"Trusting and knowing deep that each soul has a path"
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"And there's that freeway. We can only hear what we're willing to and capable of hearing in the moment. But if I can see someone and their struggles in life without a conflict in mind, if I can see with forgiveness, and if I can hold them in their power and actually deeply honor and respect the gift and the beauty of the healing process that they're in, I'm going to receive the benefits of that because I'm elevating my mind by way of seeing them in that clear place."
~Ari Moshe Wolfe, during the conversation
Hello friends, on February 12th, I had an inspiring conversation with my friend and former mentor, Ari Moshe Wolfe. We discussed our roles as teachers and facilitators of growth, emphasizing the creation of nurturing environments for others to explore their inner worlds.
Ari1 shared his personal journey as a teacher, evolving towards a deeper sense of purpose and service. In contrast, I reflected on the importance of setting boundaries and being responsive to students' needs. Our dialogue also touched upon themes of devotion, mourning, loss, humility, and self-reflection, culminating in a discussion on joy, integrity, and purpose.
The dialogue shifted to a musical tone as Ari played the ukulele and shared a song2, providing a beautiful and inspiring ending to our conversation.
"My vessel serves a purpose on a moment-to-moment basis. I'm going to find out what it is IN the moment."
"I would like to always make myself available for that moment with another person. So, if they ask me to do a reading, have a mentorship, or facilitate something, I give myself completely to that, and I trust it so much!"
~Monika, during the conversation
“A writer - and, I believe, generally all persons - must think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource. All things have been given to us for a purpose, and an artist must feel this more intensely. All that happens to us, including our humiliations, our misfortunes, our embarrassments, all is given to us as raw material, as clay, so that we may shape our art.”
― Jorge Luis Borges, Twenty-Four Conversations with Borges: Interviews by Roberto Alifano 1981-1983

The Twilight Before Dawn: Venus and Mars conjunction right on my ascendant!
Reflecting on the culmination of two years since the last Venus-Mars3 cycle that also started at 0° Aquarius4 back in March 2022...
The amount of focus I gave to the theme of value and what I needed as essential in my life led me in a different direction and brought me to where I am now. Since then, I have been writing about my journey, asking myself what I value the most. I was initially unsure about what values and needs were essential to me, but I am grateful for the time and effort I took to explore them. I can now say that I am much clearer about them at this culmination.
Bitcoin, as a state of mind became a catalyst for that journey because it encouraged my curiosity to explore topics I had never considered, discover a plethora of opportunities to evolve as a human, and become more at ease in social interactions.
In 2022, Venus was the ruler of the North Node in Taurus, guiding me towards a direction yet to be discovered and experienced, where I could feel at home since it rules my 4th house. Mars, on the other hand, was the ancient ruler of the South Node in Scorpio, urging me to confront and let go with courage any attachments that functioned as addictions, which could sometimes serve as a distraction or lead to self-sabotage, especially in the area of how I was perceived professionally.
This time around, the roles are inverted, with Venus as the ruler of what is familiar in relationships (Libra South Node), finally accepting,
'Since I now have leverage and I know my needs, I can easily establish boundaries and expand into areas that offer different perspectives.'
Meanwhile, Mars points to jumping-starting in unknown territory as a sovereign being, expressing my ideas with ease. Both cycles have started and ended in Aquarius, clearly underlining the importance of breaking free from a traumatic past. This reflects the recognition that we are living in a distressed, quasi-dormant, indoctrinated society that is ready to awaken and lead to creative places. Since this conjunction is on my ascendant, there is a strong urge to break free and engage in novel experiences where I can resonate individually as part of a larger community where my values will be of the essence.
The future is not just rose-colored; there are major alerts, such as the risk of becoming even more dissociated from our bodies. Venus and Mars will square Jupiter in Taurus, activating a focus on the necessary tools to ground our survival needs and embody a more creative and thriving free society. This aspect will be highlighted in April 2024 when Jupiter meets Uranus. Everyone's relationship with their resources is different, but acknowledging them can make a difference. I am extremely happy to have adopted a low-time preference5 and to be wise in the decisions I make about how to value my time.
The book I am about to self-publish serves as a memento of this last transit that started at the very end of my 12th house, marking the end of a complete unconscious cycle that has been brought to light. This transit has pointed to the need for deep focus, especially as Pluto has been in the 12th house since 2010 and will coincide with a major solar eclipse6 at 6°Aquarius on 01/26/2028, I know I have been preparing for these times, which have been significant in my journey.
The new Venus-Mars cycle is practically on my ascendant, at 6°57, squaring my natal Sun and creating a nice inconjunct with my natal Uranus, which rules my Aquarius ascendant. I am attentive to any signals of sudden tension that could prompt me to break free from any fixed patterns that hinder my flow. I approach this with the discernment I have been mastering, knowing how to yield to my benefit.
My intention within this new phase is to show up 100 percent as an authentic human in these very dark times. Despite feeling the weight and darkness, I can sense the light. It's going to be a wild ride, but I am willing to show up.
-What cycle have you just culminated?
-What has transpired since March 2022 that you can be aware of?
BTW, how is your friend Courage doing?
P.S. This week, as I'm writing the last paragraphs of my upcoming book, I'll share more details with you by the end of the month.
In the upcoming weeks, I am in dialogue with a pair of sovereign friends (one anonymous and another pseudo-anonymous from the Bitcoin community) to discuss common values we share such as respect, liberty, and freedom. I am also recording additional mentors, students, and fellow human travelers.
I'm very excited!
Lastly, I would appreciate your engagement with this survey. Thank you!
Ari Moshe Wolfe teaches astrology as a spiritual practice that aids in our soul evolution, emphasizing clarity and compassion. His teaching is grounded in the Evolutionary Astrology lineage of Jeffrey Wolf Green and evolves through his own ongoing insights. Additionally, Ari is a student of A Course in Miracles and incorporates music into his teachings.
They meet again on Feb 22, at 6°57 Aquarius.
This spot has been activated numerous times in the last years, Jupiter, Saturn on 12/20, Pluto has entered Aquarius twice in the last 11 months and a third time at the end of 2024.
Low-time preference refers to the tendency to prioritize long-term rewards over immediate gratification.
North Node, Sun, Pluto, Moon, Mars, and Mercury in Aquarius, Sun and Pluto at 6°, Venus will be on my Chiron and Saturn on my Mars….