“The world which is described from observation is a manifestation of the mental activity of the observer. When man discovers that his world is his own mental activity made visible, that no man can come unto him except he draws him, and that there is no one to change but himself, his own imaginative self, his first impulse is to reshape the world in the image of his ideal. But his ideal is not so easily incarnated. At that moment when he ceases to conform to external discipline, he must impose upon himself a far more rigorous discipline, the self-discipline upon which the realization of his ideal depends.”
― Neville Goddard, Awakened Imagination
What lies in the consciousness
A new stream, another current, a novel path? A different journey, a diverse perception, an innovative way of thinking– but is it new? Or is it consolidating? Refining? Restructuring?
Some new ideas emerge, or new ways of implementing them not traveled before…
How about another P.O.V.?
It is so interesting to know, to know for a fact, that what I have learned thus far is something that I have tried, experienced, and assimilated. And that I can change my mind, as many times as I want, once I verify what is correct for my design.
Now– do you want to master it? And to know it?
This is a great experiment (life).

The ways that made me evolve in the last few years…
-Deep Listening
-Asking questions {I never stopped questioning the narrative}
Looking at how I related to those thoughts that I once believed were what defined me. Finding out that they were just thoughts, I practiced them so religiously that I enacted them as true.
On May 16, 2019, when Uranus met Venus and first touched my Jupiter at 3°Taurus (where the North Node of the Moon and Jupiter are meeting on 06.01.23), my floor shook. I felt that if I resisted the strength of the wind, it would break everything inside that held me together (my reality)... so I surrendered… (not without a fight).
Look at your journals– what was happening around May 16, 2019? Saturn was in Capricorn between the South Node and Pluto, little did we know what was coming 9 months later…
This is important because it was the summer before the lockdown, and somehow our memory has probably been fading, as so many insane events are still unfolding.
In my case, because of Uranus’ disruptive nature in Taurus, my ground was being shaken, and the belief systems that defined me for a long time started to be uprooted; I was deciding to sell all my storage, give up my NYC’s artist studio, and leave only what I needed and could pack in two days. I could feel the waves of change... I had a sense I had to follow, and so I did. Now I find myself on another, completely exciting, journey. Four years later, almost to the date (one-third of Jupiter’s journey around its cycle), two cycles have ended: one that started in May 2004, when the North Node met Jupiter at 11°Taurus; and another, not so minor, when Jupiter was in the same degree it is today, at end of 2011. (Degrees in the Zodiac carry a frequency that holds a memory with information, which becomes relevant at different times.)
I can say that the routes I traveled make sense in retrospect. Jupiter is looking for meaning, it expands horizons looking to implement ideas. Now beware of Taurus’ energy, my friends… as stable as it is, it carries an energy of stubbornness.
-Are you the same person you thought you were back in 2019? And the persona you are now, do they resemble, look alike, or have they been radically transformed? We all have Jupiter somewhere in our chart, and that is what has the potential to be transformed, as Pluto squares it along with the nodes. The reflection is about ways of thinking, ideologies, social constructs, belief systems, propaganda, information, data, and experience.
The innovative part of the journey is what I want you to look for– finding the courage to be unique, and embracing your singularity, will support the losses and close structures that are in decay. The journey can be, and will be, grounded in innovative ways when Jupiter conjuncts Uranus, April 20th, 2024.
The choices you have already made by letting go of addictive behavior will celebrate a new relationship to the leverage you now have within all kinds of relationships (Feb 21, 2024, when Venus, Mars [rulers of the nodes], Pluto in Aquarius, North Node in Aries, and Chiron meetup).
Also, look at what is closing, dissolving, as Saturn spends time in Pisces supporting this venture, allowing the stagnation and decay to evaporate and to mourn, while also supporting what is emerging -
Some journeys are very well known, journeys that have been recorded and told as fable stories– these heroes and heroines incorporated confrontations, hallucinations, battles, and moments of insight. They all went through a path of seeking and experiences. These memories, or scars, defined our lives, allowing each moment to be lived in truth.
There was no holding to ideas so fiercely, for what these heroes found was either death in a Valhalla, the battle where all fundamentalists are carrying blood in their hands, or imprisonment inside their heads with absolute-isms.
Deep inside we all know and sense that we are ONE– it is not just a “religious” or “woo-woo thing”-- it is the truth about what Spirit knows: we are all particles of dust from dead stars that have been shattered at the beginning. And while we carry the idea of singularity in the Maia, we still fight fiercely in the duality of the light and the shadow, perceiving our uniqueness as independent beings, and like lunatics, we fight the dark side aimlessly.
While all we can do is embrace the light and integrate what is triggering the discomfort.
But in truth, that is only a lens, an opportunity that can so gracefully lead to one or many (r)evolutions.
Life on earth is a lease, a contract with spirit, as we wake up from the nightmare of duality that keeps painfully separating our bodies, by nominating and dissecting genders, ideologies, and disguising the fear behind mask-personas that are purely mental constructs. Like in ancient Greece, where you could be shamed and stoned to death, all these static belief systems arrive as cancel culture. The fear is real.
But not mine– you can cancel me all you’d like, for I neither can, nor will, abide by your conditions!
When one knows and surrenders to their design, there is only flow: - Bruce Lee’s quote here ___ (place holder)- Be water, my friends-
The more labeling, the more separation, the more suffering, and the more loss of hope.
The stream is the journey, the wind helps the sails, and the knowledge of the stars finally orients us correctly to the position our crystal has been in from the beginning of time– this holographic image of the whole universe, that you are, the fractal mirrors ALL THAT IS, at all times.
opportunity (n.) "fit, convenient, suitable, favorable," from the phrase ob portum veniens "coming toward a port," in reference to the wind, from ob "in front of; toward" (see ob-) + portus "harbor" (see port (n.1)).
Luck vs decision making
I don’t believe in luck, but in making the right decisions, opportunities abound. But are we choosing what is correct for our singularity? [By the way, to the curious mind, Human Design is the practice to understand, to know your design so you can make the right decisions based on your authority and type.]
I have been facilitating study groups in the last year or so - they differ from workshops. It makes me feel I don’t have to carry the weight of the group - instead, leading by example, Venus in Gate 45.5, I encourage everyone to create a relationship with their individual sense of values and provide support to the tribe with educational resources.
Jupiter, as the teacher, can be projected as the guru, and also as the disciple who is willing to be humble and learn from the lineage of ancestry.
I, myself with all the 6 lines in my design, take neither control nor responsibility over anyone’s decisions. If you are looking for a guide/guru, I would like you to unfollow me. Despite my only two 5th lines, 45.5 and 63.5, they are projected outwardly, and I have no necessity of confirmation by the masses. My 2nd lines need my hermit hut in the hopes of coming out from time to time to share whatever crosses my imagination.
Is it correct for your design (your uniqueness) to follow the path you are taking? Can I mirror and bring out the alignment needed with care? And for that, I appreciate our relationship. I feel I can give all of my talents/resources to the group as I am - to learn, to accept, and feel supported by others, too.
I have to say it has expanded my vision like Jupiter expands opportunities.
Also with my Jupiter’s 5th, and my 2nd Saturn return this year, I accept what I don’t know about my limitations and project myself to refine them joyously.
The scope is the journey of mutual discovery - the pilgrimage - the opportunity and empirical practice.
-Are you a rebel with a cause?
-A soldier awaiting orders?
-A sovereign individual who knows their worth?
-Who are you?
-What ideologies are defining and limiting you?
-There is still a road ahead, and boy, am I excited!!
-Are you? Is your Jupiter an optimist or pessimist?
-You know mine!
Cheers, compañeros de viaje ( journey companions)!

“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams — this may be madness. Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!”
I, Don Quixote, a play written for television by Dale Wassermann and acted by Peter O’tool, 1971
A play about a man who wrote a novel about a man who read so much about his heroes that he decided to go on a pilgrimage himself to become the (anti)hero of his stories; it is in the journey to seek the truth that we underline the importance of the imagination.
The esoteric journey of Don Quijote de la Mancha
A strike of intuition moved me the other day to look into Don Quijote de la Mancha and to link it as a metaphor for the current Jovian energies and the path of individuation. I had read it in high school (in a Spanish-speaking country, it is a ‘must’ part of the curriculum), as was Garcia Marques’, 100 Años de Soledad. All I remember is its satire, the relationship between a fool and his sidekick, traveling the fields of a stained land (La Mancha). Was Cervantes a “pig”, a Jew? Was his family converted during the Inquisition? Was he motivated to find his purpose and meaning practically? Perhaps.
I was not too enamored by the epoch in which it was written– too much colonization for my taste, and too much religious conversion by one of the bloodiest empires (well, maybe not so bloody anymore, as empires now conquer our minds through propaganda).
I, however, went looking for the hermetic, esoteric meaning of this major opera, which defined the language of my ancestors in the old continent.
Who is Alonso Quijano, and what are his views really? And why does he go under the name of Don Quijote, a nickname he invents, perhaps after falling into [in]sanity, becoming so obsessed with chivalry, to the point of starting his own voyage? But for me, this is the key– in his insanity, there is hope: the hope of finding the hero within.
However, Sancho, his squire, gave him another nickname, the knight of sorrowful countenance, explains: Don Quijote is the worst-looking man he has ever seen, thin from hunger and missing most of his teeth. Sexy!
In looking for the hidden, unwritten, and hermetic meaning, I found some confirmations of why I chose him and the book for this article, or rather, why he chose me! Feel free to investigate– after all, I can make up another piece of literature based of written gibberish inspired by a tall, lunatic chevalier.
The bottom line for me is that if I don't try the fool's way, I will never know… so my certainty is the freedom I conquer when I embark on my path of uniqueness despite the fact I may be called a Lunatic. The path of individuation of Don Quixote is a yielding feminine embrace of the right side of the brain, and by traveling physically around the fields of La Mancha, he applies the Yang quality– the experience itself is the synthesis, as is the experience of each one of our lives.
Are we witnessing similar waves? Where expressing our views can land us in dangerous zones? Can we follow an individual path in peace? Who benefits from following the herd?
Cada loco con su tema is a phrase I use all the time, which means to each their own but which literally translates as each fool has its own theme…
[...] In the prologue to his Novelas Ejemplares, Cervantes admits to having incorporated “some hidden mystery… that redeems [the stories]”. The intention of the works would only be revealed after a careful reading: “If you look at them well, there’s none from which you can’t take out a beneficial effect”. Professor Rosa María Stoops states that the plot of each of these stories illustrates a different aspect of the alchemical process, with references to sacred geometry.
[...] Dominique Aubier already suggested in 1966 that the word Qeshot means “truth” or “certainty” in Aramaic. She also added that Quixano, the character’s original name, is an anagram for Anokhi, the Hebrew first-person pronoun, which would suggest Cervantes’s identification with his immortal character.
[...] It is the ambiguity in Don Quixote’s madness that continues to inspire interpretations of the “occult truth” supposedly hidden in the novel. Don Quixote’s madness is similar to that of a visionary or a mystic. We may believe he’s an initiate, someone who is able to see through the veil of Isis. He reflects upon reality on numerous occasions: “…there is always a swarm of enchanters in attendance upon us that change and alter everything with us, and turn things as they please, and according as they are disposed to aid or destroy us; thus what seems to thee a barber’s basin seems to me Mambrino’s helmet”.
The Secrets Of Don Quixote, Published on July 13, 2016, First published in Fortean Times #340, Maria J. Cuervo.
De-ciphering and meaning
I have to admit I love de-coding along the way of artists, musicians, and poets who connected their essence to the source. The clues are always hidden, for the path is one, and each one has to pursue it, find the pearls by themselves, with no spoilers, no shortcuts– sorry!
I can scroll down or right on social media and confirm the insanity of what is being witnessed.
I can decide to pick up a bag, call my sidekick, and jump on a horse, starting the enterprise of changing the perspective. One thing is for sure– I won’t mimic anyone else’s path, nor do I wish to follow anyone’s steps. Like Don Quixote, I will use my imagination and make-believe my sentiments to the point of making them happen; mind you, that is what I did when I moved to the USA and started making art. I became an artist, embracing “it” as if it was already a done deal.
Imagination has a dual reputation. For certain things it is great, but for others, when the consensus wants to diminish your bravery, you are coined as an imaginative fool.
-Who cares– we are all FOOLS!
I can’t follow friends or trends.
My lunatic enterprise these days is about not repeating the same bad habit twice -- changing gears in the little things. I spent so much time refining practices that when I notice what I am doing, I make an effort to move! Now I must live and show up to verify that the knowledge is in the journey, not in the seeking for something…
Further down, a clip from the brilliant Eric Weinstein. The difference between right and left brain cognitive functions: the loop as a logical left-side brain parameter, which searches for innovation and wants to build the future in machines; and the abstract circuit of our design, which looks to the past for answers and patterns, which are not verifiable with 1s and 0s -- they are connected via metaphors, anecdotes, and fables.
The scope?
Observe, apply, and synthesize.
Move, move, INITIATE! Movement leads to innovation, and revolves around not holding on to decay.
I am aware of where I put my energy on a day to day. I choose the frequency carefully. I surrender to the journey, and lunatic or not, I live my path in different perspectives. That is how I, Monika, do it.
How about you?
Full moon in Sagittarius 06.03.23, The Sun in Gate 35 - The Earth in Gate 5 - The rhythm can be found within the Journey
Neptune is still in gate 36 [the possibility to master crisis by maintaining a correct attitude] makes Channel 35-36: the Adventurer, a defined Solar plexus. Mastering emotional experiences, feeling the experience.
Drawn by seeking new experiences at all costs to master the waves that life brings, a collective sensing channel, it is eager to share these trials and errors and let go of expectations as the journey IS THE DESTINATION. The result lies in the capacity to trust the wave until time renders clarity and shows when and where to turn once one reaches a fork in the road… this leads to progress, as all parts are far from decaying in stagnant postures!
Be hungry for your life, filled with adventures that will bring a bounty of expertise, while the rhythm of time aligns with the magnetism of this abundant life experience.
-Will you be my Sancho, the companion of my imagination?
-Yes, I will…
Imagination is nothing more than sensory states. Learn to go beyond an idea by feeling its reality.
Truth depends upon the intensity of imagination, not upon facts.
Neville Goddard “Be What You Wish”, p.23, Simon and Schuster
#AI - Attention is all YOU need- white paper
The dominant sequence transduction models are based on complex recurrent or convolutional neural networks that include an encoder and a decoder. The best-performing models also connect the encoder and decoder through an attention mechanism. We propose a new simple network architecture, the Transformer, based solely on attention mechanisms, dispensing with recurrence and convolutions entirely. Experiments on two machine translation tasks show these models to be superior in quality while being more parallelizable and requiring significantly less time to train…
Attention is all YOU need - white paper
Ashish Vaswani∗ Llion Jones∗ Noam Shazeer∗ Niki Parmar∗ Jakob Uszkoreit∗ Aidan N. Gomez∗ Łukasz Kaiser∗ Illia Polosukhin∗ Google Brain + Research, and University of Toronto,2017
This paper is referenced below:
During the recent Bitcoin 2023 conference (which I attended), this panel held between Robert Breedlove and Eric Weinstein caught my attention, by the way, the whole 20 plus minutes is a joy, full of discoveries for the curious mind. Eric is a mathematician and wanted to disrupt the environment with ideas out of the box.
In sum, as Mercury (ruler of the Sun in Gemini) meets Uranus, it will be looking for innovative technical data, and Jupiter (ruling the Full Moon in Sagittarius) will make sure to empirically test it and have a different view. Neptune, still in Pisces, surrenders to the experience by resonating with what lies beyond the Uranian-Aquarian innovative mind. Pluto, the South Node still in Scorpio, confronts and reveals what hides underneath, which needs to be expressed and validated in a unique way, with Mars leading our creative juices in Leo.
Jupiter’s current journey can be also felt like a change of heart, a μετάνοια, metanoia1 [beyond nous], where the essence, the intuitive insight, the ability to make intelligent decisions, especially in everyday matters embraces a correction in the path.
Metanoia in psychology is a breakdown, in Rhetoric is a correction, in Theology a reformation, for me is an opportunity to keep traveling down the stream of life, aligned with source.