To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.
~Henri Bergson
Suspension, Immanence
It is truly remarkable how the relationship between a mother and a child can be so intimate and vital, serving as the thread that connects the soul back to the spirit. During the period of gestation, the bond is so strong that it can be felt within the pulses of the heartbeat.
Recently, I have been able to connect with my mother through sound frequencies, and it has brought me to a place of peace that I am still exploring. Even in her sleepy state, I know that my mother feels and senses my love as I perform sound therapy with tuning forks and whisper lullabies while caressing her beautiful 89-year-old hair.
The bond between a mother and child is infinite, and I am blessed to be receiving direct transmissions from her through meditative states. She reminds me that life on earth is a parenthesis between two breaths, but that love is eternal. My mother has underlined the power of the imagination and the freedom I have to create my own life free from suffering.
I am in awe of her presence, and although her cognitive state may be weakening, her vitals remain strong. I am not afraid as I hear her voice in my head say, "Stay curious when you feel fearful." In a world that often feels upside down, I have deeply felt my purpose in the last 5 days. This is an intimate share, and I appreciate any loving and kind intentions.
Remember to stay free by being brave, and smiling even when you are alone - it makes you kinder.
M is for Mother 🤗

The Lunar nodes will be shifting next week to Gates 42/32 from 3/60. It's a great opportunity to reflect on what part of ourselves has made the shift from limitation to chaos, and how we can generate the mutation needed to contribute to the higher good of humankind. As we approach a sensing collective sacral Gate (42) as our North Node, and a tribal splenic Gate (32 South Node) revising what needs to be left behind, it's important to remember that obstacles are just opportunities for learning. In the next articles, we will reflect on Duration and how to celebrate Maturation through expansion in these time cycles.