Fire is the artificial light against Nature, as Consciousness is the light which Man has made against Nature. Nature herself is unconscious and the original Man is unconscious; his great achievement against nature is that he becomes conscious.
~ Carl Jung, Zarathustra Seminar, Page 128
Voices: The thin veil between passion and obsession
Miami Beach, at this time of the year, embraces a notable humidity, essential for life as it acts as a moisturizing agent against dryness. However, when the humidity lingers, it can lead to dampness, resulting in a sense of stagnation, limited circulation, and diminished energy.
My body responds by resisting, adapting, and transforming the humidity through practices such as breathwork, humming, Neti-pots, and lots of ginger and deliberate slow movements. It becomes evident that neglecting the impact of the environment can dampen the mood and induce a sinking feeling.
The prevailing mood in this locale is one of overall gloom and doom. As I share this observation, I acknowledge a personal shift taking place within me and everywhere else.
-Can you notice it?
I've recognized instances where I've been stalling, stagnating, and allowing myself to become lost in "space." During my morning breathwork, I intentionally tap into my heart, signaling a return to rhythm.
Provocative and challenging environments, at times, divert my path, leading me into extremes and encounters where the integrity, or lack thereof, may stir the core of my soul. This often leaves me on a limb, searching for a way back in. As a result, I take a moment to breathe and retreat to the role of an observer.
As the new year begins, my contemplation revolves around noticing the thin veil between being passionately engaged and teetering towards obsession. With a natal Moon in the 9th house (associated with seeking) with a Scorpio intensity in conjunction with the Mid Heaven, and Neptune in the 10th house, I must remain vigilant regarding the direction and motivation of each passionate pursuit. As boundaries are non-existent, and I can become that which I project to be, caring about the ecology of my surroundings is the core of my well-being.
-Are you deeply passionate and perhaps inclined towards obsession? If so, in which specific area does this intensity manifest?
It is essential to recognize that this thin veil exists. Without grounding myself in the present moment, I risk realizing I have crossed it, only to navigate slowly back to the center.1
Not everything is gloomy; the prospect is to keep enjoying and inspiring. In the past few weeks, I have Oranged-pilled2 at least 7 people with an intensive Bitcoin 10-hour workshop, giving them the tools so they can sail away in their new journey as they practice their accountability. The prospectus of ignorance is like a room with a lack of light. I am not the light, yet I can support the alignment.
-You do the rest.-
Part 2/3 of the conversation with Ellery:
Feedback, emergence
I don't like the feeling of where I am now—sending signals to the outer world and getting no response, not even a reaction. Some people call it ghosting; I call it the absence of feedback. Yet, with my somatic training, I have to sit with the awkward sensation without analysis but just allow the emotions to run their course like a high tide and create a space for them to settle in the now moment.
-Am I dead now?
And then one part of myself says, hey, we are here! Don't lose yourself in disillusionment as we can't fix it. Ellery's conversation reminds me as I edit it and add the motion graphics that I need time to listen to the subtle changes and not obsess over what cannot be changed.
In the conversation, we dive into the Gospel of John, the Logos, its potential meaning, and how stories or ideas thread from spirit.
I introduce Mari Budlong, the co-producer, and editor of my upcoming book3, whose contribution has shaped, and synthesized the non-linear narrative, while I follow through and design and illustrate it.
p.s. The last installment of the conversation will drop sometime this week; this time of year, I allow my moods to be.
The first part here:
With one hand on my heart and another one on the keyboard, I remind the inner child that we have all it takes to live a life full of courage.
-How is your engagement with your needs going?
-Have you noticed more direction in the last couple of days?
I feel my old self gone; I will talk about it more on another occasion
Happy 2024!

Mars in Gate 10 has just entered Capricorn, leading the personal planets (Venus and Mercury still in adventurous Sagittarius). Both transiting Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus (social constructs) are eerily in the same position as my natal ones. There is support in any long-term tasks or aspirations that need to be structured and conceived over time. Make good use of the Mercury-Neptune Square: think ambitiously! That being said, it feels as if 2024 will be a grand year, but one cannot stay on the surface of the projection but rather in the present moment.
The nodes change Gates 51/57 tomorrow, a day before the New Moon in Capricorn. As sudden shocks surface, one has what it takes to follow intuitively—a New Moon in the individual gate of inner truth. What can I say? Everything I need is in my body!
Noun. orange pill (slang) A notional pill taken by those who have become dedicated to investing in Bitcoin. quotations ▼ (slang) The adoption of urbanist beliefs through engagement with online urbanism.
The upcoming book: ‘The Nature of My Reality, everything I Need is in My Body,' is set to launch in March-April 2024. Crafted over two years, this three-part, 4-color, notebook-sized journey is a product of a joint effort with Mari Budlong. Rooted in the exchange of my ongoing journaling, Mari serves as an editor and a co-producer, playing a crucial role in shaping and synthesizing the book's structure. All illustrations and visuals are personally crafted by me.
This book traces my journey of individuation—a depiction of my transformation from disempowerment to self-awareness, embracing vulnerability through self-recognition. it extends an invitation for readers to embark on their own introspective journeys, creating a space for inner dialogue, discovering needs, and refining the relationship with oneself.