“For those who pass it without entering, the city is one thing; it is another for those who are trapped by it and never leave. There is the city where you arrive for the first time, and there is another city which you leave never to return. Each deserves a different name; perhaps I have already spoken of Irene under other names; perhaps I have spoken only of Irene.”
―Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
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In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.
“The fundamental engineering feature of the fiat system is that it treats future promises of money as if they were as good as present money because the government guarantees these promises”
― Saifedean Ammous, The Fiat Standard: The Debt Slavery Alternative to Human Civilization
01.18.24: I am almost left without words, contemplating what I have been building or reconstructing in the past 46 months…
A couple of years ago, while doing intensive 10-week breathwork with a practitioner, I narrated to her that during the breath trance, I saw myself stepping on a platform—a cantilever, a projecting beam supported at only one end. I felt that I would be in an eerie suspension and was not ready to step up then, as it led to the unknown. The skies were dimmed black, except all the bright stars above greeted me with a sense of familiarity.
The feeling was of unknown wonder1. I knew then I needed to get prepared, hone my resources, and shape them into not just one new tool but refine all of my other talents, even if that meant learning something completely new!
So I did, and now I am experiencing something summarized as something like: 'THERE IS NO WAY BACK TO FIAT'2 as a state of mind. I have been hashing and re-educating my brain with new information. I have also been integrating this info with my ongoing Hakomi sessions with Kai. I am very happy to announce that I have the resources to confront what, sometime back, used to trigger me and thus scare me: being authentic in group situations.
01.22.23: Last weekend, I stepped in as a panelist for a Bitcoin day conference in Naples, Florida. I was invited to be part of -a boomer panel that can speak with wisdom about how we can influence others to adopt Bitcoin-.
Of course, I had a lot of trouble with many of the wordings, but as I like to do, I challenged those views by expressing my personal perspective:
I don’t define myself by gender, age, or place of birth, not by any certification, I am a Polymath, and multi-disciplinary artist.
I am not an influencer as I don’t bestow power over anyone, nor would I like to. Instead, I like to inspire beings to be authentic.
It was a beautiful coincidence this happened the evening when Pluto entered the sign of Aquarius. I spoke of courage as the most important virtue this year, while Chiron and the North Node are in the sign of Aries, and Uranus is going direct and will meet Jupiter in the 21st degree of Taurus, April 20th: the time is Nigh!
I will expand more on my insights, as I have been a bit contemplative3 in the last weeks and am illustrating and writing the last texts of my upcoming book “The Nature of My Reality.” I am recording more dialogues with upcoming guests and preparing the launch of the presale of the book in the next 4 weeks.
-We are ready - says one little voice within, we have been preparing all our lives!
Full moon in Leo, Uranus direct
-Do you sense the inclination to express yourself and embrace the wilderness within your defined limits? 4
Overall reading: Uranus is the last planet to go direct, and even if the direction or destination is uncertain, a sense of the right timing to embody and act with wisdom prevails. Resources have been shaped into tools, and values and needs have been redefined. Abundance defines form, and support is not just for survival but for thriving. Trusting the unknown is a crucial lesson, and confronting fears allows one to step onto the platform.
One last word: Pluto entered Aquarius again, signifying acceleration. Clinging to fixed past ideologies can bring pain. The invitation is to plan strategically for re-construction what is wholesome to you, enabling navigation in the right frequency and vibrating in pure thriving experiences of joy.
Old English wundrian "be astonished," also "admire; make wonderful, magnify," from the source of wonder (n.). Cognate with Dutch wonderen, Old High German wuntaron, German wundern. Sense of "entertain some doubt or curiosity" is late 13c. Related: Wondered; wondering. Reflexive use (It wonders me that "I wonder why ...") was common in Middle English and as late as Tyndale (1533), and is said to survive in Yorkshire/Lincolnshire. In Pennsylvania German areas it is idiomatic from German das wundert mich.
Fiat, is another way to address what is fake, a scam, or a monetary system that has created chaos for civilization, here I refer to the context of Saifedean Ammous’ The Fiat Standard: The Debt Slavery Alternative to Human Civilization. The term "Fiat" is often associated with traditional government-issued currencies that are not backed by a physical commodity like gold or silver.
The sun will cross my ascendant at 7° Aquarius in a couple of days. Mercury and Mars meet in Capricorn, sextiling my Neptune in Scorpio. Transiting Jupiter, at 6° Taurus, meets both my Sun and Mercury, trining my natal Uranus, and sextile natal Saturn that also stands on my own natal Saturn. The North node is on my natal Mars, and Venus just joined my South Node trining my natal Sun. - READY I AM -
The moon in Leo forms a square with Jupiter, supported by Saturn, resulting in an inconjunct. Mars squares Chiron, and the lunar nodes focus on resolution with an orientation towards the individual Aries' perspective. Mercury, in a balsamic phase with Mars at 14° Capricorn, also forms a trine with Uranus. Venus recently entered Capricorn, finding support from Saturn, trining Jupiter, and casting a blind spot towards the dramatic Moon.
The Sun resides on gate 41.4, symbolizing successful adaptation to limitations. The moon and the earth align with gate 31.4, reflecting the ability to showcase leadership qualities positively and receive public recognition. Venus at gate 10.5 embodies behavior grounded in higher principles challenging existing norms. Mercury in gate 38.6 advises against stubbornness, cautioning against potential misunderstandings. Mars at gate 54.1 suggests extreme ambition and a proclivity for keeping secrets. Jupiter at gate 27.6 signals wariness of potential generosity abuse, underscoring the importance of assessing readiness for nurturing. Saturn at gate 55.6 represents emotional awareness, acknowledging the interdependence of material abundance and individual spirit, finding spirit through materialism. The nodes at 51.4/57.4 spotlight the genius to uncover opportunities amidst shock and the ability to master relationships based on intuitive clarity and sensitivity, ultimately enhancing productivity.