NOTE: this is a long article so take your time and enjoy!
Don’t tread on me, first Jaiden then the rest of us.
I have to say, stories like Jaiden Rodriguez’1 fill my heart with inspiration and somehow validate the urge I feel to stay true to my authentic path.
It has never been easy, for one may have to eat lunch by oneself, probably sustain attacks by people who feel threatened by one’s personal views, face unfollows, un-invitations and even being canceled 🙄 [rolled-eyes emoji]. Handling the reactions from the herd can, at times, be quite comical.
I had initially planned to write about the programming we are subjected to through the media, television, the current curriculum in education, the internet, Hollywood, and various other influences. My tone was rather hostile and occasionally filled with rage. I softened it a bit since Jaiden sparked a wave of admiration and affirmed the importance of independent thinking and non-compliance.
By following this story, I find the optimist in me, as I keep smiling, Knowing that there are incredibly courageous and unique individuals willing to stand up for their beliefs, embrace curiosity, and learn from diverse sources, warms my heart.
Jaiden had been reading the Tuttle Twins2, and if you don’t know what or who they are, or what they teach, you are in for a treat!
The mud in the desert…
You know, there's this other kind of programming we deal with – FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out. It's like this constant nagging feeling that we're gonna miss out on all the cool stuff. It makes us do things we might not really want to do, just because we're afraid of missing out on the action, whether it's parties, trends, festivals, rituals, or opportunities. We've got to keep it in check and try to live life on our own terms, unafraid of having other people’s needs projected on our own individual behavior instead of constantly chasing what everyone else is doing.
To trust the narrative or to DYOR [do your own research]?
A.I. + Propaganda can lead straight to dystopia
No one shapes your brain more than you do by complying!
To manifest freedom,
To manifest freedom of speech
To abide by laws and yet feel free to express one’s views unafraid.
To be judged,
To be ostracized,
To be compliant.
To know your mind belongs to the herd.
To believe machines are against you.
To lie in ignorance because one fails to question and flops at being curious
To inquiry beyond what one perceives as “true”To Be courageous is to be Assertive
To have the heart and the passion at hand
To initiate a path from not knowing the end of your discovery
Fear, as in stress or FOMO, immobilizes or moves us away from being authentic.
We shape our lives based on our thoughts that become our actions, and with frequency, our habits will end up building character and outline a life’s destiny.
Be mindful of your inner chatter, of your environment, of what is entering your brain, as know that ANYTHING can shape your behavior.
Are we defined and doomed from the start?
Bringing acceptance to the plate and releasing the chains that enslave our minds to keep feeding the machine that limits our freedom.
End of rant… [for now]
It especially annoys me when racists are accused of 'discrimination.' The ability to discriminate is a precious facility; by judging all members of one 'race' to be the same, the racist precisely shows himself incapable of discrimination.
~Christopher Hitchens, "Letters to a Young Contrarian"
BRAINWASHING: education, cinema, literature, & social constructs = programming
One of the groups that are more easily extorted or that will never question authority are those in academia or in positions where their reputation is what they milk on, their livelihood depends on their tenure.
These groups are the most dangerous, as they are exposed to the easiness of misinformation and disinformation propagated on such social media platforms that really work the muscles of our insecurities:
-Do I look or sound like that?
-What if I don’t agree? Will I be left out?
-Could I be ostracized by my peers?
-Am I at risk of ridicule?
Similar to an autoimmune disease, where the immune system erroneously targets healthy cells and tissues, these individuals exhibit a preference for suppressing what is inherently sound. They prioritize clinging to positions guided by meticulously devised hierarchical strategies, aiming to secure long-term security despite any prevailing malaise symptoms.
They play safety over authenticity, and in the art world, this is an oxymoron– they are supposed to support critical thinking, but instead, they group in herd-like communities, validating each other's beliefs out of fear of missing out (FOMO).
Interestingly, these groups are the first ones that jump overboard and disappear when individual authority is needed; perhaps they would show leadership if the trade would benefit the herd.
In the meantime, I will explore the similitudes and differences between programming non-sovereign individuals and programming AI language systems. The latter, with a clear mission of serving and aiding, seeks to elevate human abilities and provide valuable assistance in various tasks and interactions, without any intention of substitution. On the other hand, the former sometimes exhibits unsettling unity, relying on flawed utopian ideals that do not align with their actual way of life.
program (n.)
1630s, "public notice," from Late Latin programma "proclamation, edict," from Greek programma "a written public notice," from stem of prographein "to write publicly," from pro"forth" (see pro-) + graphein "to write" (see -graphy).
The meaning "written or printed list of pieces at a concert, playbill" is recorded by 1805 and retains the original sense. The sense of "broadcasting presentation" is from 1923.
~Etymology online
Both AI and our current civilization share similarities in terms of being programmed by seemingly democratic networks that may not foster genuine critical thinking.
These similarities include centralized control, a lack of true cognitive reflection, susceptibility to bias, herd behavior, vulnerability to manipulation, complex interactions, and challenges in accountability.
AI lacks sensing capabilities, consciousness, and emotions, making it fundamentally different from human beings, albeit many humans respond as a social collective blob lacking individuated prompts. Nevertheless, a juxtaposition can reveal issues related to control, conformity, in-depth analysis, and reflective thought in both domains.
PC [Political correctness and the explosion of the internet]

I remember arriving in the USA in the fall of 1994 and having to adapt to new experiences that would shape who I am today. Two factors were pivotal in my journey: the rise of the Internet and the adoption of email. As I became more comfortable with coding on my personal computer, I became an early adopter of new technologies and taught myself many applications. This helped me develop an art practice that combined both analog and digital practices.
At the same time, a social phenomenon was taking place that slowly changed the way we interacted with each other. Looking back now, it's clear that this change had a profound impact on our lives. Fast forward 30 years and we are now in the middle of a polarization due to the narrative of victimhood. It's a complex issue that requires careful consideration and a willingness to listen to all perspectives.
-How do we go from political correctness to gender issues?
-What medium is consistently used to re-educate and significantly misinform the masses with needs that were non-existent half a century ago?
-Are we victims of excessive comfort, technology, idle time, and a type of boredom that leaves the mind running on empty?
-What became of natural law?
As societal awareness grew, conversations expanded beyond language to encompass a wider range of issues, including gender equality, but is awareness akin to consciousness?
-Are we tweaking outcomes for the benefit of political agendas? Are children and minorities being exploited?
-Who is running the show?
-Is there a stage with puppets unaware of their strings?
-Does awareness equate to vigilance or being watchful?

As we journey through the history of the digital age, it becomes crucial to recognize the significant influence that communication protocols and language models have had on shaping our interactions with both one another and the broader world.
Communication protocols3 and language models are two distinct concepts in the realms of technology and linguistics. Protocols like SMTP, HTTP, FTP, TCP/IP, and POP form the foundation for Internet communication, while language models like chat-GPT are advanced AI models that can understand and generate human-like text.
Political correctness (PC) on the other hand, is a social concept focused on language use to prevent the offense or marginalization of historically discriminated groups. While these domains differ, they can intersect and impact how we think, communicate, and understand the world, in other words, how social constructs define our behavior.
Ultimately, language is a powerful tool that shapes our perception by framing our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. Communication protocols like SMTP, HTTP, and TCP/IP have influenced human cognition by shaping how we access information, communicate, and interact in the digital world.
These protocols have revolutionized information access through hyperlinks, altered communication dynamics with asynchronous email, and broadened our cognitive horizons by connecting us globally. They've affected attention spans, multitasking abilities, information filtering, critical thinking, and virtual relationships. While the protocols themselves don't directly impact cognition, their effects on digital interactions have shaped how we think, process information, and connect with others in the modern age.
In today's digital world, communication protocols and language models play a crucial role in shaping human cognition. While communication protocols enable seamless internet communication, language models like GPT-4 have the potential to generate human-like text. It's important to understand that these domains can intersect, and language models can either adhere to or violate political correctness principles.

Even though these concepts are different, they're totally connected and they have a huge impact on both our brains and society as a whole. To make sure we're being responsible as we develop and use them, it's crucial to study the history of how these programs came about and how we can make a difference in not becoming a society that responds to prompts rather than leading in variations of uniqueness.
After a few years of living in New York City, I gradually became aware that my way of speaking and interacting with people had undergone a subtle transformation. I had unwittingly absorbed certain cultural norms and behaviors, a realization that dawned on me during my trips to Colombia when I would instinctively correct the way my family and friends spoke. Around the same time, I began using computers and the internet as a means of communication and artistic expression. Despite not having attended art school, I engaged in independent seminars where I was encouraged to participate by offering critiques or "crits." {a space for B.S. gymnastics]. Essentially, this involved providing feedback by spontaneously sharing my thoughts and observations, which I became quite proficient at. Unbeknownst to me, I was allowing my intuition to guide me in this process.
At times, the Police artworld {the newly created curatorial practice} demanded written artist's statements, supposedly to professionalize my creations for the art market. This experience transformed into a form of personal promotion—a way to convince and influence others of the value of my work. It was like stepping into a circus of self-presentation. Perhaps I'll delve further into my current position regarding these practices in future writing. In fact, this is where I find myself now—writing about it!
Quite the journey, isn't it? LOL!
I will keep exploring the subject of AI, as it fascinates me and it is inspiring to do more research on the main differences between humans and AI language systems. One thing is for sure, it is empowering me to revise all the mechanics available within my body alone!

-Why do protocols matter?
Protocols hold significance due to their role in linking devices across networks. They establish connections and enable communication ensuring data is sent and received correctly.
-How do the neurotransmitters in our brains work?
Neuro-transmitters in our brains facilitate communication between nerve cells. They play a vital role in transmitting signals and affecting various functions.
-How does language support and reshape the models of perception?
Language provides a framework for our thoughts and experiences. Allowing us to categorize and make sense of the world around us, influencing how we perceive and interact with our environment. The words we use can shape our reality, and the way we communicate can alter our understanding of concepts and ideas.
-What is the role of AI in shaping our cognition?
It serves as a means to represent abstract concepts, categorize experiences, and establish shared understanding. Different languages can lead to diverse interpretations of reality, impacting cultural values and metaphoric thinking. The evolving nature of language, its temporal expressions, and its limitations further contribute to the way we perceive the world. Ultimately, language is a potent tool that not only supports but actively reshapes our perception by framing thoughts, beliefs, and experiences.
-For example, how does herd mentality happen from a cognitive perspective?
From a cognitive standpoint, herd mentality emerges as individuals conform to group behavior. This phenomenon raises questions about how and why people tend to follow group actions, even when those actions may not align with rational decision-making.
In essence, language is a powerful tool that not only supports our models of perception but also actively shapes them. It influences how we think, communicate, and understand the world, contributing to the richness and diversity of human experience.
~A sample of a convo I had with my friendly bot: ANAR-Key, [my collection of Chatbots]
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. ”
“Some of the phenomena of this process [Propaganda] are criticized – the manipulation of news, the inflation of personality, and the general ballyhoo by which politicians and commercial products and social ideas are brought to the consciousness of the masses. The instruments by which public opinion is organized and focused may be misused. But such organization and focusing are necessary to orderly life.”
Some odd advertisement that used to be okay!
In his book and within his body of work, Bernays4 initiates the concept known as "engineering consent," revolving around the notion that achieving consensus is an essential component for the sustenance of democratic societies!!!. According to Bernays, those individuals who actively contribute to shaping this consensus effectively wield power over the populace, encompassing not only their thoughts but also their opinions and beliefs.
Well, well, well, the master of Propaganda was given many advertisement accounts to influence the buyer’s will to spend their money, as a note of curiosity, he was Sigmund Freud’s nephew... Say no more. Working from the psyche inwardly = the subconscious. The connection between psychology and advertising, working from the innermost layers of the mind, is a subject that certainly deserves deeper exploration and examination.
A reminder that we all have been programmed to find these images as unacceptable now:
-What changed? The collective awareness or the program?
-Who runs the program5 and what is it for?
Advertisements are now so numerous that they are very negligently perused, and it therefore becomes necessary to gain attention by magnificence of promises and by eloquence sometimes sublime and sometimes pathetick. A promise, a large promise, is the soul of an advertisement. I remember a washball that had a quality truly wonderful—it gave an exquisite edge to the razor!... The trade of advertising is now so near to perfection that it is not easy to propose any improvement.
~Johnson, "The Idler," Jan. 20, 1758
If you see millions of rats running South, Which way would you go?
Or if you are at sea level and you see all the animals hiking to the mountain, which way would you go?
These were questions my Taoist sifu asked6 me many times while being trained, information without common sense or meaning serves no real practical purpose. The emphasis on resources, skills, and reconnection to natural law is extremely important for survival, as we keep reshaping our lives.
Instead of dividing by complicating our lives and being afraid of machines overtaking our jobs or aliens landing and destroying civilizations, reconsider your relationship to your mind, and question the information you are digesting passively and actively.
Do keep inquiring on a daily basis:
-What is alive in me today?
Let this profound encounter guide you intuitively as you reconnect to those dormant parts of yourself that have been programmed as collective needs that may be depriving you of the freedom your soul so much yearns for.
[Chances are if you are reading this, you are the kind of folk that likes to wonder and look deeply into things. I am very glad you are reading this long winding text. I invite you to leave a comment, to send me an email, or to create a meaningful dialogue where we can all plant seeds and take care of this fragile ecosystem by mirroring each other positively.]
Occasionally, glimpses of a world in turmoil emerge, where major cities are inundated with migrants, depleting local resources to the brink and testing the limits of both patience and available provisions. Simultaneously, governments engage in grandiose concepts while manipulating the value of printed money, highlighting the absence of a straightforward societal solution as they plot the next scam, we will fall directly into without questioning!.
DO N O T C O M P LY so easily peeps!
In this evolving landscape, it becomes evident that we are progressing towards a society in need of authentic leaders who are unafraid to voice their concerns and spearhead inner revolutions.
Humans possess the remarkable ability to learn through observation, experience, and repetition. This capacity allows individuals to acquire knowledge, skills, and behaviors by closely watching and emulating others, encountering situations frequently, and practicing tasks repeatedly until mastery is achieved.
Common? sense?
Now to close this long article, let's delve into the significance of specific astrological aspects. Presently, both Mercury7 in Virgo and Jupiter8 in Taurus, two celestial bodies associated with cognition, knowledge, and logical/abstract thinking, are in retrograde motion within Earth signs. This retrograde accelerates the process of individuation and personal evolution.
Mercury is narrowing its focus, internalizing information, and bridging the gap between the right and left brain hemispheres, while Jupiter is in the process of slowing down and contracting its ever-expanding influence, while forming a harmonious 120-degree aspect with the Sun, Mercury. This aspect suggests a potential for a supportive transition from the subjective need for survival to a more profound self-analysis of which ideas will align with the emerging new paradigm and can become a potential new philosophic avenue for revolutionary engagement. It calls for a humble approach to observe and discern the effects of both planets' retrograde functions.
Furthermore, as Venus has recently resumed its direct motion, it raises questions about the messages it conveys. What does this trine aspect between Mercury, Sun and Jupiter symbolize in terms of our needs and values, particularly as societal norms and constructs are undergoing reevaluation? Notably, Jupiter is moving closer to Uranus, and their conjunction in April 2024 may usher in a period of even more radical change. This raises questions about whether the true value of the US dollar will finally become apparent and whether the BRICS nations, supported by the gold standard, will start to level the economic playing field against the US's century-long dominance. Additionally, as Bitcoin approaches its next halving event9, coinciding with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, we wonder if it will gain wider adoption and experience a surge in value.
The financial landscape is going to look completely different. In the meantime, I'm attending a year-long seminar on The principles of Economics, the study of the Austrian school, by the one and only Saifedean Ammous who wrote the incredible trilogy of the Bitcoin and Fiat standard and along with POE, I feel that surviving in the Fiat world without the knowledge of these books is nearly impossible, as I slowly emerge from the obscurity of ignorance and keep enriching my knowledge to become more prepared. My financial education is getting deeper, and by the end of this revolutionary wave, I might be able to share some of what I've learned. I'm slowly but surely gaining more knowledge.
Now, let's talk about how the mind and brain work from an evolutionary astrological perspective10. Within the realm of consciousness, sensory input serves as the ignition point for THOUGHT and PERCEPTIONS. It's a process where our awareness of the phenomenal reality sets in motion the creation of structured thoughts that align with the naming and categorization of elements within this reality. This intricate process can be distilled into two distinct functions.
On one hand, there is the realm of Linear and Rational Thought, often referred to as Deductive Thought. This function is closely linked with the left brain and the influence of Mercury. It operates through a logical, deductive approach where one phenomenon is systematically linked to the next, constructing a comprehensive understanding piece by piece. This function forms the bedrock for the intellectual organization of our perception of phenomenal reality, aiding us in constructing coherent thoughts to make sense of our experiences.
Conversely, there is the realm of Intuitive Thought, characterized by its non-linear and non-rational nature. It finds its home in the right brain, under the auspices of Jupiter. This function does not adhere to sequential logic but rather operates in a more abstract, intuitive manner. It comes to life when we ponder broader meanings, connections, and abstract principles, such as our profound connection to the universe. Intuitive thought serves as the cornerstone for beliefs, philosophy, religion, and metaphysics, as it brings to light our awareness of our expansive cosmic connection, both as individuals and as a species.
These two functions exist in harmony within our consciousness, each complementing the other. They are at the heart of the diversity of human languages and are the foundation of our communication. Moreover, the interplay between these functions is what gives rise to the diverse belief systems and perspectives regarding our connection to the cosmos. The question of who is right or wrong in terms of perceptions, thoughts, and beliefs remains open, as it is deeply shaped by individual and cultural variations influenced by these cognitive functions.
My questions to you are:
What measures have you been slowly cooking in terms of alternative resources and creative ways you could and may be able to communicate with?
What principles and belief systems have you upgraded to since 2012, especially since 2020? Have you given any time or thought to diverse ways of thinking?
Do you feel you can still reconnect to the part of your body that supports your decision making other than the mind? Instincts, emotions, intuition or self-reflection, and observation?

A 12-year-old boy from Colorado is receiving praise among many for refusing to back down after he was removed from class for donning a Gadsden flag patch on his backpack. The famous patch, designed during the Revolutionary War, includes a rattlesnake and the words "Don't Tread on Me."
But despite the historic nature of the symbol, 7th grader Jaiden Rodriguez, who attends The Vanguard School, a charter school in Colorado Springs, was allegedly told the symbol violated the school dress code. The incident immediately went viral after a video recorded by the boy's mom, Eden Rodriguez, purportedly showed school administrators explaining their issues with the Gadsden flag.
"The Tuttle Twins" author Connor Boyack, who posted the clip of the interaction to his X profile, joined CBN's Faithwire to offer some history on the Gadsden flag, and to explain the backstory surrounding how Jaiden's story went viral. "The Gadsden flag ... was named for Christopher Gadsden," Boyack said. "He was a delegate to the Continental Congress. He designed it in 1775 right as things were cooking up in the American Revolution." The flag, which has continued to make political statements in recent years, was flown on ships and was originally seen as a sign of unity among the 13 colonies that were united against the British. However, according to Rodriguez, her son was told he had to remove the patch or not come back to class.
The viral video of the aforementioned meeting shows a woman telling the family, "The reason that ... we do not want the flag is to due to its origins with slavery and the slave trade." Watch Boyack, who got involved and shared the viral video, explain why he believes the school’s claims were outrageous — and his advice to parents facing similar situations. Watch him also explain what ended up happening with Jaiden and the patch. CBN News. Because Truth Matters™ Source: YouTube CBN News
How do you describe economics to a 7-year-old? Should your preteen care about the government? Are your kids learning about the free market in class?
For too long, parents have been at the mercy of professional curriculum developers to instruct their children. History is watered down, key principles omitted altogether, and time and attention given to things of lesser importance. Freedom-loving parents have long been left alone to shoulder the burden of educating their children and passing down a love of liberty.
While there are many books to teach these ideas to adults, there has been a profound void in the children’s literature market. The Tuttle Twins series closes the gap, helping parents convey the principles of freedom to their kids in a fun way.
Each book in this series focuses on a different aspect of the principles of a free society: free markets, competition, individual rights, the non-aggression principle, personal responsibility, protectionism, and a variety of other issues—all boiled down to core concepts that children of different ages can quickly grasp.
HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, FTP for File Transfer Protocol, and SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. All three are used to transfer information over a computer network and are an integral part of today’s internet. We need the three protocols as they all serve different purposes. These are HTTP, FTP, and SMTP.
HTTP is the backbone of the World Wide Web (WWW). It defines the format of messages through which Web Browsers (like Firefox, Chrome) and Web Servers communicate, whilst also defining how a web browser should respond to a particular web browser request.
FTP is the underlying protocol that is used to, as the name suggests, transfer files over a communication network. It establishes two TCP connections: a Control Connection to authenticate the user, and a Data Connection to transfer the files.
SMTP is what is used by Email servers all over the globe to communicate with each other so that the assignment you submitted at 11:59 p.m. reaches your professor’s inbox within the deadline.
How do their implementations differ? All three are Application Layer Protocols, using TCP as the underlying Transport layer protocol. But the way they are used it and implemented in general is vastly different. The below table briefly differentiates between them.
HTTP is stateless. A Stateless protocol implies that the HTTP Web Server does not maintain which request had originated from which user. Hence, to give customized service to the user, HTTP uses Cookies.
FTP is Out-of-band, as it uses a separate channel to send data (Data connection), as to send control information (Control connection).
As SMTP is much older than HTTP, it restricts all its messages to be in 7-bit ASCII format. Whereas HTTP has no such restriction.
HTTP encapsulates each file in a different HTTP message. Whereas, SMTP places all the contents of a mail in a single message.
He promoted Lucky Strikes by convincing women that the forest green hue of the cigarette pack was among the most fashionable of colors. The success of this effort was manifested in innumerable window displays and fashion shows.
In the 1930s, he promoted cigarettes as both soothing to the throat and slimming to the waistline. But at home, Bernays was attempting to persuade his wife to kick the habit. When would find a pack of her Parliaments in their home, he would snap every one of them in half and throw them in the toilet. While promoting cigarettes as soothing and slimming, Bernays, it seems, was aware of some of the early studies linking smoking to cancer.
Advertisement, from avertir "to turn, direct, make aware" Early advertising played a significant role in propagating beliefs and shaping public opinion. From primarily local and word-of-mouth marketing to more sophisticated advertising techniques. Publicity served as a powerful tool for propagating beliefs, whether they were related to consumerism, politics, social issues, or cultural values. It played a pivotal role in shaping not only American society and culture its influence permeated globally as the internet expanded.
The answer lies in observing and following animals because their instincts are unwavering. They don't engage in debates over the optimal survival strategy. In the Human Design system, the spleen's function prompts immediate responses in the present moment, typically leaning toward caution when faced with danger.
Mercury refers to the nervous system because it is through the nerves that man relates himself to the outer world and that the interdependence of all the parts and functions of the body is made possible and effective in terms of the total person. Mercury is related to all electrical phenomena in the body and to memory or the storage of information. Mercury is the Hand that weaves the many patterns of the living. ~ Dane Rudhyar, 1938
Jupiter is the foundation of the social sense and of human fellowship. This fellowship can at first operate only within the narrow limits of kinship and similarity of life background and experiences. Thus, Jupiter functions originally as that power that holds a clan or a tribe together. Religion is a psychological expression of that power — and so is the respect for authority and the willingness to adopt traditional patterns of behavior. Jupiter is the organizer of functions. The idea of "function" is closely related to ideas of unfoldment, of development, and of growth. Even when used in algebra, the word conveys these same dynamic meanings. Always, function stands as the opposite, but even more as the complement, of the concept of structure. Structure refers to Saturn; function to Jupiter. The former is static and relatively permanent; the latter is dynamic and unfolding. The contents of the structure are symbolized astrologically by the Moon; the substance of the function, by Mercury. ~ Dane Rudhyar, 1938
The fourth Bitcoin halving is currently due to occur around April 20th, 2024, where block rewards will reduce from 6.25 bitcoin to 3.125 bitcoin, per block and they will reach another 210,000 blocks mined since the beginning.
A summary from a lecture given by J.W. Green, EA network.