that inner work that you should be doing still."
In the words of Dante Alighieri, “The path to paradise begins in hell.”
Our instincts are fundamental and deeply connected to our bodies. We have five senses, gifts from the Creator to help us navigate this physical reality. Beyond these senses, we have our emotional body, our mental body, and our spiritual body, along with intuition. But instincts, at their core, exist to save us and protect us, especially in times of danger. They are also intricately tied to understanding our immune system.
For instance, you can smell fear. You can see shapes or movements that make you feel unsafe. You can hear certain voices or sounds in your mind that signal it’s time to leave a situation. You can feel it in your gut when something is wrong. This is what I’m talking about: the body knows when it’s in danger. The body knows when it needs to get out. The immune system isn’t going to encourage you to indulge—it’s not going to say, Yes, eat that cake. Yes, drink that bottle of wine. No. The body will say, This doesn’t feel right. This doesn’t look good. This doesn’t smell safe. That’s when you need to listen.
Everything I need is in my body.
To blame is to give your power away. To take responsibility for your bads makes you more powerful. Your instincts will guide you to discern in this foggy moment in time and history, as reality is being revealed as it is, not as we thought it was.
The nodal axis is shifting this weekend, aligning with the need to trust yourself and learn to discern without judgment.
Nurture this connection by exploring practices like conscious breathing, breath work, polyvagal exercises, or somatic therapy. These will support realigning yourself with something greater, like the Creator.
To continue my conversation above, watch this great piece: WHAT’S THE PROBLEM Joe Bryan uses a unique and engaging story to demonstrate how the root of most of our problems lies simply in the corruption of our money…
This video connects the dots introducing the solution (watch to find out.)
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