to flirt,
to romance,
to seduce,
to date1,
to tease,
to encounter,
to calibrate oneself before jumping into the void.
to commit [not yet, slow down…]
to approach and engage in a potential relationship of [re]discovery, that is what happens at the onset of meeting someone “new”.
the [re]cognition of a frequency that is either missing and needs to be [re] established or to be [re]cognized as a pattern one has inherent in one’s own design. It shows as resonance or dissonance, the values have a specific meaning to what is being related or connected, 2 dots meet in a line kind of thing. Perhaps if the winds are in the right direction, these frequencies can be integrated, and the tools are always available for the discovery within the body.

Themes: the shape of sound
breath - bellow - resonance - pattern - rhythm - circuitry2 -relationship to the body as the point of entry, either experimented as a logical pattern of rhythms or as an empirical observation through time.
A 5-point star, an 8-year cycle3, a [re]turn to embrace yet another step in the spiral of life.
Harmonics4, intervals, observing the law of seven.
breathe again, ratios experienced and discovered, lack of oxygen, mountain view, inner vision. IN, hold, OUT, repeat.
fire - flame - ignition - [play]ground
Pendulum6 - kinetic energy - effect on movement, shifting planes
Analogy, correspondence from Greek Ana: according to, Logos: word, speech, ratio.
A Greek mathematical term given a wider sense by Plato. The meaning "partial agreement, likeness or proportion between things" is from the 1540s. In logic, "an argument from the similarity of things in some ways inferring their similarity in others," c. 1600.
Memory is selective; Analogies that can serve
Erasing the hard drive of our emotional data bank can take some time, the best way I have experienced is to override it with a “new playlist”, a new selection of experiences that start with the environment, as it carries vibrations and frequencies that if one is not trained enough, one cannot detect them and find out if they bring safety.
For example, trusting the body’s capacity to follow instincts such as a smell, or a sound, even the way things are “organized in space”, these are frequencies that connect and communicate with each other creating a harmonic space. colors, sounds even food, how many times have you experienced mixing stuff that in the end the result doesn’t flow?
When the information is connected to memory, emotions take time to decipher which part of the crystallized version they are tapping into,
-am I being reactive to what I just heard?
-or reactive to how I relate to what I hear?
-or am I feeling something very much related to my history and at the present moment I connect in resonance or dissonance?
Trauma or the wound lives inside the crystallized memory, and when activated it can bring back the feelings and deep emotions created at the starting node where the first interval occurred. The wave needs time to be experienced and needs to be sensed.
Vibrations and frequencies are not woo woo7 language, they couldn’t be more scientific, only that humanity through time has lost the connection to the relationship it has with nature.
Frequency is the measurement of the number of times that a repeated event occurs per unit of time. Frequency is an interval between the observations of a time series; periodicity refers to the frequency of the compilation of data
The pitch of the sound is determined by the frequency of vibration of the sound waves that produce them.
The vibration creates a space, it is created by cycles or terms, and frequencies occupy these spaces, if one is sensitive, one can “detect” the value of sound, color, smell, texture, or even frequencies beyond our physical measurable senses.
Musical Intervals or interruptions in the flow of energy [effect], like geometric proportions, always involve 2 elements in a relationship: 2 string lengths, two periods [length of time], or 2 frequencies [beats per length of time].
Simple ratios are harmonious.
~ Technicalities

Flirting [with my breath]
Underworld: Inner vision: leverage
Venus as the evening star is going to the underworld and resurfacing in 43 days8, a period to [re]flect, and engage with the needs, the values that fire up creativity, self-validation, and recognition of our intrinsic talents and how they can be expressed uniquely.
This Venus retrograde is very important, as the ruler of the South Node in Libra, it points to the needs that one might neglect in relationships to situations, persons, or things that are perhaps in another vibratory state. At one time, they probably served a real purpose, and now there is the openness to [re]consider their value in relationship to where you are now [and where you would love to be vibrating in a few years].
Therefore these 43 days of “darkness” serve as a prompt to reconnect to the inner child, to its innate spark of innocence that we forget at times lives within. Just invite him/her to play…
Personally, I am going through a beautiful moment where I left behind groups, persons and as mentioned last week social media engagement, I have been flirting with myself as if I had met a new person, it is the same sensation of the infatuation one feels at the onset of meeting someone with a wonderful “vibe” that resonates at a frequency or ratio that creates a harmonic pace into our being. The sound of my breath at different intervals is the name of my tune.
It feels like I am feeling very comfortable and seduced by the reflection of myself, some years ago, I would have not dared to write such a thing, because shame would have edited out, BTW, my two old friends, shame and guilt sent me some postcards a while back, they both agreed I had turned into a party-pooper, as I lost interest in my relationship with them, we “moved on” sort of speak…
Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.
Salvador Dali
In the next 43 days, Venus will square Uranus and Jupiter (90° angle) twice before returning to the same degree it is now at 28°Leo, these moments of dissonance will bring a crisis to shake ourselves on how we relate to fixed views, ideals, or social constructs and how to give value to this creative expression.
Have you seen the bipolarity in the collective that has been increasing at rates that cross the surreal? alas! the noise will get louder and having to find a direct connection to the rhythm in our bodies is of the essence.
We have seen misinformation, disinformation, censorship, and propaganda at alarming and increasing rates that signal only one thing: disconnect from collective agendas and explore how the next 20 months will lead planet Earth to the place you would love to resonate with.
If we look forward to the end of 2024 and the first trimester of 2025, some amazing opportunities will take effect, we are slowly dissolving our perception of this world, yet in order not to be swept away by the fantasy and still keep one foot on the ground, from now until then, doing the Venus and Mars conscious work will determine an individuated outcome of humans that serve planet earth in full awareness.9
Collective and individual desires may clash, and realities will make no sense. All commitments and relationships would have been shaped by then.
-Who is your daddy?
-Are you free yet?
-Is your internal clock still in snooze mode?
-Start with I AM

-Can you find devotion to the experience once you commit to trusting the cycles of time, once you jump into the void?
Discovery, encounter, jumping into The Abysm - exploration. Venus Retrograde starts on 7/22/23 at Gate 29
It is interesting how at times in a newly established relationship, one can fully commit to it without knowing what it takes, the shape of how it will become10, how you start it, will define it in time. At a lower non-self frequency, this energy shows up as the inability to say “no”, as to please other people’s needs, thus taking on overwhelming-stressful tasks leading to disappointment and zero satisfaction.
There is nothing such as luck! if you vibrate at the frequency needed for the commitment, serendipity will be met. It translates as having trust in your vessel, the body, and also surrendering to the creative process.
This generative energy if it is met only halfway by creating expectations will surely meet a negative fate or a confirmation that one is out of sync.
When you enter a new experience through inner guidance, the discoveries, which you make, have a significant impact on Collective Consciousness.
-Any lack of love for the body distorts the body physically-
“Cellular cycle lasts for seven full years since that is how long it takes the body to replace all of its renewable cells.”
[…] “True commitment includes the energy to overcome obstacles and adversity.”
Gene Keys, Richard Rudd

"If you want to examine the human being effectively from any point of view you must return again and again to the separation of man's soul activities into cognition (which takes place in thought) and into feeling and willing …
From the spiritual point of view, also, you will find a difference between willing, feeling, and thinking-knowing.
"The human organism, the most complex of all natural organisms, can be described as consisting of three systems, working side by side. To a certain extent each functions separately and independently of the others. One of these consists of the life of the nerves and senses. It may be named, after the part where it is more or less centered, the head organism. Second, comes what we need to recognize as another branch if we really want to understand the human organism, the rhythmic system. This includes the breathing and the circulation of the blood, everything that finds expression in rhythmic processes in the human organism. The third must be recognized as consisting of all those organs that have to do with the actual transformation of matter — the metabolic process. These three systems comprise everything that, duly coordinated, keeps the whole human complex in healthy working order.
Rudolf Steiner (Study of Man. Lecture VI. & The Threefold Social Order. Chapter II.)

NOTE: Another article not revised nor edited by Mari… 😬. it is what it is…
The earliest usage of the noun "date" is in 1896 by George Ade, a columnist for the Chicago Record.[1] Date referred to "public" courtship, when a woman would meet a man publicly rather than privately at a residence or at court. In Ade's 1899 "Fabels in Slang", he used the term "Date Book" to describe a type of ledger system a cashier used to track dates with suitors until she married.[2]
The circuitry is a complete synthesis of the mechanics of the design, these circuits serve a purpose within the totality of the human geometry. Their unique combinations ensure and enable the flow of life force within the streams, which are pathways that connect awareness fields of conceptual, survival, and emotional fields. [human design system]
During each cycle of 8 Earth years, the Venus pentagram precesses about 1.5 degrees in the direction of Earth's orbital motion, reflecting the fact that the Earth: Venus orbital ratio is an approximate ('near') rather than a perfect orbital resonance. Venus completes this star-shaped cycle in roughly 8.5 years, during which it goes through 5 retrograde periods. They are the five petals of the rose.
Geometry is a number in space, music is a number in time, and basic intervals are simply elementary ratios. Conjunction, Unison 1:1, 2:1, Octave. 3:2, the fifth, 4:3 the fourth, and so on. These intervals are interruptions in the flow of energy or effect.
I have enjoyed Steve Beattie’s wonderful offerings daily for a while now, you can subscribe to his live-stoic breath sessions by donating on his page.
Galileo found that each pendulum has a constant period. The period is the time in which a pendulum completes a single oscillation, i.e., returns to the position it was in at the beginning of the period. For example, The time required for the pendulum to move from its most extreme right position back to that point.
Woo-Woo (slang) Supernatural, unrealistic. He made a living out of woo-woo beliefs. Wiktionary. (slang) Describing a person readily accepting supernatural, paranormal, occult, or pseudoscientific phenomena, or emotion-based beliefs and explanations.
Venus will station direct on 09/03 in Gate 33.5, focus on the timing by keeping one's intentions secret, at appropriate timing or due to one's own uncertainty others are informed of one's intention at the wrong time. having traveled backward through gates 29, 4, 7, and 33 it will retrace its steps until it emerges from its shadow on 10/07/23… On August 8th it will be halfway through the retrograde cycle when it conjuncts the Sun at 20° Leo at Gate 4.3. Whatever thesis you have been creating, if it cannot be grasped it will be rejected on the basis of logical reasons. So be mindful of what is cooking, the answers of Gate 4 can then lead to revolutionary changes in the world.
By the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, Amazing conjunctions and retrogrades between Mars and Venus, a bit before Pluto’s final entrance to Aquarius, Mars will oppose Pluto and dance backward from Leo to Cancer, while a few months later, Venus will retrograde in Aries meeting the North Node in Neptune, and the Sun in Pisces.
The 29th gate is an abstract circuit that stems from the sacral, a generator channel, connecting to the 46th gate in the identity center. is the vital force to commit oneself to experiences and persevere. It holds the potential to become fully involved in a process without knowing where one is headed. It is the gate of “Saying Yes” to life and experiences. It provides the vital force that keeps a person at what they do, no matter how difficult the circumstances. It is persistent and will also accept tasks and responsibilities just to have something that requires staying power. Sometimes it is also the gate of “Saying No” to life, if it does not accept that life can be difficult, too. The gate’s potential is Commitment.
This is beautiful. In ceremony yesterday I was channeling the concepts of “I Am”. I came to understand that “I” only exists as a reference point to my current reality; “I am” because of what “I was” or what has been. If I identify with the “I”, I anchor myself in my past. The Self has no past, has no future, has no present. The Self simply exists.
Wow, Monika, I never ceased to be amazed by the width of the wisdom which you pack into these transmissions.
Lots of chewy nuggets of resonance for me combined with myriad “new” insights that felt like a re-connection when I read them.
I may be taken off line tomorrow for an undetermined amount of time---a year at most---so if you don’t hear from me for a while, just know that I’m taking this beautiful and profound post with me on my journey. Thanks so much for being you and for sharing yourself with the world!