We are all linked by a fabric of unseen connections. This fabric is constantly changing and evolving. This field is directly structured and influenced by our behavior and by our understanding.
— David Bohm
Awareness is indeed a funky thing!
Being too aware of what is happening could lead to anxiety if the things one is focused on are the stuff that doesn’t work. Presently, it encompasses nearly everything interwoven with social constructs and institutions—realms acknowledged as immutable. Instead of attempting fixes, one must embrace the inevitability of a cycle involving both demise and renewal.
-if I [you] have the power to confront my [your]demons?
-if I [you] can recognize who and what they are, and am [are] willing to face them off with compassion to open a new point of view?
-how would it feel if the way I [you] relate to an attachment, a thing, a person, or a situation, were different?
-how could I [you] emerge as a more sovereign being?
-How is this emerging?
Let's delve into the cardinal points —they mark the landscape with direction, acting as a compass that draws the illusion toward a synthesis infused with integrity, innocence, leadership, and originality.
It's a journey guided by love for humanity and oneself, characterized by listening and adopting a perspective on how one can relate. It's about embracing and honoring our vessel, the body, which generously provides not only for survival but also for thriving.
The best state of being? Just being one’s self: recognizing that “Everything I need is in my body”
The Trinity and free will ride side by side. How, you may ask? Well, when you take the initiative and decide to engage with your individuality by becoming aware of what is in front of you, of what you are projecting and expecting from "the other," then something emerges in between.
The field, potentially latent or quantum in nature, offers a range of possibilities when choosing integration. To seize this, one must adopt the role of an observer, watching the interplay unfold as if stationed at the midpoint of a 180° relationship. The resulting perspective can be at 90°, 270°, or any degree in between.
This opportunity then opens other dimensions for perceiving what has been imprinted in our emotional, physical, and mental bodies, and all these fields are stages that operate between two breaths, time becomes the medium when one measures time…
Time is essential as humanity lives in a dimension that perceives time within a given space. We are only barely aware of what cannot be sensed, touched, smelled, heard—you get it...
I am because I am aware of [you].
At times, I can be aware of [them] too.
Oh boy!
Did I just use pronouns as an example?
I will use the traditional way of using the pronoun1. The primary means by which humans identify their relationships with each other is through these pronouns. I don’t mean to associate myself with how the left-wing has weaponized it in recent years.
You see, some years ago, I was very stubborn and carried some arrogance that stemmed from ignoring and not being willing to listen to others’ points of view. The more I falsely believed (not felt) that I was right and the opposing idea was wrong, the more I became stuck in this seesaw between polarities.
A lot has happened since then. Uranus transiting Taurus, a fresh Jupiter cycle in my chart, and the current nodes are throwing open some awesome windows of opportunity.
It's like a chance to navigate my way through the world of "NOT KNOWING."
To be honest, I detest labeling others, or having myself be defined by ideologies, I am open to dialogues and discussions where I could gain a new perspective, so this is an invitation.
Eclipses + nodes, meeting the shadows:
On October 14th and October 28th, 2023, a solar eclipse followed by a lunar eclipse unfolds, each exerting a profound impact on personal planets and instigating dynamic energies crucial for my evolutionary journey. During the initial eclipse, my Mars, positioned at 22° Aries, aligns with the transiting North Node at 24° Aries and T. Chiron at 17° Aries.
The gravitational pull is palpable, especially as transiting Mars enters Scorpio, aligning in opposition to my 3rd house Mars, where the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Pallas engage in a standoff. The sensation of potential combustion intensifies, particularly directed towards teachers, teachings, and ideologies, amplified by the ongoing square between Mars and the nodes with Pluto in late Capricorn. However, amidst this intensity, a harmonious trine emerges as Mars forms a favorable aspect with my North Node and Saturn. Meanwhile, Venus, situated on my Uranus at 6° Virgo, engages in a challenging opposition with Saturn—both serving as rulers of the impending eclipse and nodal axis.
Bottom line: all my relational values have received an upgrade, and I am slowly being invited to renew my lease on how to contribute without engaging in beliefs that belong to an old program.
This celestial dance prompts heightened awareness of relationships and a deeper understanding of myself through interpersonal dynamics. The key to wise individuation lies in channeling curiosity towards discovering more wholesome and flexible ways of perception2. While Libra craves harmony, the recognition that dissonance can be a catalyst for change becomes apparent. The integration of these experiences forms the focus of my connection to these eclipses.
Yet, amidst the contemplation of these cosmic influences, a poignant question arises:
-What purpose is served in facing others if the tools at my disposal for synthesis lack meaningful significance?
This introspective query underscores the importance of aligning my evolving self with purposeful and constructive modes of integration.
“Value does not exist outside the consciousness of men”
~Carl Menger, The Principles of Economics, The Mises Institute
The second eclipse is meaningful, marking the conclusion of its Saros series3, which commenced in November 2021. This series has offered ample opportunities to confront the fear of codependent relationships hindering evolution. We have navigated through two Venus retrograde seasons (Nov 20 21 - Jan 2022, in Capricorn, and the recent one from mid-July to the beginning of September 2023, in Leo), providing time for introspection into the focus of cherished values and human needs.
The lunar eclipse4, sees the Moon falling on my Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury conjunction in early Taurus, while transiting Mars, the Sun, and Mercury oppose this and conjunct my natal Moon and MC; transiting Jupiter opposes this configuration. An ongoing theme unfolds, where needs, values, and ideologies initiate a new cycle, and expressing myself consciously aligns with creating impact by staying true to my essence as a 6/2 role model—no effort, just being.
Driven predominantly by curiosity and the pursuit of joyful outcomes, I've expanded my needs to encompass subjects I never thought I would be so fascinated or dedicated to, such as understanding the elegant simplicity of economics. By accepting my responsibilities and utilizing my rational capacities, I may make informed decisions aligned with essential needs in relation to time and the scarcity of goods that will supply those needs.
“Think of the way you personally value things in relation to one another. Are you able to express them in terms of one unit that measures them all? Can all the things you value, from material goods to friendships, family, and happiness, be measured in terms of the same unit? Is there a set exchange rate between a family member and physical goods? Could you value your child in terms of money? How many cars does a human need to exchange for their child? Human values cannot be measured using one standardized unit. Human valuations can only be compared, but they cannot be added, subtracted, or multiplied. Without a common and constant unit, measurement and mathematical operations are not possible.”
~Saifedean Ammous, The Principles of Economics.
In any relationship the most important thing is integration
Now, let's fast forward to April 2024 where Jupiter and Uranus are throwing a conjunction party at 21° Taurus. This cosmic rendezvous marks the midpoint between now and November 2024 when Pluto shifts into the sign of acceleration (Aquarius). (I'll delve deeper into these events in the near future)
Few things to “prepare, or consider short middle, and long term!
Ideologies and Belief Systems: What are you really seeking? Where does your truth lie? Dive into your natal Jupiter, checking out its sign and house placement. Also, scout transiting Jupiter and see where Taurus hangs out in your chart.
Desires and New Beginnings: Tune into the vibes from Mars in your natal chart—its sign and house will spill the beans on the energy playing out. A glance at where Aries sits in your chart is also crucial because Mars is throwing some opposition vibes from Libra. The nodal axis and transiting Chiron are throwing a conjunction party on Feb 20, 2024, at 16° Aries. So, consider if you're holding back from expressing your unique self. Any vulnerability there? The Chiron conjunct North Node is cooking up an opportunity for some life healing.
Your Inner Rebel: Time to unleash that inner rebel! Identify the areas where you won't play by the rules and want to explore different timelines. Even if you label yourself as conservative, there are zones you'd love to break free from conditioning. Check out where Uranus is in your chart by sign and house position. Since April 2019, Uranus in Taurus has been shaking up the grounds and foundations of that specific area of your life.
Remember, this info doesn't consider aspects in harmony or dissonance in your personal chart, nor does it reflect your current level of awareness. It's like a quick roadmap—how you navigate it is where the real magic happens.
In one sheet of paper, we see everything else, the cloud, the forest, the logger. I am, therefore you are. You are, therefore I am. That is the meaning of the word "interbeing." We inter-are.
~ Thích Nhất Hạnh
Spinning time
My fascination with David Bohm's work has been a journey into the profound, initially fueled by a desire to comprehend the intricacies of quantum mechanics. What I discovered in Bohm's theories was a harmonious blend of quantum concepts with the vast realm of consciousness. His Implicate Order theory, intricately weaves together every universal element, portraying even the tiniest fragment as a potential revealer of information about the entire cosmic landscape.
Bohm's philosophy envisions existence as an undivided, continuous flow, transcending conventional boundaries. The theory, crafted to decipher the enigmatic behavior of subatomic particles, delves into the perplexities that have confounded quantum physicists.5
Bohm's proposal of concealed subquantum forces and particles acting as architects behind subatomic peculiarities aligns seamlessly with conventional notions of causality and reality. This hidden realm, the Implicate Order, according to Bohm, offers glimpses into a deeper layer of reality where the entire cosmos is intricately interconnected. Within this framework, each constituent part holds the potential to unveil insights into the entirety of the universe.
Bohm's metaphorical expression, particularly his use of holography, vividly illustrates the Implicate Order. A hologram captures intricate patterns through wave interference, mirroring the dense informational storage within the Implicate Order. Every point within this cosmic framework is intricately determined by an overarching pattern, much like how a holographic film unveils an entire three-dimensional object. The analogy underscores the enchantment pervading every corner of the cosmos.
Bohm's exploration extends into the realm of consciousness, exemplified in "Dialogue in the Spirit of David Bohm." This dialogical approach, involving fluid group conversations, emphasizes achieving shared understanding by embracing each participant's perspective with equality and without judgment. In the context of the Implicate Order, Bohm highlights the transformative potential of genuine communication—something new emerges when individuals engage in open, unbiased listening, fostering novel and profound insights. The significance of attentive listening becomes a catalyst for the creation of a deeper understanding, echoing Bohm's holistic vision of interconnectedness.
I've delved into these concepts, and as Bohm suggests, they aren't isolated or disconnected from other occurrences. I've also found a profound connection while exploring his extensive dialogues with Krishnamurti, easily accessible online.
Finally, another insightful interview is titled "David Bohm, Quantum Mechanics, and Enlightenment." John Horgan explores David Bohm’s, interest in both spiritual and scientific enlightenment, as he intended to embody the dual goals of clarifying and mystifying reality. I leave to you to find your own connections and create a diverse relationship to what you already think you know!
Someday, science and art will merge, Bohm predicted. “This division of art and science is temporary,” he observed. “It didn't exist in the past, and there’s no reason why it should go on in the future.” Just as art consists not simply of works of art but of an “attitude, the artistic spirit,” so does science consist not in the accumulation of knowledge but in the creation of fresh modes of perception.
“The ability to perceive or think differently is more important than the knowledge gained,” Bohm explained.
"David Bohm, Quantum Mechanics, and Enlightenment." John Horgan
A pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase, representing a person, place, thing, or idea.
The upcoming eclipses fall on my 3rd and 9th house…
The saros is a period of exactly 223 synodic months, approximately 6585.3211 days, or 18 years, 10, 11, or 12 days (depending on the number of leap years), and 8 hours, that can be used to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon.
Lunar eclipses occur at the full moon phase. When Earth is positioned precisely between the Moon and the Sun, Earth's shadow falls upon the surface of the Moon, dimming it and sometimes turning the lunar surface a striking red over the course of a few hours.
EPR effect, was coined after the Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen thought experiment.
oops... take 2. another great AM Op. edition. as always, a great prompt to engadge in a dialogue with your most personal and private self. the resulting ruminations always will lead to a better understanding of how you move through the world and what motivates your decisions. great tie-in Bohmian Mechanics! finally, today's episode left me recalling the Zen axiom that suggests: "for a pool in a Zen garden to remain clear, new water has to flow in, as existing water flows out." ❤️2U, Monika B.