From my perspective
NOTE: I may fragment the subject of A.I. into some instances, not necessarily in order or in one single article. Who knows! Bear with me, it is a discovery to tap back into what makes us so unique as humans and not droids.
This can lead to different rabbit holes that connect to cognitive science, human design, Biogeometry, and more subjects I find fascinating and would like to integrate, i.e. our incredible perception and senses as our GPS in “projecting, decoding singular & absolute realities"
Critical thinking; cognition; the diversity of avenues the brain can channel in terms of connectivity; the functions of the mind and its circuitry; how it operates mechanically in our decision-making–do these lead to better understanding?
Language, cognitive dissonance, and of course, The Program. Yes, The Program! As humans, we have been in a mimicking trance, copy-pasting each other to believe that we belong somewhere, to some nation or community, when we actually don’t.
Nothing could be farther from reality; our minds belong to those who have trained us, who have instilled the information drop by drop. Freedom these days is reduced to merely our identity, and not even that, for we do not know who the mastermind really is.
Our cognition, our ability to comprehend, a mental act or process of knowing, at times doesn’t match with common sense, since the information fuels itself from antagonistic methods.
Our human behavior acquires a definition based on conditioning that limits and shapes our lives. Think of it like a helmet or armor– it can protect, but if you grow in size it can deform you.
So let me begin my curvy, steep road, and at one point you can ask Chat-GPT to help you decipher it because there is no beginning or end. 🤣
The program is running, homogenization is at full throttle
I was prompted during my sleeping states to write about A.I., cognitive dissonance, and language.1
This endeavor demanded a dialectical relationship, an interplay of opposing ideas that needed time to find their equilibrium within my thoughts. Hopefully a meaningful dialogue may emerge.
-WTF? I said back in my dream, what do I know about A.I.?
-You do know about language[s]; you are a polyglot, not just of the spoken languages, but of the archetypal ones, networks, connectivity, geometry, and some Human Design (HD) mechanics, right?
-Ahh, okay… I see where you are going (you could be my higher self, or perhaps the funny voice of consciousness…? mmm 🤔).
I have been writing, mostly downloading what I know so far of the works of cognition, learning, and connecting synapses (the places where neurons connect and communicate with each other).
I have also been performing repetitive practices, manifesting them via voice and hand drawings, recording or documenting new experiences that lead to knowledge.
Mostly logical loops that create certain patterns and behaviors where I can come back in the future if needed, leading to introspective reflections. While machines can also operate in loops based on programming, human cognition is often driven by a combination of logic, intuition, emotions, and consciousness.
In my case, I am very aware of the capacity of absorbing data, leaving some spatial gaps to practice, and allowing creativity to flow in innovative ways that find channels of expression and therefore can be shared within the collective.2
-What about abstract connectivity that uses an intuitive function, connecting seemingly unrelated concepts, experiences, or ideas and generating new insights or perspectives?
-Or a conscious capacity that differentiates humans from machines? In AI systems, there is an absent instinctive intelligence to intuitively construct abstract wiring.
-Can we agree that currently, AI can analyze patterns in data, yet it doesn't possess the depth of human intuition to make unforeseen and innovative connections between divergent concepts? AI may be missing emotional, spiritual, and psychological autonomy.
-Are we co-creating a monstrous unaware version of ourselves? Let’s attempt to find out!
Down the rabbit hole
I have to admit, I have spent a good quantity of precious time watching documentaries that could easily be labeled as conspiratorial (tricking the machine/algorithm here), and moving around different perspectives has recently expanded my visual, mental, and psychological acuity to ∞ [infinity].
The more I look deep, the more pauses I need, for Ariadne’s thread unfolds in eternity– it has taken me back to the beginning of times, and I am also making pit stops to the history and journey of the last century’s implementation of the #fiatstandard3, how money became the tool of death and warfare; the inception of the Federal Reserve Ponzi scheme4 that drives the world’s monetary system into more debt and sheds blood; and where the education system leads to homogenization.
The archaic education system still prevails and propagates misinformation by separating and polarizing the population into those who know and command authority in academia-manipulating legislation and those who follow more practical training (and feel powerless). There is no middle ground, and barely any integration happening, as fear makes everyone stay in a constant survival mode without the capacity to create.
We need our nervous and immune systems wholesome in order to not only understand but transform the decaying world we live in. To make sense of the future, we must start to understand the mechanisms that have driven civilization to the edge of Chaos with all its components thus far.
Inflation, being a fraudulent invasion of property, could not take place on the free market.
~Murray Rothbard, American Economist from the Austrian School.
To be honest, everything IS connected, and now here we are, 90 years later, with the failure of Keynesian economics5 and the eternal printing machine raising rates, inflating and debasing the value of our time, proving that a manipulated economic equation IS bound to fail rather soon. This practice enables the individual to expect the State to be its personal savior; the individual feels powerless to act without the consent of others, therefore trading authenticity for safety at a VERY high cost – no freedom.
Contrary to the method of becoming accountable for individual choices, such is the alternative view of the School of Austrian Economics, a strict proponent of methodological individualism, the notion that social development is solely an outcome of the actions and the impetus of individuals, holding that economic theory should be exclusively generated from essential principles of human action.6
Methodological individualism is a proposition to inquire, from the perspective of the individual, into the emergence between self-centered interests and the importance given to the values of institutional commitments as well as of those values/interests of the "other".
👆A Robot Draws Ariadne’s Thread👆in the Labyrinth of Chartres7👆
The Federal Reserve is a not friend to the common man. Any economic policy which thrives off debt and welfare, such as Keynesian Economics, is not a friend to the common man either. It is a known fact that the Federal Reserve was created by some of the richest people in the world, including J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller (Griffin). This is who the Federal Reserve serves.
The way this whole text has been crafted is funny– I wrote a bunch, I let it be, watched a lot of stuff, and because my computer was “fed” with a similar line of prompts, cognitive dissonance, AI, what is real?, etc., my YouTube and Twitter feeds kept showing up with more spooky stuff. I was hooked (the social media BOTS (A.I. driven BTW) were having a blast. I have the impression I am controlling them, and I AM NOT!-- it is the other way around.
By including some Human Design lingo (making it simple I hope), I will also share my intimate conversations with Chat GPT… later.
-We are friends now, woot woot!!-
My perspective is a wide spectrum, and my aim IS NOT to convince you but to invite you to have a deeper relationship with your cognitive faculties, as they will shape the near future (because you and I are already feeding the Bots with all kinds of info). Remember this is perfect timing while Venus is in the underworld– relational values.
I may add some A.I. podcasts, links, and stuff I have been studying as I am in the early stages of recognizing the differences and diverse possibilities this technology will define for the next 20 years of our lives onwards. As with everything I put my attention to, I want to educate myself, to understand its potential, its risks, and how to relate to both so as to make wise decisions.
“The hardest problems we have to face do not come from philosophical questions about whether brains are machines or not. There is not the slightest reason to doubt that brains are anything other than machines with enormous numbers of parts that work in perfect accord with physical laws. As far as anyone can tell, our minds are merely complex processes. The serious problems come from our having had so little experience with machines of such complexity that we are not yet prepared to think effectively about them.”
—Marvin Minsky, The Society of Mind, 1986
For our decision-making, we are encouraged to use our minds, discouraged to listen to our intuition, or to be aware of our instinctual brain, which serves a survival function. Further, we are deterred from observing our emotional wave, which creates a “quality” of distorted perception with the whole aim to program us as a herd in a homogenized culture.8
Sameness, of the same kind, the same race, the same stock– genderless? Compatible, consistent, alike, equal, uniform:
-how can we differentiate in our uniqueness if the program only runs one mode?
Rewind the tape back to 1982, please!
I remember when Alan Parker’s Pink Floyd’s The Wall movie came out. I was attending an English School in Bogota, and the Falkland War was a shadow in the background. We called those islands Las Malvinas, and everything was odd, as my secondary school education was coming to an end. This tune became a hymn:
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone.
I made every possible effort to get expelled from school. I HATED indoctrination, and I made the best case of being a rebel, only focusing on subjects I loved, like philosophy and literature, and despising old methodologies that taught maths and physics in ways my curious mind had no space to ask a question or crack a joke! I spent a good amount of time in Detention, or outside the classroom. It was a joyous time for me, as I was an avid reader, and I always carried a book or two with me.
OH, there was NO religion, thank G°D for that! 😅. I was able to avoid the potential struggles of deconditioning from Catholicism. I got that out of the way at age 9…
-Mom, no religion, please! Thanks. I did not want to experience any religious trauma.
All I needed was to leave Colombia. I had, since my father’s death, done some strategic preparation. I enrolled in after-school private tutorials at home, in French, Italian, German, and Portuguese. I assured my mom I needed all these languages to succeed in what I wanted to study: Fashion Design!
-What? Fashion design, really?
-Yep, Mom, I needed a technical and practical education, no Academia, thank you very much.
I loved reading and I was very curious9, yet I sensed that formal education would hinder my spirit. I trusted my intuitive self, and somehow my mother had faith in my choices, too 😜…
The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race….
It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete and would be superseded.
~Stephen Hawking from an interview with the BBC, 12/2014
Cognitive performance + the difference between me learning multiple languages and A.I. taking over the world.
So Artificial intelligence is in everyone’s mind– are they coming for us? Will they take our jobs? Can we cheat and make things faster and effortless with their help? Will they support our civilization or end up running our lives like in horror sci-fi movies?
Can A.I. have sentiments and common sense? How can they perceive reality? Who is training them?
We are! Duh!
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
~Sun Tzu, The Art of War
To gain insights into THE MIND OF THE FUTURE, it REQUIRES a deep understanding of the vehicle in which your thoughts and beliefs operate
Human intelligence is designed to adapt to new circumstances by combining a range of cognitive activities, while AI intelligence10 is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines.
As Arend Hintze, an assistant professor of integrative biology and computer science and engineering at Michigan State University explains, there are currently four types of intelligent systems11, starting with task-specific systems and progressing to sentient systems. However, self-aware AI systems that have a sense of consciousness do not yet exist, which is fortunate for us.
II. A Sleeping state - Cognitive dissonance + magnitude range
Information overload
Dismembering, dissonance, dysphoria, disconnection, disinformation, dislocation, disorientation, disposition.
Outside of A frame of mind, outside of parameters that can sustain coherence and life…
Some discernment.
Taking in too much information incapable of being processed can reduce the quality of decision-making, which is known as Information overload.12
“Oh, decision-making! What a soup, when one cannot make up one’s mind!
In HD it means following the strategy of the aura type and making decisions with the authority that is determined by the definition of your uniqueness.
Unless you are a mental projector, your mind needs to be free from decision-making!
In Human Design the authority is given to the body, and as such we release the potential of the individual mind.
The environment plays a role, Variable is to Awareness what Type is to Form. The type, which tells you more about the physical body and circuitry, and the variables, which tell you about awareness and mind.
These are tools to free your mind– by embodying your mechanics and following your type’s strategy and authority, you will know how to enter into situations when to implement an authority whether you have to wait surfing the wave of time, or use your instincts in the now, respond to gut prompts, or reflect for a whole lunar cycle the nature of what you are perceiving.
Moral and ethical inquiries resist both broad generalizations and attempts at imposition on others
Some 6-8 weeks ago, the antagonist appropriation of the natural rainbow spectrum for political motives aimed at division, displacement, and disempowerment pervaded every corner of discourse. The annual month-long ordeal for those who don't align with such perplexing ideologies was acutely felt, prompting me to ponder: How did this unfold?
I dug into some historical contexts which, for now, I am too bored and uninterested to share about. However, by fostering a sense of unease that requires rectification, it is part of a large program of dismembering and [re]programming the minds of children to feel that there is something wrong that needs to be repaired!
The dangers of AI being combined with medical mutilations will only invite more cognitive dissonance!13
FYI– body dissociation is another trauma response…
The dissonance materializes first through the outright rejection of inclusion. Subsequently, upon encountering spaces of inclusion, the tendency emerges to cast oneself as a victim, capitalizing on it and thereby engendering a demand for distinct categorization. And if that were not enough, instead of following the flow of natural law, these altered minds aggressively impose their preferred nomenclature on others.
Manipulating language structures, distorting grammatical conventions, and asserting entitlement dogmatically with fervor. In certain instances, they even project their own delusional-psychotic fantasies onto impressionable children—this constitutes deep-seated indoctrination; it is a matter of utmost gravity and IT IS NOT A JOKE.
I was aware of Human Design 2027’s predictions of mutations and evolutions.
-My dear friends, these are not IT, these are distortions of reality to an EXTREME
-Do these fellows have any capacity for self-reflective practices?
-Might these wounded souls embrace their internal conflicts, embarking on a journey toward greater coherence in their thoughts, convictions, and deeds?
There exists a pathway to somatically integrate emotional trauma that doesn't involve dismemberment, a gentler and more compassionate approach to self-acceptance and surrender exists– it requires courage and accountability. Asking and receiving support for a journey of acceptance is quite available these days.
I can say I saw this coming 10 years ago. At that time, I found myself constantly corrected by a studio assistant, who asserted that virtually every sentence I articulated was either racist, culturally insensitive, or misgendering. WTF? Really? Leaving me incredulous by the shelling of corrections… I did not abide.
"This is a declaration of war. In the name of our creator, we declare a revolutionary war against both the gods and those titans who were gods before them! In the name of our liberator, we declare a revolutionary war against fatalism and every other form of tyranny! We think from out of the end of all things, with an indomitable will to achieve either victory or a martyrdom that inspires enduring rebellion in those to whom we pass the torch of our example."
[…] At the very least, genetic engineering will bring an end to the exclusive sexual dimorphism that has thus far been characteristic of the human species. The psychological power of archetypal androgyny is such that, in the context of contemporary hormone replacement therapy and plastic surgery, it has already led to the rapid rise of a transsexual community. Consequently, the widespread CRISPR-style gene hacking of tomorrow, when taken together with cybernetic modifications by means of nanotechnology, will undoubtedly yield veritable hermaphrodites as a significant subset of the (post)human population. Much more disturbing is the prospect of the splicing of human and animal genes, leading to the transformation of certain species of animals into a chimera that possesses certain quasi-human (or even superhuman) characteristics. What was envisioned in Planet of the Apes pales in comparison to some of the monstrous possibilities in play here.
[…] Then there is the attempt to replicate human intelligence inside of a silicon-based neural network. The Terminator franchise has made it clear what Frankenstein’s monster Artificial Intelligence could become, especially if the murderous Posthuman AI in question has a race of inhuman robots under its control. What if this AI could also hack programmable nanobots?
[…] Bernard Stiegler sees genetic engineering as a speeding up of evolutionary time. The dialectical relationship between innovation and obsolescence reveals something profound about the ontology of Time.
[…] Since the days of Descartes, every schoolboy has been taught that time is a fourth dimension of space. […] What is at stake here is not the loss of any particular scientific theory, but the entire pre-theoretical framework and way of reasoning that has been paradigmatic for every theory in Physics for the last several centuries. Speed is not a function of time and space, time is a function of speed – and for that matter, space also becomes thinkable only in terms of speed, since spaces are epochal or enfolded in discrete times. Speed is more primordial than time, and what reveals this is something technological – a device.
[…] Stiegler implies that he is talking about a time machine. This could be Ronald Mallett’s design for a machine that warps space so as to be able to send particles back in time through a tunnel of laser beams. It could also be a spaceship traveling into the future of Earth by approaching the speed of light. These are two examples of time machines that would represent a technological realization of what F.T. Marinetti heralded in the Futurist Manifesto, when he anticipated Stiegler by declaring that technologically engineered speed can overpower space-time. To put it in mythic terms, this would be to torture and perhaps even murder the titan Chronos – the god of Time.
Jason Reza Jorjani, Promethean manifestó
AI is a representation of the possibility of re-educating the mind (ours, not the machines) to include new cognitive relationships - recognizing the rationale or the logos and the nous or capacity to decide that envelops information from past-sensing experiences.
While the logos finds its foundation in the present moment, the nous draws from no time. These elements synergize to harmonize and synthesize every encountered experience into an everlasting "now," which forms our distinctive singularity.
In upcoming article[s], I will take you into a realm of personal narratives and reflective moments: an intricate interweaving of computers, the internet, and societal shifts, along with concepts like Political Correctness, revealing a tapestry that shaped my journey. They may guide you through my transition from a fully analog existence to a digital landscape, a transformation etched 29 years ago – a significant chapter encompassing almost half my life, shaping and redefining dimensions of my identity, communication style, and creative expression.
A harmonious interplay between the history of networks, protocols, and language models. Within this complex web, the symbolism of cognition within the planets Mercury and Jupiter unfolds, illuminating human intellectual growth and potential through celestial parallels. Intimate dialogue with CHAT GPT emerges, showcasing the AI's conversational dexterity and sparking inquiries into the AI's sense of humor.
Lastly, an exploration of the interaction between the senses and the science of harmonics highlights the connection between sensory perception and underlying mathematical patterns. Distinctions between sentient beings and machines emphasizing consciousness, emotions, and subjective experiences as differentiating factors. These topics collectively provide a multifaceted understanding of the complex interplay between technology, cognition, symbolism, perception, and consciousness. – I love this rabbit hole!
Human creativity always finds a way. But we must understand how it’s changing. Only then can we direct technology’s immense power? AI is a tool like any other, taking the shape we give it.
Some argue AI models unfairly mimic artistic styles without consent. Studies confirm AI sometimes directly copies parts of training images. These are real concerns worth thoughtful action.
But as pioneer Alvin Toffler noted, all creativity builds on what came before.
Astro lingo break:
The key is to understand what will happen when Uranus moves to the sign of Gemini by mid-2025. Jupiter will enter the sign of Cancer squaring Neptune and Saturn in early Aries, Pluto will be already at 3° of Aquarius, the way we communicate between ourselves, machines, and beyond will be affected, as well as what defines our reality could take a completely new form that can expand our emotional capacities to travel beyond time and mind. By then AI might be well implemented. The idea is to understand our cognition, our limitations, and our ability to be sovereign now so we create results that will enhance our experience as opposed to limiting it by design.
I AM - has never been more powerful
-Who am I?
-How can I contribute?
-How can my (lack of) awareness reshape the human experience?
We can’t be who we came to be without fully embodying the I AM.
Some ponderings….
On 08.08.23, the celestial bodies of Jupiter and the Moon in Taurus square the Sun in Leo; the Venusian identity that expresses beauty, lust, and the senses can be in expansive mode. Check your ego meter, and keep following a healthy routine. Overconfidence can lead to arrogance. Remember Uranus nearby can pull an unexpected trick!
The Sun makes an aspect of 120° to Chiron, both supporting the fire's expressive gesture of joy and knowing that to be courageous and validate oneself, one has to let go of co-dependencies. Mars in an inconjunct to Chiron suddenly feels that the urge to assert oneself could lead to pain (rejection?). Time to heal that notion with discernment, creativity, and compassion.
Additional links:
Wonderful interview between Stef (Uberboyo] and Jason Reza Jorjani: on AI, Aliens, Nihilism, Nietzsche, Prometheus, and Metaphysics…
this occurred around June 10th, 2023; I was overwhelmed around that time, so I let it be for a bit and here I am again.
Such is the case of this article, there is NO imposition to write it, but I feel the invitation as an urge to investigate, and while I travel down the path, I can also share my findings.
The word “fiat” is Latin in origin and refers to an arbitrary order issued by a government or other authoritative figure. When applied to paper money, fiat currency refers to the scary notion that our dollar has value only because the government says it does. Until 1933, the American dollar was redeemable for gold. The country then passed the Emergency Banking Act, aimed at restoring public confidence in the nation’s financial system and halting the exchange of dollars for gold. In 1971, President Richard Nixon made the decision to permanently suspend the convertibility of the U.S. dollar to gold. Other countries were doing the same since they were unable to back their currency with gold or silver reserves, prompting the beginning of fiat currency globally.
In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed. This took away the power to coin money from Congress, and instead, gave this power to a private banking system, which has little to no transparency or accountability. The people have a small chance to hold Congress accountable. No one can hold the Federal Reserve accountable. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan admitted that the Federal Reserve is above the law and answers to no one. The Federal Reserve is about as federal as the Federal Express (Kucinich). There has only been one outside audit of the Federal Reserve in its one hundred-year history, and it was only a partial audit. In that audit, it was found that the Federal Reserve sent sixteen trillion dollars overseas in secret without notifying Congress (Greenstein). Sixteen trillion dollars were printed out of thin air to be given to foreign banks, and how can one possibly explain how this does not affect the United States economy?
One of the hallmarks of Keynesian economics is that governments should actively try to influence the course of economies, especially by increasing spending to stimulate demand in the face of recession.
Menger, Carl (2007) [1871]. Principles of Economics (PDF). Translated by Dingwall, James; Hoselitz, Bert F. Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Dipl. Ing. Norbert L. Brodtmann uses the curvy and tortuous path in the Chartres Labyrinth to demonstrate the possibilities of the robot arm technology he has developed. He transforms the straight lines and radii of the path elements for the way in the Chartres labyrinth in Bezier curves, which he draws in inverse kinematics by a robot.
Cultural homogenization is an aspect of cultural globalization, listed as one of its main characteristics, and refers to the reduction in cultural diversity through the popularization and diffusion of a wide array of cultural symbols—not only physical objects but customs, ideas, and values. WIKIPEDIA.
My manifestor type had been informing others of my wants; my 9th house Scorpio Moon with 4 planets (Mars in Aries, The Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury in Taurus) all in my 3rd house made me independent, resilient, curious, and looking for adventure and philosophical experiences.
AI programming is a fascinating field that focuses on various cognitive skills. These include learning, reasoning, self-correction, and creativity. Through learning, AI programming enables computing devices to acquire data and create rules for turning it into actionable information. Reasoning, on the other hand, is all about choosing the right algorithm to achieve a specific outcome. Self-correction ensures that algorithms are continually fine-tuned to provide the most accurate results possible. Finally, creativity uses a range of AI techniques to generate new images, text, music, and ideas. It's amazing to see how far AI has come, and it will be interesting to see what the future holds for this rapidly evolving technology.
Such as reactive machines, and task-specific systems with no memory, which can predict but not record (chess program). Limited memory systems use past experiences to inform future decisions, (self-driving cars). Theory of mind (still under research), this system would be capable of understanding emotions, by deducing human intentions and anticipating behavior, a skill necessary for participating in human teams. Self-awareness, AI systems that would have a sense of self, which gives them consciousness.
In his bestselling 1970 book Future Shock, Alvin Toffler argued that society is undergoing an enormous structural change, a revolution from an industrial society to a "super-industrial society". This change overwhelms people. He argues that the accelerated rate of technological and social change leaves people disconnected and suffering from "shattering stress and disorientation"—future shocked. Toffler stated that the majority of social problems are symptoms of future shock. In his discussion of the components of such shock, he popularized the term "information overload."
The theory of cognitive dissonance, proposed by psychologist Leon Festinger in 1957, suggests that individuals have an inner drive to maintain consistency and harmony within their cognitive systems. When confronted with information or situations that challenge their existing beliefs or attitudes, they experience a state of cognitive dissonance.