They cannot scare me with their empty spaces
Between stars—on stars where no human race is.
I have it in me so much nearer home
To scare myself with my own desert places.
[Robert Frost, from "Desert Places," 1936]
Everything is an illusion; somewhere, something is being projected by your mind or the minds of others.
We are role players; our personas, or who we think we are or identify with, are like costumes. So, when you hang out in a specific spot, the dress attire will require you to be more blue than red, consenting to values or akin to the liberation of them.
Big institutions centralize knowledge, educating using parrots that repeat perfect scripts. So, when the wave moves, everything is collated. It seems coherent because the movement it creates seems in resonance.
So, how does this illusion work? Its definition is what determines “reality”. How about nature? Ta Physika, literally "the natural things,"1
What is natural law? How are the planets not falling off the sky? How can trees and flowers grow from roots upwards? How is this invisible, sticky, non-defined idea of the creator represented energetically? Qi? Prana? Ether? Any clue?
Metaphysics2 is the science of the inward and essential nature of things, the abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.
This space META -beyond the nature of physical reality can’t be measured-, transcends the definition that can be accounted for by length, weight, temperature, and diverse frequencies and spectra.
“Metaphysical sciences" would mean "those that we study after having mastered the sciences that deal with the physical world.
~St. Thomas Aquinas, Expositio in librum Boethii De hebdomadibus, V, 1).
-how about perception?
What came first, the mind or humanity? or did humanity’s mind make us aware of our limitations, and its projections?
Relativity, YES, without relationships of all kinds, our mind can't protect itself from being a projection, an illusion, we are trapped inside the veil, the illusion of a material experience that with its binary quality tends to project itself as a separation. in “reality” no pun intended, the illusion offers the potential for a synthesis.
“It all seems ‘real,’ but as it is constantly changing, it is not Real. Due to this Maya mentality (the illusion that the world is Real),
people do not look beyond the veil of illusion to Me, the unchanging consciousness, the Absolute Reality beyond all the worldly; they do not see beyond to Me, the very basis of it all.
“This curtain of illusion (Maya) is hard to see through, Arjuna. Only those who love and depend completely on Divinity are eventually able to see through it.
“Those who are unable to see beyond the veil cannot, in effect, discriminate between Real and not-Real. Oblivious to the Reality of their own higher nature (the True Self Within), they sink to their lower nature and do evil deeds, committing acts that turn them away from Divinity. Not knowing the holy from the unholy, they are of course not devoted to Me, Divinity.”
― The Bhagavad Gita
Eclipses3 are coming fast and furious, and one just passed by. To be honest, I have had no energy to post, so I have given myself the space to explore my feedback while investing my time in preparing three public artworks. This focus keeps me away from the external chaos that seems to be intensifying. However, I also spend quality time observing longer cycles to map what I see and synthesize it with my insights. I have no idea where we are going, but I can study these cycles to be prepared.
You gotta do what you have to do.
Take time to contemplate:
Take time to contemplate:
The screen onto which you project (the other).
-What expectations are you projecting onto each thing, situation, or person?
I'll go first:
I am noticing my environment even more. I tend to attract provoking and extreme situations.4 This doesn't mean I have to embody these provocations or create extreme situations where integrity is at stake.
No, I have a perspective where I can discern the needs of others, and if so, I can nurture only those who are willing to receive.5 I need to take time to detect what vessel needs nurturing. One caveat, though: I am only serving sovereign individuals. Yet, the most impactful practice has been to give myself the space to receive from me to me. Never before had I yielded so much towards truly nurturing my needs. I feel my voice is stronger and less dependent on outside validation. I still enjoy relational values, but I am not succumbing to the need for attention.
This is the practice: look at your nodal axis in HD, your incarnation cross, and your profile. This equation will show you the scope of your life, how to ground yourself, which stage you are in, and what environment will allow you to evolve.
In my case, it is quite clear as a 6/2: I show up when needs arise and engage accordingly serving as an alignment factor.
The deception of collectivism is endangering the authentic potential of every being
While this is a theme I am developing for my book, I would like to briefly address it here. Let’s delve into the astrological context of two planets surrounding the publication of the infamous Communist Manifesto in 18486.
At that time, Saturn, symbolizing concrete reality, and Neptune, representing boundary dissolution, both occupied 27° Aquarius, ruled by Uranus. This alignment could be interpreted as a revolution of collective behavior (Saturn) where the boundaries are blurred regarding who is responsible for assigning value to one's work. Fact: the USA's Moon also shared this degree. By observing the cycles of 36 years when these two planets meet, we can discern a pattern that involves Russia and the Soviet Union.
The next time Saturn and Neptune will meet is on 2/26 at 0° Aries, marking the beginning of a full cycle since 1846 and heralding a new cycle of behavior between individuated citizens and those who have been using collectivism as a way to mask their freedom behind victimization, exploitation, and inequality supposedly proposed by a free market.
These cyclic alignments offer a unique perspective on historical events and their impact on political, educational, and economic agendas. It is crucial to highlight the similarities and evolution from an ideology of collective thinking to the current prevalence of collectivism worldwide. This trend hampers our ability to confront our fears of individual sovereignty.
Some advocate for total government provision, including freedom, dismissing the notion that societies cooperate in free markets and create capital, production, specialization, and new technology through the division of labor. We are already witnessing the decline of many structures that once symbolized solid institutions.
The Saturn-Neptune cycle provides further insight into these historical shifts. The last conjunction occurred at the end of the 80s in Capricorn, marking the fall of a failed ideology and the physical wall in Berlin. This period also saw significant changes in China, as Mao Zedong's era began to transition towards a more open economic policy.
Before that, the conjunction in 1953 occurred in Libra, coinciding with Stalin's death and marking the beginning of a new era in Soviet leadership. In China, this period marked the end of the Korean War and the consolidation of Mao's power. The 1950s also saw the rise of the Cold War and the beginning of the space race between the USA and the USSR.
In 1917, the conjunction occurred in Leo, aligning with the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, which led to the establishment of the Soviet Union and the beginning of communist rule. This period also saw the end of World War I and the beginning of a new era in global politics and economics (note the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913). Looking back further, the previous Saturn-Neptune conjunctions occurred in 1882 (in Taurus), 1846 (in Pisces), and 1819 (in Sagittarius).
These periods were associated with significant shifts in industrialization, romanticism, and exploration, respectively. These events, occurring approximately every 36 years, highlight significant shifts in ideological and political landscapes
As Hans Hermann Hoppe argues in "Why Socialism Must Fail," socialism leads to a politicized society, which harms wealth creation. Although it aims for complete equality, socialism overlooks the crucial issue of resource control. In a socialist economy without private ownership, control is determined politically, leading to inefficiency and prioritizing political skills over productivity. This shift away from productive roles alters people's personalities, favoring political acumen over practical abilities. Consequently, society becomes impoverished, with incompetent individuals often rising to leadership positions.
Even in the United States, which is not fully socialist, we can see negative effects from politicization. Politicians increasingly infringe on private property rights. These effects mirror those of socialism: reduced investment and savings, resource misallocation, overuse and degradation of production factors, and lower quality of products and services. These issues serve as a preview of life under complete socialism.
Socialism and capitalism offer radically different solutions to the problem posed by scarcity: everybody can't have everything they want when they want it, so how can we effectively decide who will own and control the resources we have? The chosen solution has profound implications. It can mean the difference between prosperity and impoverishment, voluntary exchange and political coercion, and even totalitarianism and liberty.
The capitalist system solves the problem of scarcity by recognizing the right of private property. The first one to use a good is its owner. Others can acquire it only through trade and voluntary contracts. But until the owner of the property decides to make a contract to trade his property, he can do whatever he wants with it, so long as he does not interfere with or physically damage the property owned by others.
The socialist system attempts to solve the problem of ownership in a completely different way. Just as in capitalism, people can own consumer products. But in socialism, property that serves as the means of production are collectively owned. No person can own the machines and other resources that go into producing consumption goods. Mankind, so to speak, owns them. If people use the means of production, they can do so only as caretakers for the entire community.
[…] The socialist experiment will always end in failure.
[…] First, socialism results in less investment, less saving, and lower standards of living.
[…] Second, socialism results in inefficiencies, shortages, and prodigious waste. This is the insight of Ludwig von Mises who discovered that rational economic calculation is impossible under socialism. He showed that capital goods under socialism are at best used in the production of second-rate needs, and at worst, in production that satisfies no needs whatsoever.
[…] Third, socialism results in over, utilization of the factors of production until they fall into disrepair and become vandalized.
[…] Fourth, socialism leads to a reduction in the quality of goods and services available for the consumer.
~Hans Hermann Hoppe
While social constructs are important, we should focus on improving individual awareness and responsibility.
The next two years will be intense, with a tug-of-war between yielding our sense of belonging and surrendering to the mob due to fear, or standing up and speaking the truth against misinformation. More restrictions often lead to less freedom. My advice is that ignorance contributes to slavery. Educate yourself on history and try reading perspectives from the other side.
Consider what you consume and what consumes you. Character is defined by frequency, repetition, and environment, both actively and passively. To make solid transformations in your life, examine how you relate to everything. Remember, you are what you eat, think, and surround yourself with.
Individuation is not just a hashtag. It requires human action based on contemplation of what you value and what you need.
It's evident to me how education over the last 165 years has often encouraged more sheep behavior than individual excellence. Strive for excellence by being the best version of yourself and contributing positively to every community you encounter. The damage done in this complete cycle of Saturn and Neptune is extremely obvious.
There is still time to see through the mirage of collectivism as a way to thrive creatively. It is an illusion that only benefits very few. Just look at the numbers and history—USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, and very soon the USA, with all the alphabet agencies pushing for "inclusive" agendas that are more exclusive than anything else. My aim is not to be controversial, but I appreciate the fact that I look at charts, read history, and study new themes that allow me to reflect on topics differently. Ten years ago, I would have said "ANATHEMA," but instead, I have opened my senses to allow other information. Perhaps the program is so great that one believes everything we perceive.
If some people pretend that history or geography gives them the right to subjugate other races, nations, or peoples, there can be no peace.
~Ludwig von Mises
Before the rise of modern science, physics was usually defined as the science of that which is movable or the science of natural bodies. It was commonly made to include all-natural science. At present, vital phenomena are not considered objects of physics, which is divided into general and applied physics. [Century Dictionary, 1895]
Metaphysics was first used as the title for several of Aristotle's works because they were usually anthologized after the works on physics in complete editions. The prefix meta- ("after") indicates that these works come "after" the physics chapters. However, Aristotle himself did not call the subject of these books "Metaphysics": he referred to it as "first philosophy." The editor of Aristotle's works, Andronicus of Rhodes, is thought to have placed the books on first philosophy right after another work, Physics, and called them τὰ μετὰ τὰ φυσικὰ βιβλία (ta meta ta physika biblia) or "the books that come after the [books on] physics". This was misread by Latin scholars, who thought it meant "the science of what is beyond the physical".
Eclipses: Mars entered the slippery Pisces, and Mercury is on the verge of going retrograde in Aries as the eclipse season kicks off this Monday. What's next?
Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are caught off guard by the south node in Libra. A new cycle between Saturn and Venus in Pisces has sparked a crisis in how you perceive your value structure. Take time to deeply contemplate the spiritual motivations behind your needs and values, as this introspection may manifest in the material world. If an unexpected event triggers a crisis, seize the opportunity to reassess your relationships. Be prepared for a clash of ideals that may suddenly challenge your belief system from external sources.
As Saturn and Neptune continue their journey through Pisces until 2026, our reality will undergo profound transformations at a soul level.
During Mars' presence in Pisces amidst the eclipse season, you may find a profound connection to your spiritual desires. However, establishing boundaries will be crucial to discerning between mere illusion and genuine spiritual guidance. Stay vigilant. Trust in your higher self as the ultimate guide, yet remain introspective and self-assured.
With Mercury retrograde in Aries, reflect on your internal dialogue. Reassess your relational values and align yourself with those who champion your freedom across all aspects of life—emotionally, financially, physically, and spiritually, mercury will meet Chiron and the nodes thrice.
Embrace courage as your guiding force.
My lunar nodes in HD are design-wise NN 39- SN 38 and personality-wise NN 15- SN 10
My Incarnation Cross is 27.6-28.6 - 19.2-33.2 LAX of alignment
Marx and Engels propose the following transitional policies: the abolition of private property in land and inheritance; introduction of a progressive income tax; confiscation of rebels' property; nationalization of credit, communication, and transport; expansion and integration of industry and agriculture; enforcement of universal obligation of labor; and provision of universal education and the abolition of child labor. The text ends with a decisive and famous call for solidarity, popularized as the slogan "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains".