Note: As you have noticed through these articles, my writing is prompted by insights and these spur from periods of contemplation, and other times from feelings and sensations when I am actively responding to my environment.
This article is a bit lengthy, so thank you for engaging.
Time stamps:
02:29 - Is excellence a virtue?
05:35 - Purpose and environment: Vertical and horizontal parameters
07:45 - Upcoming cycles
10:16 - The possibility of living your purpose
13:56 - Natural law and subtle quality
15:01 - FEEDBACK -Where am I on the map?
19:45 - Deaf to noise
22:34 - The Two Faces of Time + footnotes
The map of nothingness: A perfect and absolute blank!
089 The Bellman himself they all praised to the skies—
090 Such a carriage, such ease and such grace!
091 Such solemnity, too! One could see he was wise,
092 The moment one looked in his face!093 He had bought a large map representing the sea,
094 Without the least vestige of land:
095 And the crew were much pleased when they found it to be
096 A map they could all understand.097 “What’s the good of Mercator’s North Poles and Equators,
098 Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines?”
099 So the Bellman would cry: and the crew would reply
100 “They are merely conventional signs!101 “Other maps are such shapes, with their islands and capes!
102 But we’ve got our brave Captain to thank:
103 (So the crew would protest) “that he’s bought us the best—
104 A perfect and absolute blank!”105 This was charming, no doubt; but they shortly found out
106 That the Captain they trusted so well
107 Had only one notion for crossing the ocean,
108 And that was to tingle his bell.~ Lewis Carroll ‘The Hunting of the Snark’1 (An Agony in 8 Fits), 1876
To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
Sun Tzu
Is excellence a virtue?
Closing 2023 with the virtue of generosity, I am grateful for having given myself the time and care to really listen to my needs in ways I never thought possible. As I write parts of this article on Monday, November 13th, there is a brand new Moon in Scorpio, and it is my purpose to not only live in excellence today and tomorrow but to make it the daily virtue for 2024.
With generosity, one might initially associate it with giving material goods, especially to those less fortunate in the abundance cycle. However, I reached a profound insight from my Taoist teacher over two decades ago—generosity is the space one offers to oneself, allowing others to be generous. In my words, I'll refer to it as being generous to create the space for feedback.
—Excellentia: to excel, to rise high, lofty ground—
In my pursuit of high standards, as I explore new perspectives and enhance what I already know as true, perhaps adding something special to my life, I gear towards exceptional behavior. After all, integrity is the core of my values. I aspire to master various practices, making myself of service with my uniqueness and creativity.
The most fearful moment? Alone with my breath, knowing the only feedback is within—no approval from others—considering all the things we, the people, do to be accepted socially!
Obviously, we need company but not at the expense of freedom. We must learn how to relate to our individual truth, to listen to it; first, it will whisper, then it will scream2 if left unattended.
Speaking up these days is a necessity beyond survival—as old, stale, corrupted institutions no longer serve the needs of the commons and attempt to silence us with fearful tactics, coercing certain behaviors, or else…
-We will ostracize you unless you act in a specific manner-
We are demanded to perform like marionettes in the false pretense so others won’t feel excluded!
How has everyone been confusing
—the feeling of the sensations in my body3 —
—I will get whatever I want by imposing and projecting my fears onto others—
Oh yes, Libra South Node opposes Chiron in Aries4; the wound of feeling unique as an individual makes us vulnerable, but that is EXACTLY why courage emerges and gives way to freedom! it encourages us to assert our individuality—the essence of the "I AM" principle. We won’t have this same opportunity again in our lifetime!
It is an urgent matter to the individuated5; it goes beyond survival. As a reminder that to thrive wholesomely in a relationship with ideas, situations, people, or things—with “the other”—one must know how to be alone and listen to one’s needs, FIRST.
It is challenging but possible! Give it a try.
In the beginning, there was the word… Anything that will ever be manifested starts with a voice, your voice; keep it sacred.
Purpose and environment: Vertical and horizontal parameters
How do humans evolve? Through hardship? Challenges? Hard aspects? Epigenetics! Through the environment, this will make it one where one strives for excellence, and regardless of the predictions, one can excel because the effort and the dedication are there asking as it is not the mere will that is pushing and shoving, no!
It is the inner authority that allows it to be calibrated and operate from its wavelength.
We all are born with one that can be detected and observed, studying trial and error but it can’t be tweaked to one’s advantage for down the line that compromise will show up.
Going with the flow, and erring is part of the journey of refinement.
Look at nature, look at the things that seem to be static, like the mountains and the trees, the rivers, the clouds, and the ocean seem to be moving at different frequencies, each has its rhythm to harmonize between extremes, such as volcanoes and seismic activities that can cause so much disruption yet they serve as calibration as the earth is a living entity.
So finding individual purpose, frequency, and rhythm should be a major theme in people’s lives, right?
Well, alas it is not, many folk prefer to be told what to do by outside authorities, why is this so? One may ask? Well, the answer is not so simple.
Habit and comfort.
Lack of self-value
Overall, there is a lack of curiosity and courage due to an environment that could have provided these as conditioning elements, but what if one soul decides to thrive regardless and in its purpose resilience, provocation, control and a well full of resources are the 70 percent of their imprint?
What if their environment were the perfect setup to choose between surviving and thriving? between conditioned and making a difference?
What if the setbacks were so big that at times the hope and motivation would feel bigger than life?
Upcoming cycles:
Time always marks the rhythm, with upcoming events serving as deadlines. One significant event is the impending Uranus-Jupiter conjunction in April 2024. Further down the line, once Neptune and Saturn conclude the cycle of surrender and initiate a new synodic 36-year cycle at 0• Aries (Feb 20, 2026), significant shifts await.
Showing up! Not showing off or checking out, Saturn in Pisces is the return to the source from the definition and earth perspective. If individuated by 2025-26, then their meet-up will be a feast for the collective as more people can be one with spirit in their unique way.
The last time such a cycle began6, at exactly 10• Capricorn (38.2 gate) a wall fell literally and metaphorically, dismantling an illusion that had divided ideologies in the early 20th century.
Uranus played a disruptive role then, and a similar dissolution is anticipated now, accompanied by a wave of delusion and challenges in discerning truth, while the material realm is shaken to the ground.
New opportunities to relate to resources mostly the ones that come from inside are emerging now, tend to them!

The forthcoming period activates our courageous capacities as souls willing to confront censorship and ultimate tyranny, striving to become free individuals contributing to a collective of liberation principles where individuals won't be dependent on puppet governments pursuing more control. In this major battle, a percentage of the population may choose either to trust their truth or remain oblivious, checking out in LALALAND as the unfolding changes occur—a profound dissonance that encourages growth.
In the current landscape, one avenue for building involves the Bitcoin stack—a strategy of saving in the incorruptible network that ensures scarcity and high value.
Even with a daily, weekly, or monthly DCA7 (dollar cost average) allocating a few dollars per day to this endeavor ensures that, as potential collapses loom, you have been steadily accumulating and constructing a financial foundation. It's important to note that this isn't financial advice but rather an invitation to delve into the understanding of what money truly represents. Education on the nature of money becomes a valuable tool in navigating these uncertain times.
The possibility of living your purpose
So, you might be wondering, how can I discern my purpose? There are various avenues to explore, and one method involves delving into your birth data. By examining the soul's journey in relation to celestial energies and imprints, insights into one's path can emerge.
In Evolutionary Astrology8, Pluto, the Moon's nodal axis, and their planetary rulers pinpoint areas where disempowerment is felt. The Sun signifies purpose, validating the self, while the Moon shapes our emotional identity. Pluto represents a deep desire to evolve, and the nodes encapsulate past and future information as the soul navigates through different personas or identities, seeking breakthroughs while confronting or evading fear.
Human Design follows a similar approach, utilizing personality and design Sun-Earth parameters, along with the nodal axis, to determine the stage where purpose or direction is to be realized. This system also considers the type of surroundings or environment needed for the soul to receive what is most nourishing for its emergence, omitting Pluto from the equation.
In the realm of Austrian economics, purpose is tied to how one values their own time, and decisions are made based on subjective axioms leading to a higher or lower time preference. The consideration of engaging with productive time is crucial in this context.
Or do I not engage with productive time?
Jungian parameters involve a continual observation of integrating relations between the ego or identity and the subconscious self. This integration occurs through the dance of projections.
Shadow and light bring light to something that is hidden and the one projects onto a surface and confuses its identity instead of serving as a placeholder for a synthesis.
As I am still a newbie integrating the practice of biogeometry, I find it fascinating to combine both qualitative and quantitative notions that significantly alter perception. Acknowledging that what I cannot perceive doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist challenges the cognitive parameters of duality, encouraging a move beyond separation.
In this case, unity exists in one dimension. The challenge lies in measuring or testing such unity, and indeed, tools like pendulums come into play, among other methods.
Biogeometry serves as a design language, infusing equilibrium and qualities into the subtle energy of the environment. In this design language, geometrical shapes, akin to a survey of the earth, play a crucial role.
Colors, representing distinct qualities, carry unique angles, and these angles, in turn, embody qualities. Recognizing angles as components of shape implies that shapes essentially encapsulate frozen qualities—a design language that engages with and influences qualities, for shape, is inherently synonymous with quality.
The resulting form is a process, the result of the evolution of shape. When you speak of form, you are speaking of all energy levels—vitality, emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical qualities.
A string, proportions, music, octaves: wavelengths divided by the same proportions means creation keeps the same ratios.
The Sculpture of Space? Is architecture frozen music-harmonics?
These notes were taken on my Biogeometry foundation course, and I am starting the advanced level in a few weeks!
Natural law and subtle quality
Lifeforce, Qi, Prana—different terms, same essence.
The environment we chose is composed of qualities we might be able to perceive and not, calibrating ourselves within our wavelength and finding a center may support the numerous challenges we face as souls to evolve.
As of now, I offer ways to support whoever feels the need to reconnect with themselves through my Astro-HD readings or attending study groups. Even through these writings, I am connecting with my presence, being mindful that I am evolving and therefore receiving support as well.
I am currently working on balancing the wound or attachment of codependency and feeling as wholesome as I have never felt before in my life.
-how aware are you of the subtle qualities that make your experience in this life?
-can you tell if these qualities are in alignment? or they would need to be recalibrated?
-Would a 1:1 meet-up with me be something to consider?

Where am I on the map?
Still navigating the waters, this time with less ignorance, or rather, trusting others less to define the parameters of "success," as they all vary. I have noticed that I take quality time to observe my environment, as my inner authority (emotional) lacks truth in the now. I observe the low and high peaks, referring to how I am feeling the sensations and what prompts me to react. Within this timeframe, I give myself ample space for feedback.
I grew up as a nuclear reactor, with many emotional qualities in my chart. I felt that if I did not respond immediately, I was either dumb or would miss something. It has been a beautiful process, and I must thank the time it has taken me to value this approach.
In the nearly three years of Hakomi practice, I remember I entered with a firm NO, as boundaries or the lack of them were causing me to be extremely aggressive in all kinds of relationships.
Throughout the process, I have become more welcoming—not to others, but to my own feedback. I have practiced giving my needs priority and truly listening to them. They have given me the value of the time I have left to live a life with purpose and freedom. Having been in companionship since I was born, I had no idea that I could be my own person if I were to give myself the time and the space.

So, this summer I have completed a full Venus cycle since 2015. Venus went retrograde in my 7th house of relationships then, and this past summer felt like an Olympic graduation.
I allow myself to keep opening up without sacrificing my freedom and authentic self. The environment in my chart from an E.A. perspective is colored by co-dependency themes: Moon in Scorpio conjunct Neptune in the 9th-10th house, Pluto in Virgo in the 8th house with a balsamic aspect of Uranus closing on the 7th house. The Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in Taurus, and Chiron in my second house, value, inner dialogue, essential needs, North Node in Cancer in the 5th house.
Either I am open to really knowing what these needs are, or what? Finally, Neptune doesn't have to be so elusive. Saturn, after all, can be defining and supportive, on my 1st house next to Vesta at the end of Aquarius. My devotion is towards liberating my bonding relationships where I lost myself and started identifying with the other, sacrificing my authentic self.
Homework DONE.
In relation to my Human Design chart: My Incarnation Cross lies within the left cross of alignment, specifically 27-28 and 19-33, accompanied by a 6/2 profile. Discovering the purpose of my nurturing soul is a continual journey, necessitating prolonged periods of retreat for the comprehensive integration of every aspect.
The environmental dynamics I've attracted are highlighted by the personality nodes at 10.6 - 15.6, and the design nodes at 38.2 - 39.2. These encounters involve navigating challenges related to behavior, as personal identity seeks a balanced rhythm, both on an individual and collective level, amid extreme situations where integrity may have faced compromise in my environment.
In terms of the design nodes, the individual gates fueling both my survival instincts in the spleen and connecting to the emotional solar plexus are driven by individuality. This leads to encounters with provocative situations that evoke spiritual callings, and the environment for lyrical, art creation has been remarkably fertile.
Through these experiences, I've become acquainted with the tenacity to fulfill my purpose, regardless of the challenges, while maintaining a delicate balance between myself and others.
However, I must serve as a role model by simply being, showing up, accentuating my authenticity, informing others, and initiating actions, given my manifestor nature.
-What are your parameters? Would you like to leave a comment with your data? I may be able to write a phrase or two.
It is clear: finding the main purpose is to allow the difference in each of us.
That is what can give you so much incentive to commit to the value of your time.
Reflecting on the past 36 months, I express gratitude to those trusting me to support their relationship with themselves. It's mutual—I benefit enormously from our interactions, whether in study groups, emails, comments, or 1:1s. Your presence matters deeply to me.
Deaf to noise
The Sun, Moon, and Mars have just completed their journey through Gate 43, while Earth and Uranus faced off at Gate 23. These two gates form the channel of the freak, defining the Ajna and the throat—individual and melancholic, sometimes speaking out of turn or unable to listen due to the internal noise being too loud.
—Keeping it simple, embracing our uniqueness.
Tomorrow, the Sun and Mars transition to Gate 14. Following our dreams to cultivate genuine prosperity. In the chart, the central individual circuitry activates at least one gate in each center from the root upwards, with Gate 60 of limitations (Pluto), Sun, and Mars at the sacral center on Gate 14, the generation of resources to empower our direction in life. Are you in the right location? signifying great power.
Earth at Gate 8 —how are we contributing radically and authentically?
-Say it as it is, unashamedly.
Uranus at Gate 23 communicates radical ideas, emphasizing what freedom truly consists of by speaking up. Jupiter at Gate 24 constantly returns to find ourselves deaf to other people's noise, urging us to tap into the inner truth that emanates when one is in tune with nature.
-What are we bringing to the table as individuals?
let’s not lose ourselves in the crowd, trying to be included or accepted.
Transits and lunar nodes are training us to be authentic leaders.
—Trust your body, and recognize that your environment is crucial for thriving or just surviving.—
Examine your Human Design chart, look for your nodes, and consider joining a study group where observation empowers you as the master of your being. Reach out if you feel called!
While the node remains in the Aries-Libra axis, upcoming gate shifts (now 42/32, followed by 51/57, 21/48, 17/18, and 25/46 before dipping into Pisces-Virgo in January 2025) offer opportunities for closure and new, potentially shocking opportunities.
Listen to your intuition, measure your authority levels, lead with courage, and be vocal about what isn't working in the collective.
Find innocence in connecting to humanity from a place of pure love for our differences.
Avoid confusing the external with who you are. Calibrate and center your being with the subtle quality inherent in all living things.
Though it may seem bumpy, it won't be boring.
Being a warrior means knowing how to take care of your own dominion—your soul.
-How can you show up with vulnerability and create meaningful conversations with yourself and the outside world?

The Two Faces of Time
According to the French philosopher Henri Bergson, time presents itself with dual facets. The initial facet, known as "objective time," adheres to the measured time found in watches, calendars, and train schedules. The second aspect, referred to as "la durée" or "duration," encapsulates the time of our inner subjective experience—a time felt, lived, and acted upon.
Living in Our Own Tempo
Bergson observed that often, we overlook la durée. Such oversight is understandable as "objective time" proves to be more practical. However, glimpses of the disparity between them emerge when they diverge.
The Essence of Difference
Per Gilles Deleuze who was heavily influenced by Bergson's concept of "la durée", and his concepts of difference, there exists no inherent identity, and in repetition, nothing remains identical. Instead, there is only one difference: each iteration represents something novel, everything undergoes constant transformation, and reality is a continuous process of becoming, rather than a fixed state of being.
The concept of La Durée becomes foundational in challenging traditional notions of time and identity within Bergson and Delauze's philosophical discourse.
The question that naturally arises is “does the poem have a meaning?” Carroll denied that he meant anything in particular — the poem was all nonsense — but that did not stop people from asking him, and it inspired others to give it their meaning. To some extent, the poem is about the relationships that emerge among the crew, and the interaction between this motley bunch of characters.
Stevan Beattie this morning during breathwork
The Buddha taught that being mindful of the sensations that arise in your body without clinging to them is essential to spiritual practice. In the Majjhima Nikaya (sutta 36), the Buddha says, “If the body is not mastered [by meditation], the mind cannot be mastered. If the body is mastered, the mind is mastered.”
In the practice of body awareness, the focus lies on the immediate experience, rather than on judgments about the body, the desires for what it could be, or the narratives about its past and origins.
During Chiron's transit in Aries, we'll encounter chances to address obstacles hindering the expression of our authentic selves.
Jung saw it as the process of self-realization, the discovery, and experience of meaning and purpose in life; how one finds oneself and becomes who one is.
The last synodic cycle began in 1989 (Saturn/Neptune conjunction in Capricorn), marked by recession, the Persian Gulf crisis, and the savings and loan collapse.
First quarter square: 1998-1999 (Saturn in Taurus/Neptune in Aquarius), with the Y2K apocalypse and the DOT-COM bubble.
Opposition: 2006-2007 (Saturn in Leo/Neptune in Aquarius), coinciding with housing prices peaking and the subprime mortgage bubble collapsing in 2008.
Last quarter square: 2015-2016 (Saturn in Sagittarius/Neptune in Pisces), characterized by very low oil prices, China reaching the end of its economic expansion, and the conclusion of the near-zero interest-rate policy.
In the period before July 1953, Saturn and Neptune met at 22° Libra, initiating the Cold War (1953–1962). This period spanned from the end of the Korean War in 1953 to the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Following the death of Joseph Stalin earlier in 1953, new leaders attempted to "de-Stalinize" the Soviet Union, causing unrest in the Eastern Bloc and among members of the Warsaw Pact.
The prior encounter was in July 1917, coinciding with the Russian Revolution and the USA's entry into World War I. The pattern reveals itself through the interactions between ideologies and structures that define our society. Check the completion of subscriptions to the Liberty Loan, Federal Reserve, and other historical events.
Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) means making smaller, equal investments on an ongoing basis, instead of making large or irregular Bitcoin buys
In Evolutionary Astrology, Pluto's house & sign placement describes two simultaneous phenomena. On the one hand, the natal position of Pluto describes the generational vibration that a person comes in with, as well as the specific individualized patterns in identity association implied from the evolutionary past: the desires, beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, values & orientation to reality itself. On the other hand, the natal position of Pluto points to the evolutionary desire, intent, or cause of this life as seen in Pluto's opposite house & sign. Pluto Book J.W. Green.
"We must learn to relate to our our individual truth, to listen to it; first, it will whisper, then it will scream, if left unattended." 👈 A profound insight, with far reaching benefits, but like all worthwhile endeavors in life, it takes conscious and consistent practice... and a wise, inspirational teacher, that is worthy of asperation. to challenge and encourage you. Thanks, Coach Monika! ❤️