Pluto in Aquarius: Amuse bouche
Allegories, nepotism, corruption, banking, and repeating cycles of Dante's Circles in hell...
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
ὅπου γάρ ἐστιν ὁ θησαυρός σου, ἐκεῖ ἔσται καὶ ἡ καρδία σου.
Matthew 6:121
Dear reader, bear with me on this winding road of unchartered waters. At times delusional, at times mystical, these territories are where we use our objectivity to observe, verify and discern, so the instincts, intuition, and emotions, which are coded beautifully in our bodies, will guide this upcoming journey that seems bleak and hopeless.
Shall we keep surrendering to the will of devices we have naïvely trained and believed were working on our behalf (such as our dear mind that is shaped by the conditions that exist in the environment)?
By weaving allegories, using archetypal images, and literal and direct quotations from the sages that have lived before me, I share [in a non-linear fashion] what I have been able to contemplate thus far.
Remember it is just the perspective from my crystal, each one of you has your own, so use it wisely as we are co-creating reality in unison where we will meet in resonance or dissonance.
I have divided the text into 2 parts and one Interlude, take your time and enjoy! (2nd part drops soon)
Amuse bouche
Pluto in Aquarius, a rare state of observation
Where are we now? How much do we know? And where are we going?
From the top of the mountain, with a gaze of an eagle, I can see a generous valley between two rivers, a place I will keep planting and nurturing seeds of sovereignty, hence sowing the wisdom needed to fulfill a precious empirical life.
I see it without detachment but with objectivity, for we have never felt this energy during this lifetime, and for that reason, it is precious [Pluto just entered 0° Aquarius on 3/23, it takes 248 years to get back to the same spot]. I am taking my time to enjoy the nuances that I am capable of noticing.
One obvious one is how the masks are suddenly falling off everyone’s faces… If we want to, we can see things as they are.
I can sense clearly who I need to connect to and who I don’t need to be connected to.
Things will feel weird for a bit and then we will be thrown back and forth to a familiar place that is just so familiar… but not necessarily a good environment to grow in, as Pluto will go back and forth from Aquarius to Capricorn to finally culminate the entrance at the end of 2024.
This is just a taste of the next 20 years folks, an amuse bouche, a sample of how it feels to be sovereign and be gathering creatively together, or the taste of how by not being sovereign leaves one removed, with no willpower of our own, at the mercy of others.
At times I may sound loud and angry– yep! Anger is my favorite e-motion; it runs through me as a driver for change. I channel its energy by initiating, being curious, asking questions, and engaging. And when I do so, I become a peaceful warrior that aims to be transformed.
I am guarding a domain, the one that speaks about individuality and freedom. So at times, I speak as if I am shouting and with tons of passion. Well, you sense it right– it is my root, my drive expanding, provoking, enduring, connecting to fractals that are also with the willingness to do the work. I love it!
-One has to verify in order to trust-
Pluto in Aquarius is not about holding hands in community, it is about confronting the shadow of not being sovereign!
so let’s get our act together before 2027…
No more bargains, I do this for you, while you get this in return, we do what we have to do INDIVIDUALLY, while we mutate, so we can THRIVE collectively.
- IT HURTS - Damn if it does! the solar eclipse on the 19th/20 of April is an Amuse bouche
A weeping boat versus a rowing boat. The night becomes dark, lighting strikes…
I can hear/see a boat full of weeping people crying for their fate, confused, bitter, disempowered, and still demanding to be saved. The boat is sinking, making matters worse, as everyone rocks it in desperation, blaming the water, the weather, and the captain, incapable of being accountable, this boat of weeping peeps can’t see things clearly, for fear has made them numb and incapable of moving. The fates will bring, at last, a bigger wave, or a sign, and those who still have it in them will get the hint. I can't tell you about the others, I can't seem to see them anymore on the horizon…
Weeping and cursing they come for evermore, and demon Charon with eyes like burning coals herds them in, and with a whistling oar flails on the stragglers to his wake of souls.
Inferno, Canto III

In my boat we all are very busy rowing, we are riding the waves, flowing and in unison, aligning with the frequency (time), creating a song that resonates inside and outside of the vibrational space.
As time unfolds, I can see a field full of brave warriors and mavericks creating an ecology where sovereignty and individuality are king or queen, each steering its path creatively, sharing not just stories, but motivations of hope that stem from a desire to evolve.
The word government1 stems from steering a boat; when one is in the capacity to make decisions with accountability, one does not leave its fate to the elements. One would know how to navigate even the most horrendous storm…
Other crippling devices [part of Pluto in Aquarius’ shadow] may show up:
If you think that AI tech (CHAT_GPT-4) will solve your life, pause + contemplate, and become aware of the fact that in the meantime you can learn a new language/practice, learn to code, learn to read time (Astro -HD - financial charts) or learn anything, damn it!
Learning encourages the synapses in your frontal lobe to further develop. Frequency + repetition are factors in skill development.
-Instead of training a machine to take over your life - (like iPhones have already), learn to use and train the highest technology ever created instead: your body. Technology serves as a tool, not as a solution to any lazy dilemma. Ultimately is about awareness
Of horizontal structures
As with Bucky Fuller’s Geodesic Domes [structures that validate themselves as cohesive energy, the distribution of weight across the dome is the most efficient you can think of; stress is equally distributed along the entire structure], there is no hierarchy based on greed and we understand the nodes and lines that connect the geometry of our beings akin to Indra’s net.2

For many millennia the one great spiritual effort of mankind has been to realize the full and actual significance of two basic ideas.
The first was that the world of change should not be considered (and feared) as a chaos of energies senselessly forming and dissipating themselves, but instead, as an ordered realm of universal activity in which motion is inherently periodical or cyclic — even when it does not appear to be so to our superficial senses and, even more, to our disturbed and fearful emotions.
The second basic concept is that, if one knew how to define cycles properly, one would see that each cycle could be considered as the life span of one specific type of entity retaining specific characteristics, biological or psycho-spiritual, during the entire cycle.
Dane Rudhyar
My [bitcoin] rabbit hole
For me, Bitcoin is a state of consciousness, it is offering a channel to realign in a similar frequency, which allows one to tune into the cycles of history, and with observation and notation, synthesize all the archetypes. I do this practice while I read charts using the laws of three and seven, a common practice in medieval times, where the quadrivium served as a validation device for the nature of reality.
I study the frequency and vibration of the 1290s, 1530s, 1780s, and the 2020s as I correlate my orientation and position, which synchronize as they must. One cycle was about creating a relationship with the new banking system after the end of the Crusades; the next period was about consolidating the dominion of the colonies and the (second) division of the Catholic church. The following cycle was about the end of the tyranny of the monarchy and the beginning of the bourgeoisie, or middle class, establishing the cross of planning, or the age of the bargains– I give you this (my freedom) in exchange for “security” and protection while you the institution(s) provide education, health, and status.
This time around, could it be about weaving all these patterns together into self-sovereignty? Living in harmony beyond slavery and oppression? Finally separating, government, money, and religion? How about accountability and freedom?
As with many books, ideas, and names that appear and are suddenly revealed in my consciousness, they arrive through dreams, in sparks of incoherent (at first) lines. A prompt to re-read, or rather listen to, Dante’s The Divine Comedy is present and it points to a similar time and planetary configuration as now, set in the 1290s, when Pluto had just entered Aquarius, Saturn was in Pisces, Jupiter in Aries, and the South Node was in Taurus (we have the same configuration now in the Scorpio/Taurus axis, only that the nodes are in reverse).

In those times, Marco Polo was returning to Venice after two Jovian cycles (12 x 2) of wandering the silk road as the foreign emissary of the great Kublai Khan, filling him with stories and observations about the lands he saw. These recounts are such a great and uniquely constructed novel by Italo Calvino in his seminal Invisible Cities (one book I recommend you read).
Invisible Cities is a conversation between a Venetian explorer and an emperor. Woven lyrically, with surreal descriptions of cities with dialogues between them, these invisible cities are mainly imaginary recreations of Venice. Maybe the potential of what a city could be is described as ideas, dreams, and reflections of the human psyche. Are these cities invisible because they exist alone in Polo’s imagination? Or maybe they are invisible as they describe the abstraction of an empire with all its corruption?
“The bridge is not supported by one stone or another, but by the line of the arch that they form. Without stones, there is no arch.”Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
In 2009, for three years I (with the aid of assistants) wove the text of this beautiful book into seven recognizable skylines, titled Landscape of Belief, a time-based, sculpture that examines if destiny is given to you or threaded by your decisions, these cities appear and disappear in a triple glass projection.
During the 1290s, Dante was yet to be exiled from his beloved Florence, and the famine that killed so many in the second decade of the 1300s was yet to arrive. The European monetary system was emerging in Venice, and the decline of the Levant aligned with the end of the Crusades, which led to the debasement of the Byzantine and Imperial Roman coins.
In 1284, the treasury of Venice, was minting the first Venetian gold coin– the “duke’s (Doge’s) coin” or Ducat which contained 99.47% gold, in 3.545 grams its purity allowed by the technology. The Venetian Ducat and the Florentine Florin became the international trading currencies of the time. The ducat was the standard coin, accepted worldwide, for six hundred years.
Similarities and differences exist in the way we can acquire custodianship towards our sense of value, keeping the coins, or paper bills in deposits that need to be verified, as institutions have a history of manipulating the value of the currency and misusing the power bequeathed by the people.
We the people means We the sovereign ones

The Saros cycle of the Chaldeans, measures the return of eclipses to approximately the same place in the zodiac (thus in the natal houses) every 18 years and 11 days. Eclipses result from an exact alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth.
During a solar eclipse, the Earth receives the full force of the soli-lunar conjunction. It constitutes an over-stressful challenge to start something new and discard the old. It can mean either revolution or evolution, depending upon the strength of the inner structure of personality that is, upon the individual's ability not to be violently torn away from his center.
Lunar eclipses, on the other hand, are challenges to personal integration. The Earth is pulled in exactly opposite directions by the Sun and the Moon; this can mean disintegration — or, as the Moon resurges from her ghostly appearance while eclipsed, a new adjustment to life, a new quality of integration of self with the environment.
–Dane Rudhyar- THE TENTH STEP -The Study of Transits and Natural Cycles
As the geometer intently seeks
to square the circle, but he cannot reach it,
through thought on thought, the principle he needs,
so I searched that strange sight: I wished to see
the way in which our human effigy
suited the circle and found place in it—
and my own wings were far too weak for that.
But then my mind was struck by light that flashed
and, with this light, received what it had asked.
Here force failed my high fantasy; but my
desire and will were moved already—like
a wheel revolving uniformly—by
the Love that moves the sun and the other stars.
-Dante, Paradise, Canto XXXIII
Qual è 'l geomètra che tutto s'affige per misurar lo cerchio, e non ritrova, pensando, quel principio ond' elli indige,
tal era io a quella vista nova; veder voleva come si convenne l'imago al cerchio e come vi s'indova;
ma non eran da ciò le proprie penne; se non che la mia mente fu percossa da un fulgore in che sua voglia venne.
A l'alta fantasia qui mancò possa; ma già volgeva il mio disio e 'l velle,desire sì come rota ch'igualmente è mossa,
l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle
Annular solar eclipse, April 19/20th, Lunar May 5th
A great opportunity during the upcoming eclipse season, while the lunar nodes square Pluto, is the awareness about resources, to zap away old residues that are full of impairment– contemplate and respond to the following:
-How do you relate to your assets, to your funds, to your means, your currency, your talents, and what is your source of genius?
-Are you yet in the rowing boat or still in the weeping boat? Both metaphors I use for accountability and victimization as mentioned above.
During the Solar eclipse, three full channels will be activated, 3/60 - 50/27 - 39/55, the innovation/mutation emerges out of limitations and constraints, a driving force that generates and nurtures our values, making sure the food in the cauldron will sustain the resources needed to thrive. The drive also provokes a deeper connection to your spirit, giving a shape and defining the matter of this, your life on earth.
Venus and Mercury are in mutual reception; Mercury turns retrograde as the Sun enters Taurus on April 21st, near the north node, ruled by Venus in Gemini. The internal dialogue is based on listening and relating to which values can transform your survival skills into leverage by defining your essential needs, while you let go of all codependencies.
Enough with the weeping, it’s time to be self-reliant! The North Node is in gate 27 until June 23rd, 2023 in the sign of Taurus, the emphasis in nurturing your vessel with the devotion of someone who knows what needs to be taken care of.
As for the lunar eclipse, on May 5th, Jupiter is approaching the North Node and starting to square Pluto, Jupiter still in Aries and ruled by Mars in Cancer, which is squaring Chiron. The tensions that may arise now will move you deeply into connecting your emotional body to your physical one and having your needs met as a main priority before promising the heavens and the earth to communities that can’t be sustained. Jupiter will be in Gate 50 making a channel to Gate 27– focus on mindful selfishness since you cannot nurture or serve from an empty vessel.
Revising Jovian - Sun cycles: the recent conjunction in Gate 42 and new cycle in Aries that began on April 11th is bringing so much optimism and support to the idea of an expansive individuality, but–
-What are you growing?
-What are you seeding?
-And are you aware that these initial steps need to be grounded?
They need to be secured by empirical practice so they become useful skills. Technology is the art of knowing “how to”. Your wisdom stems from your relationship to your practice.
Some cycles have closed already, for gate 42, as a format gate in the sacral energy knows how to stop generating energy to those people or things that deplete and do not evolve.
-You already know what or who I am talking about, it should come as no surprise.
"It is because you try
to penetrate from far into these shadows
that you have formed such faulty images.
When you have reached that place, you shall see clearly
how much the distance has deceived your sense;
and, therefore, let this spur you on your way."
–Dante, Inferno, Canto XXXI
[drops tomorrow]
Sevens, threes & nines.
The bench of the banking “business” + Dante’s’ question of free will and moral responsibility
The allegory of usury and corruption,
The redemption of love
“The conjunction of those three things
—1) Maslow’s hierarchy3, where many in the world or even our own backyard are at very different stages of the pyramid;
2) technology that targets us individually and therefore reinforces belief patterns; and
3) a natural tendency in humans to create “us versus them”—has the potential to create a dangerous reinforcing loop where hate and division reign. Especially if the world is becoming more unequal.
― Jeff Booth, The Price of Tomorrow: Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future
The V4V model provides a solution to the problem of selling information. A solution that allows you to step away from the attention and surveillance economy, towards an economy of value, openness, and abundance.
The solution begins with acceptance. Selling digital content in the traditional, transactional way doesn’t work, or at least doesn’t work very well. A transaction involving a digital photograph of an apple is very different than a transaction involving a physical apple.
GUESS WHAT? I AM encouraging all of you to drop PAYPAL and start using a Layer 2 wallet, they are plenty of options, and charge close to 0 fees!!! you save and others too.
The Lightning Network is a second-layer payment protocol for Bitcoin. It was created to help scale the Bitcoin network and reduce transaction costs.
It works by having a network of nodes that store funds in its channels, which can be used to send payments quickly and easily without waiting for on-chain confirmations.
Also, I am slowly decoupling from social media like Meta and Youtube, I am using #nostr and #zion, here are the links to my profiles:
PUB KEY: npub1dxrhmnzk34sk7wfewvejsqz6hejkesdugwwp4zr7k006uulu9zmq6t87rc
or link NOSTR
and Zion App
What I like is that we use the VALUE 4 value concept of supporting each other by zapping some units of satoshis (Bitcoin).
In a future drop, I can walk you through it, Pluto in Aquarius… the future is now, embrace the freedom of your choices!
Greek kybernan "to steer or pilot a ship, direct as a pilot," figuratively "to guide, govern"
"Indra's net" is used to describe the interconnectedness or "perfect interfusion" (Yuanrong, 圓融) of all phenomena in the universe.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation that states that five categories of human needs dictate an individual's behavior. Those needs are physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs