Since I began my Substack in February 2022, one of its main themes, tied to individuation, has been exploring the concept of Value. As I conclude the last paragraphs of my book,‘THE NATURE OF MY REALITY, EVERYTHING I NEED IS IN MY BODY' I'm reflecting on how my understanding of value has evolved.
Initially, I was ignorant about how to spend money, either due to a lack of awareness of my spending patterns or simple carelessness. Over time, I've started to recognize the subjectivity of my needs and grasp the idea that money is essentially a standardized technology with practical applications. Hence, I (and perhaps others) have entrusted their value with this technology and with the methodology of how to make individual decisions regarding its usage over time.
Because I have made incredible use of my time since mid-2021 and have invested in my education and contemplation on values, I feel the current transits are a culmination of an aspiration that motivated me throughout—to create a balance between my needs and those of others. Where I stand now is a very sweet spot, and many of the stories in my book will contain this trajectory.
Today, I would like to point to a wonderful celestial1 event that seems to have conspired with those of us who have been attentive to the times we decide to live in.
This week's meditations are quite poignant:
-What do I value the most? My freedom!
-Where am I still selling myself short? Almost nowhere, for I am no longer in fear of 'fitting in.' I am what I am.
-Where am I trading my uniqueness for security or the false idea of it? I no longer do so. I am very aware of how I relate to everything, from my sleep to my food, my artwork, my time, my finances, and my sovereignty. The road ahead is open as a field to experiment and experience this freedom, inspiring more humans to find their intrinsic value.
When you are authentic, the fear of not having enough is nonexistent, as the focus is on creativity rather than lack. I call this the Fiat mindset because the Fiat standard has created a world based on fear, on FOMO (fear of missing out). Many decisions are based on 'Fake it till you make it,' trying so hard to be, as opposed to following one’s design.
You can’t fight against what you can’t have, but you can embrace your vulnerabilities,2 become completely powerful, and support others with your potency.
My main asset is that I can see what others need, and I can value and cheer others, supporting them because I learned to do it for myself first. When I do, they are not taking anything away from me. Instead, the opportunity is established for generosity to abound.
Courage is knowing in your heart you need to take a step forward and launch yourself up into the sky.
Contemplate what you value the most, which dominion you would like to protect as the warrior of life, and which territory you’d like to conquer fear.
What is at stake?
The price of codependency vs. interdependence.
The price of emotional immaturity vs. freedom to resonate with sovereign individuals.
The theme of these weeks is only one: one thing to focus on: your individuality.
Remember that the subjectivity of your value can lead you out of a scarcity mentality.
And on that note, I leave you. This is the subject of the last chapter of my book and a culmination of contemplations. I am also shaping it for an upcoming Bitcoin panel:
How to shift out of a scarcity mentality to valuing the scarcity of your time.
Enjoy the ride! I have to say I AM OPTIMIST, more on value, time and scarcity inside of my book.
Next week, I will release the session VOices #3 with my friend and fellow Evolutionary Astrologer, Ari Moshe Wolfe who joined me to record a long-form dialogue where we discussed devotion, discipline, mentoring, honesty, humility, Evolutionary Astrology, and Music!

Sharing a talk by the great Lyn Alden on Broken Money, I have learned a lot listening and reading Lyn’s analysis of what Money is.
Venus meets Pluto at 0° Aquarius and then finally closes a cycle with Mars at 6° on 2/21/24, which started at 27° Capricorn in March 2022. Mars and Venus rule the current lunar axis, Chiron in Aries is on the North side of the node, and Pluto recently entered Aquarius, and Uranus, its ruler, will also square Mercury in Aquarius.
The meetup of Chiron and the Nodes at 16° in Aries will be exactly on 2/19/24, as the Sun enters 0° Pisces. This alignment has only occurred four times in my lifetime: 1969, 1984, 1996, 2008, and February 2024.
Every Venus retrograde is quite important in anyone’s chart as it illuminates areas where one has to revise the way one relates to oneself and other persons, situations, or things. Every Venus retrogarde since Dec 2013 until the latest last summer, has served me as a catalyst for this long process of individuation. Insights of Venus retrograde in Capricornin Dec. 2021 -and on July 2023 Venus rx in Leo
Chiron is one of the most potent of archetypes. I wrote about Chiron in Aries here.