Intuition and integrity
Mars in Gemini for 7 months, like a bird, my mind jumps from tree to tree...

Listen to my voice while I read the article…
I have established a way of writing where I would like to make you feel included as I am having a dia-logos with you, my dear reader, it motivates me that my questions at times make you ponder upon themes in life that may inspire you to look inward. Therefore, when I write, I do have you in mind, and I am smiling while I write these lines...
"Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance."
~Henri Bergson, "On intuition vs. intellect."
How to be concrete about the nature of what has no shape, no form, or boundaries? (Ta physika, literally "the nature of things,") Yet it does exist in some appearances whether it is Psychic- Psykhikos (about the human soul), instinctual "natural prompting", an innate pattern of behavior in response to certain stimuli, or Intuitive? "Insight, direct or immediate cognition, spiritual perception", as opposed to how feelings are felt? Somatikos, from sōma (genitive sōmatos) "the body".
The center of now: the projection’s surface
“Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.”
~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
I am 58 years old, I “get it”.
Looking back from this perspective, I get that I have been fiercely sustained by my emotional and intuitive bodies, that since I was little I thought everyone had the same level of mysticism1 or connection to the absolute embedded within, as I asked questions to friends in early childhood about their dreams and what they could see or sense, I slowly started to realize that the way I perceived the universe at times had a wider spectrum. So I decided to keep it a secret...
That I could see a wider range of colors and I could hear more sounds. That I was extremely sensitive to places, people, and things. That my senses could translate emotional cues, and when I create, I can close my eyes and use my inner vision. I am not in my mind, everything flows and moves to allow the Muses to run through my vessel.
I have not been afraid of tapping into the unconscious to show me the way any practice or experience that supports my re-connection to the source has always been welcome. Yet, a part of my logical mind is designed to decipher and find answers to any queries– my mind is pretty fast, and when it meets a dead end or a wall, it loves to find ways to get around the limitation, it thrives with them. During this mental process, something magical emerges; I stop being conscious about what prompted me to search or look for an answer, and a whole landscape of information starts downloading in words, shapes, forms, colors, etc.
I have created a method to be able to give shape to it; that is why relationships are very important for me, they function as a surface, as a language to translate what my inner vision shows me, as with projections, the surface determines what one can see.
Try projecting a movie against the sky and you will only see light beaming from the lamp, try the same image on a white surface at the right distance and you can enjoy a virtual experience.
I looked for mentors, teachers, sages, and sensitives (aka psychics) to guide me because I always held this way of seeing or hearing with high regard– beyond magical, it was full of trust. I have been tuned to the right people at the right time…
Trust the mystery, rabbit holes are my favorite place to jump to, like Alice unafraid, I am full of wonder when I can bring back little jewels from the underworld.
Right side- left side / abstract or logical, a combination of 3/4s abstract and 1/4 logical. The way I absorb information or process it is nonlinear - extremely passive and perceptive. Yet when I find an object of attention I focus my vision very close until I merge with it to then dissolve into the next query…
Many artworks have been created like this.
All these texts happen just like that.
I listen and I follow.
I never question my intuition.
-How do you relate to your intuitive and instinctive bodies?
-Are you aware of the difference between them?
-Can you relate to parts of the body that are more in tune with the senses, such as whispers, sense of smell, touch, taste, or inner vision?
I encourage you to start an observation practice of noting when the body speaks to you when you listen and when you don’t, you will be amazed!
Another problem of fragmentation is that thought divides itself from feeling and the body. Thought is said to be the mind; we have the notion that it is something abstract or spiritual or immaterial. Then there is the body, which is very physical. And we have emotions, which are perhaps somewhere in between. The idea is that they are all different. That is, we think of them as different. And we experience them as different because we think of them as different.
~David Bohm, Thought as a System
Family of fractals
I mentioned before that humanity is moving from the tribal to the individual, that the collective is made from resonance and is no longer as tribal- the commitment is with our sovereignty, a decentralized ecology, a place where thriving is the norm and survival is a thing from the past– as there will be 100 percent integrity without morality.
The right thing to do won’t give you vouchers or make you win a prize.
Integrity is linked to love. In the search to fulfill one’s destiny with purpose, one can go from
-Who am I?
SoHum सो ऽहम् - I am He/She/That
From self-obsession to being the path to love emerges, integrating the being with the eternal becoming, and its integrity relies on the fact that with love, true love, there is no agenda.
I have to admit that the people I relate to and who I resonate with are not physically present in my day to day. They are virtually available; I have come to recognize them as my family of fractals, the mirroring occurs instantly, and I feel we are currently in the remembering Apokatastasis2 phase. In an Aquarian container, via technology, the experience transcends our earlier definitions of time and space.
As 2027 approaches with all its challenges, the urge is to mirror one another reawakening the dormant cells and reflecting, projecting why we are here during this stage– eventually, all the practices will become extremely functional on a day to day as we will have to rely on our skills and experience to live a life of integrity, having synthesized the polarities, the anima/animus, the path of individuation opens the doors of the next αἰϝών (Aion).
As per Jung, the major theme in his 1951’s work Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self, is the understanding of the imminent collective psychic change, as the shift in human consciousness and a simultaneous shift in the G•D image, reflected in the ending of the Piscean age. In his view, he associated the Christian symbols of Jesus and Satan with the two fish that represent the sign of Pisces. The Aquarian era is associated with the water bearer.3
At the end of 2020, I expressed that the second coming of Christ was actually the process of individuation itself.
Looking at the skies above: Creating to-do lists, and databases, as we take stock of what lies ahead…
Which direction? oh, and what about this one? ok, wait… no wonder, Mars just entered the sign of Gemini where it will be for the next seven months, and at some point, it will be retrograde (between the end of October and mid-January). It means that my already hyper-curious, multi-tasking hyper-active persona if I don’t contain it (Saturn + some discipline and support), will scatter into million pieces, creating the most beautiful fireworks to see, and nothing to account for…
Seriously, the Sun just moved to the humble sign of Virgo, like Gemini also ruled by Mercury, but its function here is to disseminate, discern, and edit out what Mars (in square to the Sun) is initiating by wanting to instinctively be part of. The Moon will create a new cycle when it joins the Sun on August 27th.
Record, notate and discern, and make sure to allow space for the imagination to connect creating a balance between listening to the needs of others and one’s self-expression, in addition to a reflection upon one’s existing beliefs about oneself, one's life is currently being revised with Jupiter retrograde in Aries.
-What truly gives meaning to your life now? have you noticed the shift? take a deep breath, close your eyes, and try to remember the “I”, the way you related to the image of who you thought you were say in August 2019… so different ya?
Uranus retrograde on the 23rd. Step into other timelines, as it looks inward the speed toward individuation increases. It is an excellent opportunity to dive into what created a fixed conditioned persona, taping into our traumas and gently looking and feeling other perspectives by embodying somatically innovative ways to perceive the world as authentic and free as we can (even more objectively for drama equals trauma).
- you will need it - get into the body not out of it-
The Sun in Gate_Hexagram 59, Earth Gate_Hexagram 55, relating to the other intimately with transparency, the emotional body is abundant in spirit, Mars in Gate_Hexagram 20, Contemplation, a gentle observation, a wider view of the infinite possibilities available, Pluto in Gate_Hexagram 60 is full of limitations, and Saturn in Gate_Hexagram 49 keeps reminding us that the true revolution means cutting off with what is no longer needed.
Time is not fixed, so everything aligns for success if we accept that the Sun at its Zenith will start declining and the alignment with the laws of nature means also to act within good timing.
I Surrender as I come back from the dead-
INTUITION (L. intueri, ‘to look at or into’). I regard intuition as a basic psychological function (q.v.). It is the function that mediates perceptions in an unconscious way. Everything, whether outer or inner objects or their relationships, can be the focus of this perception. The peculiarity of intuition is that it is neither sense perception, nor feeling, nor intellectual inference, although it may also appear in these forms. In intuition a content presents itself whole and complete, without our being able to explain or discover how this content came into existence. Intuition is a kind of instinctive apprehension, no matter of what contents. Like sensation (q.v.), it is an irrational (q.v.) function of perception. As with sensation, its contents have the character of being “given,” in contrast to the “derived” or “produced” character of thinking and feeling (qq.v.) contents. Intuitive knowledge possesses an intrinsic certainty and conviction, which enabled Spinoza (and Bergson) to uphold the scientia intuitiva as the highest form of knowledge. Intuition shares this quality with sensation (q.v.), whose certainty rests on its physical foundation. The certainty of intuition rests equally on a definite state of psychic “alertness” of whose origin the subject is unconscious.
― C.G. Jung, Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 6: Psychological Types
The last few weeks have felt like a rebirth.
-what has perished?
-what is getting dissolved?
-what may start arising?
A way of life…
I find that by surrendering to what is, the resistance is merged with the impulse of moving towards new territories, I look back in time, not because I feel nostalgic, I look back to see which patterns I may find in the Time cycles, what has passed and how and what has emerged. It gives me a sense of being grounded in the only direction that matters to me, evolution.
All this energy that is moving and guiding us to explore places and situations we have never experienced before, is perfect for these times,
As the next six months unfold, reaching spring, we will notice more command and experience with new skills to live bravely in this decaying society. Which is still full of uncertainties but with the appropriate challenges that are shaping us with accountability and preparing our souls to embody a sense of individuality.
Can one harvest a deep trust within, to allow the full abundance to flourish generating emotions that connect to the spirit with the pure integrity of love?
The integrity of the ecology only needs to be self-actualized by each soul, one by one mirroring each other, a natural rhythm of support interweaves the net that sustains the opportunities for transformation-
Many skills are being redefined, from the material to the potential of the virtual chain of blocks
- how am I of value?
Relating to the nature/nurture/wholesome bodies as they are upgraded and mutated via viruses.
Intuition is an important component of our beings, it is the portal to the unconscious where all souls are part of the same spirit, intuition is the purest form to materialize the divine if one allows it.
“When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.”
― Kahlil Gibrán, Sand and Foam
My take on the Cross, Malevich, the Gospel of John, the Pavilion of the Holy See at the Venice Biennale, which I represented in 2015, who commissioned a site intervention I called ARCHE-TYPES, THE SOUND OF THE WORD IS BEYOND SENSE, 2015, now part of the Vatican Museums Collection.
How did a heretic got invited to represent such a religious institution? Visit the link to see the artwork I created and read the curatorial text BEYOND SENSE On the ARCHE-TYPES of Monika Bravo by Octavio Zaya which is one of my favorites.
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-Think of me and smile because you are alive and rocking this world.
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Greek mystikos "secret, mystic, connected with the mysteries," from mystes "one who has been initiated"
Apocatastasis is a term Jung was fond of. He uses it quite a few times in his works. It is important to understand the word, as it leads to an understanding of the essential nature of the Jungian analysis. This word shows up only once in the New Testament, in Acts 3: 19ff. Peter is speaking to a crowd of people AL. The term apokatastasis corresponds to the Platonic idea of anamnesis, or what is called recollection. Jung uses the term anamnesis in the Platonic sense that as we acquire consciousness and knowledge, all our learning is only a remembering of prenatal knowledge. All our cognition is no more than re-cognition, a remembering of what we once knew and had forgotten source: Christ exemplifies the archetype of the Self ( CW9.2: par. 70 ):
Jung seems to have favored the idea of an Aion as both an astrological epoch—lasting roughly 2,165 years, or one-twelfth of what he believed to be the great “Platonic year” of 26,000 years—and a god-image, emerging out of the human religious imagination and embodying the qualities of that epoch. These epochs are reflected in the astronomical phenomenon of the precession of the equinoxes: the gradual backward movement of the point of the spring equinox (the moment each year when the sun enters the zodiacal sign of Aries) through the stars of the twelve zodiacal constellations. Printed in the Summer 2018 issue of Quest magazine. Citation: Greene, Liz, "C.G. Jung’s Vision of the Aquarian Age" Quest 106:2, pg 19-25
Monika, it's very nice to hear your reading, even if I miss a word or meaning, it works anyway, but on another level. Saludos desde Buenos Aires!