Note: You don’t have to abide by my views; this article explores how delicate it is to show up, perhaps disagree, and yet leave space for non-aggression cultivating the emergence of dialogue.

Inside your bones lies the marrow, akin to the earth beneath your feet—a grounding essence that defines your home.
~paraphrased from Sarah Blondin’s meditation
Aiming towards truth [Liberty]
Let me put it this way:
If the ideologies1 or the science of ideas you hold dear haven't evolved in the past three years, brace for their potential crumbling. In 2024, perspective and wit will be crucial, along with the ability to differentiate signal from noise. Now's the time to take stock of your resources, talents, and goods; without a Plan B or C, this could be your last call.
Current celestial alignments2 compel us to reevaluate our actions, self-perception, and thoughts, urging us to seek alternative views and directions to comprehend and integrate the events of recent years.
Questions arise, prompting contemplation on the archetypes of Jupiter's yearning for freedom to explore diverse cultures, philosophies, religions, and languages, Uranus's commitment to uniqueness, and the collective need to explore concepts like liberty, property rights, aggression3, civilized behavior, and the factors differentiating us from animals during Jupiter and Uranus' most recent journey through Taurus (last time was 1941).
Saturn and Jupiter shape and control social constructs, while Uranus ensures avenues for breaking free from conditioning and addressing generational trauma that hinders both individuals and humanity.
The Full Moon on November 27th at 4°Gemini (PHASE 65°-GEMINI 5°) brings us back to June 19, 2023, when the Sun and the Moon initiated a new cycle at 27° Gemini4.
Reflect on the mental, ideological, or directional shifts in your life during this brief five-month span. While only a short time has elapsed, consider the impact of Pluto's recent three-month stint in Aquarius before retracing its steps to Capricorn. Come January 2024, Pluto will re-enter Aquarius, accelerating the trajectory into potential dystopian scenarios.
As one who holds dear the doctrine of free will as most libertarians5, who value property rights and truth. In the spirit of the full moon in Gemini, we use reason and wisdom to increase our individual awareness for the greater good of our values and ideals.
However, we must be cautious not to exert too much power, as it can be delusional. Let us conserve our energy and be mindful of who is ready to receive our care, trust, and cooperation with divine wisdom.
In the grand scheme, the only certainty in life is change, a truth embodied in the transformative nature of death.
-What is your short, mid, and long-term plan?
-Can you trust your wisdom?
PHASE 65 (GEMINI 5*): A REVOLUTIONARY MAGAZINE ASKING FOR ACTION. The explosive tendency of repressed feelings and root emotions.
Every movement overstressing one direction calls forth, in time, an equally extreme movement in the opposite direction. This is particularly true at the level of the dualistic mind symbolized in the zodiac by Gemini. What is rigidly bound in form and convention tends to explode into formlessness. It may do so violently if socially oppressed — through revolution — or at the psychological level in psychosis, or it may withdraw inwardly into the mystical state in which one identifies with an unformulatable Reality.
This fifth stage is related to the first, for it is the experience of a world of being so far unperceived by the everyday consciousness which starts the process. In the same sense a psychedelic experience may momentarily make the mind transparent to a non-ego-structured realm of consciousness, and may lead to a sustained attempt at understanding what has been revealed of a transcendent Reality.
Whether the revolutionary action is violent or peaceful, bitterly resentful or loving, the one desire is TO REACH BEYOND ESTABLISHED FORMS.
~Dane Rudhyar. AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases
To reach beyond established forms
What to do?
How to unplug?
How do I verify?
We can’t trust the people who brought all the lies in the form of government and information!
And if we are codependent on them and the medical system we might be in for a ride…
Ok, perhaps it sounds all too crazy? Yes, … maybe I am going nuts!
Who cares, if you trust yourself, you are in a great place!
The spirit level is internal…
In the meantime, a soundtrack for the article: (use headphones)
Embarking on a recent social media experiment brought early fears to the front, some years ago just the idea of being canceled, left out, or mocked, would have prevented me from doing such a thing, which seemed somehow reckless (a word used by a friend referring to my experiment).
I have crossed to another timeline, at least it feels like this. It has not been something that just happened, but a slow progression towards what I could say will be the last third of my life. If I divide my life into parts—0-19, 30-55 with two transitional intervals between 20-29 and 55-59—that is where I am now…
So I orchestrated an experiment that played out quite effectively. I strategically placed a highly emblematic image on my social media feed, accompanied by a caption that subtly related to the image but wasn't about the image itself. The caption encouraged viewers to take their time and acquaint themselves with what I am really talking about before rushing to judgment. I made it clear that I was open to discussion. The caption called to delve into the realms of #Bitcoin, #libertarianism, and #austrianeconomics, the post triggered a flood of emojis conveying disgust and anger (mostly vomiting, crying, and many WTF?).
The focal point of this experiment was an image of Javier Milei with his arms raised as a sign of triumph, he is the first anarcho-libertarian president elected by a nation in local elections, such nation is Argentina whose inflation rates in the last 20 years had a whole generation leave to greener pastures. The Western world and legacy media deem him politically as from the extreme right, the truth is, that he aligns with the libertarian movement6, a distinction often overlooked.
Surprisingly, it seemed that hardly anyone actually read the caption, as the use of emojis left me puzzled… The responders were once part of my pre-pandemic network in New York, well-"educated" individuals with a strong inclination toward socialism and the left and who once held (or still hold) positions of power in cultural institutions. They exuded righteousness, convinced of their sole possession of the truth.
This experience unveiled a rift between how I see myself now and how the group of old acquaintances I thought were friends once, see me now. These individuals left no room for curiosity or understanding. It became evident that this experiment was a crucial step for me. There was a lingering part of me that hadn't fully shown up or expressed my thoughts. Part of it was due to a lack of eloquence and education on certain matters that have become significant in my life in recent years.
While I responded to a few questions, I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. It became clear that this was more about them than about me. I have no interest in engaging in futile exchanges when aggression takes precedence unless my life is in danger. Unfortunately, commencing from such a point is challenging, as judgment is the driving force behind their interactions with me. I sensed a prevailing lack of knowledge, an abundance of ignorance, and an unsettling level of indoctrination.
Yet, I'm genuinely eager for a dialectic discussion centered around dialogue at all times.
I refuse to cater to those who blindly follow or act without substance. In the past 40 months, I've immersed myself in diverse education, expanding my perspective. As I've begun raising my voice, a fresh wave of relational values has emerged. I leave the skeptics to conduct their own research, just as I have.
As a side note, I feel that NYC served the purpose of utilitarianism if you know someone who knows someone, 6 degrees of separation… Once you leave, your value goes back to null while being there it made sense at the time, the rat race is real… thus in order to survive one has to be part of the pack. Now from this perspective, I see other options, that I have already embraced courageously.
Libertarianism fundamentally rejects aggression—simply put, respects others' property borders. The realm of property rights revolves around self-ownership of the body and adherence to principles like prior possession, homesteading, and consensual ownership transfer.
This philosophy champions peaceful conduct and collaboration. Ludwig von Mises underscores that civilized individuals lean towards being considerate and resort to force only when absolutely necessary.
Libertarianism seeks rules that are fair, universally applicable, and cultivate harmonious interactions. Libertarian property rights embody these principles.
As an ecology, libertarianism is about establishing rules that support cooperation, happiness, and harmonious living. Some libertarians identify with anarchism due to their disapproval of the state employing aggressive tactics.
My notes from chapter five on Property of Saifedean’s seminar, The Principle of Economics, as well as Stephan Kinsella’s What Libertarianism Is.
Recognition versus Integrity
For the last seven or eight years I have been meditating on when was the time I gave all my power away to a city, to a couple of marriages, to ideologies that I never really questioned, until I felt I was a phony.
Integrity means wholeness, no part is missing, everything coheres, reputation as recognition are external, it depends on social constructs, it takes away freedom, and enslaves the mind to be attached to it in exchange for what gives one security, could be financial, career driven, social status, or just intellectual approval, it could be anything, I never really cared, in my case it is more valuable to be free.
As I approach 60, I've decided to lead a life 100% filled with authenticity, fearlessness, and a complete disregard for the opinions of others, especially those who are not really interested in what I have to say, or how I say it.
This experience has motivated me to educate people about what it truly means to be a libertarian, my repertoire is repetitive as it is constant with variations on the theme of Freedom, such as accountability, sovereignty, and individuation, I have used metaphors and currents of thought, archetypal language, and as of late, I have been more direct to inspire you and others, with such practical matters as Bitcoin, Jungian shadow work, Human design, Biogeometry, Libertarianism, Austrian Economics, and Evolutionary Astrology to name just few things.
As we stand on the precipice of the potent economic, social, and political shifts, I acknowledge that many might stay in the same frame of mind as they were pre-2020, and that is totally fine, but to those who would like to keep curious, I feel compelled to take action and keep inspiring you to be free, I am not an influencer looking for likes, for I have zero power over you.
-where do you stand in relationship to freedom, self-ownership, and individuation?
Individuation is a psychological process of liberation from conditioning, or from early trauma, in the physical realm, it is important to educate ourselves about what is at stake when one loses one’s liberties, that means delving into the idea of what is established as private property, self-ownership, and the distinction between the two.
The fear of losing our own security often triggers reactions that others may find disagreeable, and I'm perfectly fine with that. The essence of this text is to celebrate my emancipation from certain belief systems that, not too long ago, shaped and defined my life.
As Hans-Hermann Hoppe observes, even in a paradise with a superabundance of goods, every person’s physical body would still be a scarce resource and thus the need for the establishment of property rules, i.e., rules regarding people’s bodies, would exist.
One is not used to thinking of one’s own body in terms of a scarce good, but in imagining the most ideal situation one could ever hope for, the Garden of Eden, it becomes possible to realize that one’s body is indeed the prototype of a scarce good for the use of which property rights, i.e., rights of exclusive ownership, somehow have to be established, in order to avoid clashes.
Hoppe, A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, pp. 8–9. See also Stephan Kinsella & Patrick Tinsley, “Causation and Aggression,” Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 7, no. 4 (Winter 2004): 111–12 (discussing the use of other humans’ bodies as means).
One part of the whole
Social constructs have been utilizing all kinds of mediums to slowly indoctrinate the masses, through the "program" which was set in motion long before, with the entire 20th century serving as a gradual indoctrination. Consider figures like Edward Bernays and his profound impact on the advertising industry, shaping the narrative not just through schools, TV, and movies, but infiltrating every aspect of our lives, including books. The repetition of information in various forms in our environment indeed molds our perception and becomes ingrained in our identity, reflecting the concept of epigenetics.
One big mistake I made for a long time was to believe I was holding my truth in ideologies that I was impregnated in without knowing, I would question many things, but other times I looked the other way, because this would mean, I had to dive deeper and tell myself that I might be delusional. Studying about liberty and ways where I can be of service uniquely as a whole within the collective is my journey.
In the meantime, I decided to finally run a node7, with the aim of validating the consensus rules governing transactions and blocks within the Bitcoin network. Nodes serve as the foundational elements of blockchain systems; without them, there would be no blockchain storage in the first place. Collectively, nodes establish the entire infrastructure for a blockchain network, underscoring the significance of comprehending their functioning.
Running a Bitcoin node allows me to take full sovereignty so that trust doesn’t rely on a third party. At this point, my aim for Liberty is impregnated with many practices that make me as coherent as I can be with space for excellence.
Read this article for more on programming, propaganda, etc.
The libertarian creed rests upon one central axiom: that no man or group of men may aggress against the person or property of anyone else. This may be called the “nonaggression axiom.” “Aggression” is defined as the initiation of the use or threat of physical violence against the person or property of anyone else. Aggression is therefore synonymous with invasion.
If . . . an action is performed that uninvitedly invades or changes the physical integrity of another person’s body and puts this body to a use that is not to this very person’s own liking, this action . . . is called aggression. . . . Next to the concept of action, the property is the most basic category in the social sciences. As a matter of fact, all other concepts to be introduced in this chapter—aggression, contract, capitalism, and socialism—are definable in terms of property: aggression being aggression against property, the contract being a nonaggressive relationship between property owners, socialism being an institutionalized policy of aggression against property, and capitalism being an institutionalized policy of the recognition of property and contractualism.
Rothbard, For A New Liberty, p. 23. See also idem, The Ethics of Liberty: “The fundamental axiom of libertarian theory is that each person must be a self-owner and that no one has the right to interfere with such self-owner-ship” (p. 60), and “What . . . aggressive violence means is that one man invades the property of another without the victim’s consent. The invasion may be against a man’s property in his person (as in the case of bodily assault), or against his property in tangible goods (as in robbery or trespass)”
~Stephan Kinsella’s What Libertarianism Is.

Meaning "systematic set of ideas, doctrines through which the world is interpreted" was in use in English by 1907, earliest in socialist and communist writing, with reference to class; from 1918 it came to be used for socialism and communism themselves (along with fascism) and later more broadly still.
Mercury ventured into Sagittarius on October 22nd, forming a square with Neptune in Pisces and applying quincunx to Uranus. Subsequently, the Sun followed suit on November 22nd, and Mars joined the celestial dance on November 24th, creating a potent 90° square to Saturn in Pisces. Meanwhile, Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, continues its retrograde journey until December 31, 2023, stationed at 5 degrees Taurus. Venus in Libra is on course to meet the South Node, forging a 150° angle to Uranus. All this cosmic activity sets the stage for the impending Full Moon in Gemini.
In libertarianism, the principle of non-aggression forms the cornerstone, advocating that no individual or group should initiate or threaten physical force against another, promoting a society based on voluntary cooperation and respect for individual rights.
PHASE 8 8 (GEMINI 28*): THROUGH BANKRUPTCY, SOCIETY, GIVES TO AN OVERBURDENED INDIVIDUAL THE OPPORTUNITY TO BEGIN AGAIN. A release from unbearable pressures, freeing one for new tasks. This symbol can easily be misinterpreted, for while it obviously has a connotation of failure, it nevertheless depicts a particular state of the complex relationship of an individual to his community. The bankruptcy proceedings mentioned here should not be construed as referring to a fraudulent type of bankruptcy. At least in the United States Bankruptcy does not imply a moral condemnation; rather, it means that individual failure cannot be separated from the health of the community. The special nature of the whole is implied in the failure of the part to perform adequately under particularly harsh economic conditions. A society that enthrones the principle of ruthless competition must also develop mechanisms to exteriorize the principle of compassion. The latter was at first emphasized by Northern Buddhism, and soon after by Christianity. The concept of atonement is directly related to that of release from unbearable economic pressures in bankruptcy. This is the third stage in the eighteenth sequence of cyclic phases. In the first two stages, we have seen the emergence of a new consciousness based on leaving behind the externals of bio-psychic living in its at least relatively wild and exuberant aspect. Here we have another kind of "leaving behind," a LIBERATION FROM THE PAST. ~Dane Rudhyar, A REFORMULATION OF THE SABIAN SYMBOLS
The Sun and Mars Gate 34.6 and 34.3 the Moon and Earth Gate 20.6, Jupiter at Gate 27.6, and Saturn Gate 55.1
Milei, an Austrian economist proposes getting rid of central banking to stop the money printing that propels inflation and more poverty, he also plans to make deep cuts to the government and to government spending, eliminating corruption among other things, he is opening the country to dollarization and the use of other currencies as legal tender.
Setting up "client" software on a device involves downloading, verifying, and disseminating new blocks throughout a blockchain network. In the Bitcoin realm, a full node serves the vital function of autonomously confirming the consensus rules governing transactions and blocks. This entails thorough scrutiny of each transaction and block, ensuring their adherence to the heaviest chain. Essentially, a Node functions as a program integral to Bitcoin, validating transactions and blocks housing them. The validated blocks contribute to the ongoing expansion of the blockchain, making running a Node a supportive and growth-driven endeavor for Bitcoin.