Every March 7th, give or take, the light of the Sun shines on my vulnerable Chiron at 17°28’ Pisces1, which over the years after my return, has allowed me to show up without armor and be myself.
The fear of not being able to sustain my needs, or of being in codependent relationships, creating addictive behaviors because I may feel awkward when in the spotlight, as well as experiencing self-doubt especially when I am aware of how I contribute to the world, became very clear in my meditation this morning. I have recently changed the way I reconnect with the present moment, using a specific technique that I will now call equilibrium is a process.
Right and left brain, good and bad judgments, and dark and light—all these polarities present at all times—contain the real appreciation I have towards my discipline and practices.
Observation, in my case, takes the time of a sine wave to travel up and down several times to give me the right pulse for what I have to do when I have to do it. Fear of survival based on past situations and guilt of having more than others are my shadows, but my spirit is one of hope and spiritual abundance.
Enjoy this New Moon in Pisces at Gate 22—it signifies new endings. Surrendering without too much suffering to what has no more life in it, or no more purpose of being, while on the threshold of what is emoting and shaping as new. The new heights of the wave can take the emotion to a state of grace, if one is in the mood for it.
It's time to appreciate life without definitions.
With Saturn, Mercury, the Sun, and Neptune in Pisces2, the form is shaped by the relationship I have with my spirit.

I thank all of you who have pre-ordered the book, those intending to buy it soon, and the curious as well. Mari and I are delighted to know that our creative work could soon be in your hands.
Self-publishing is the most badass, second-house, self-sustaining endeavor I can undertake.
By sharing my journey of empowerment, I must show up creatively sharing my voice without shame, with the courage that takes the realm to reign and to be sovereign.
Falling on my Second house of Needs and values, squaring my natal Venus at 21°27’ Gemini 5th house.
We have a new cycle between the Moon and Saturn on the 9th of March. How can we embody the structure of what is sacred? Then, hours later, the Sun and the New Moon initiate a yearly dance. Let's go back and select what has unfolded since Feb 20, 2023, when the New Moon at 1° Pisces was conjunct Saturn in late degrees of Aquarius in my 1st house, while Venus was at 29° Pisces, Jupiter in Aries and the North Node was exact on my 6° Taurus Sun. I could not have planned the creation of the book better. This year culminates during the presale as a tale coming of age. I am grateful for giving myself the SPACE to be.