Note: I missed one week, so here it is, a bit long article, enjoy!
Greetings, beautiful souls who graciously take the time to delve into my thoughts amidst the chaos that surrounds us, both internally and externally.
I can’t recall another schizophrenic time like this, honestly; it feels like a whirlwind, evoking memories of surreal times when I was high on substances, navigating altered states, disconnected, soothing my pains temporarily behind a veil.
Back then, my imagination sprinted as it was on speed while weaving fantastical realms—ironic, whimsical, shaped by a blend of faith and (de)illusion.
However, this time, there are no external factors such as substances, and there's no veil either. Even in sporadic fogs, I discern a mind-program, a set of beliefs or ideologies, executed with eerie precision. To safeguard my sanity, scrutiny is imperative, as merging with the surroundings would spell a tragic demise for my soul.
A while back, I started looking at the world through a different lens, moving around the spaces created different vibrations, as I started resonating at different frequencies.
Pinpointing the exact "moment" this shift occurred proves elusive. Yet, I can trace one such activation for change to around 9 years ago, precisely on 12/19/2014, when I severed an 18-year partnership with my second husband—a complete nodal return in the Libra-Aries axis, now mirrored in its opposite.
The focus on the WE ARE - I AM dynamic then drove me down the rabbit hole of asking myself just one question:
-How can I have leverage and relate to others if I ignore what my needs and values are?
And so it began then, my journey of emotional maturation and emancipation. Nine years may feel like a whole lot, but in my case, I have been liberating myself in a moment-to-moment manner.
But time is both nonexistence and a continuum, and as souls, we are navigating a materialistic experience with a lot of privilege that at times grounds us too much in matter. The density is needed to practice evolution through mutation while there are rough angles that show up as limitations. There are times that the energy seems to flow, supporting decisions and giving a feeling of being one with nature. Both instances are necessary in this duality.
Power is often misconceived as possession or acquisition, tethered to value. In truth, it's simpler—exerting effort, a proof of work that catalyzes transformation altering states of materials. Power demands effort, and effort is the application of energy.
Ever felt powerless? What does that sensation entail? Perhaps it's a disconnection from the intimate dance of confronting fears and allowing a process of becoming.
Can effort exist without movement? Can energy be conjured from nothing? The answers resonate in the negative.
Perception spans a spectrum with quantitative expressions of energy. Picture musical scales divided into fractions. It's akin to the range of colors perceivable—a mere angle of the complete spectrum. What our eyes grasp is but a fraction of this vast energetic totality.
Under and beyond the hue cycle lie the ultraviolet1 or the infrared2. They exist in the 'invisible' spectrum, yet their existence can be traced as vibrations beyond our perception. This is called qualitative energy. This energetic totality converges to the radius or the emanating light from the core.
Ratios contribute to the creation of harmonic relationships. They compare quantities within the same frequency, creating harmony in a vibratory space. In instances where dissonance arises and impedes mutation, transference becomes the action that carries over into a different mutative dynamic jumping onto another state.
Human action directs the energy to the power of I AM; what sets in motion is the capacity to embrace the individuated state. While these days, either speaking up or not complying may seem extremely risky to the survival of the individual, it is perhaps the most important gesture/practice and principle one has.
“We are the temple of experience”
…science defines energy as the ability to produce some effect. An effect needs somebody to be affected. We build a physics of quality, where the human energy system is the measuring device of everything…
~Dr. Ibrahim Karim - #biogeometry

An event emerges and is set in motion
An event emerges and sets in motion the manifestation of life force in two distinct ways—spontaneously through natural radiation3 (emanating) and intentionally through directed release (emitting).
To grasp the intricacies of energy quality, imagine colorless light passing through a prism, creating varied angles and colors. This analogy extends beyond the visible spectrum, akin to musical notes producing sound beyond audibility.4.
Sensory scales (color, sound, touch) interchange on a vibratory level. This interchangeability allows the measurement of sound, touch, taste, angle, and shape through resonance with a repetitive color scale5.
Perceived effects within sensory ranges—color, sound, touch, taste, smell—originate from abstract energy qualities. Unperceived effects beyond sensory ranges operate subconsciously, measurable with Radiesthesic instruments calibrated to the color scale.
Quantifying the quality of energy as it travels beyond our senses poses a challenge. Tools like pendulums, dials, and emitters are instrumental in this exploration, offering a glimpse into the uncharted realms of energy measurement6.

Duality can only be integrated
Contrast IS necessary, it's a crucial element in my perception. Whenever I discern the existence of another, or the presence of the "other," I initiate my observation ritual. I meticulously note my feelings and assess how external factors, whether situations, objects, or people, influence my emotional state.
Am I truly reacting to them, or is it a response to a projection or a memory? More often than not, the connection is tenuous, but following my instincts and intuition, and observing the emotional waves for clarity, becomes crucial. I pose questions to myself:
-Am I safe in this moment?
-Am I allowing space for emotions to ebb and flow within me, both internally and externally?
-Do I sense a fog of non-clarity?
If the response aligns with instinct, if it arrives as a resounding "NO," signaling that I can't be present or embrace the given situation, it becomes evident that it emanates a dubious energy, and an immediate rejection is necessary. Regardless of potential losses, if something smells fishy or feels like BS, it's a clear "NO.”
Intuition, on the other hand, resembles an inner vision or a subtle whisper of knowledge. I NEVER feel the need to prove it, and you won't catch me presenting any evidence. Trust is paramount, and one simply knows.
Perhaps what can validate all this, are synchronicities or serendipity, but I don’t get too impressed by them as I aspire to live a life in harmony, always vibrating at the frequency I must at that specific time, so synchronicity is a state of being as oppossed to an event! thus meditation, humming, contemplations, as well as following my inner emotional authoriy are daily practices.
Energy as consent or Disobedience
I think of energy not only in the act of exertion, but also deflecting it, as in Aikido7, redirecting the flow to make something either concrete or meaningful. The act of rejecting, holding, or embracing requires energy too.
Giving or withholding consent involves a certain amount of mental and emotional energy. When individuals provide consent, whether in personal relationships, professional settings, or societal contexts, they invest a part of their emotional and cognitive resources. This can involve considerations, evaluations, and the willingness to engage in a particular action or situation.
Disobedience is not complying with something that works against your needs, thus a waste of energy. Decision-making is crucial in establishing the way energy will be transformed, as all human actions shape behavior and create culture, influencing outcomes. But how aware are we of the particular elements that penetrate our psyche and slowly, little by little shape civilization?
Are we as conscious species that know the value of questioning the status quo, could and would define diverse outcomes?
Are we sitting on the side, waiting for some person or institution to tell us what to do with our self-ownership, personal property, or whatnot? There is a science for that called praxeology8 which provides essential insights into the structure of human civilization, shaping intellectual, moral, and technical achievements, and supporting the understanding of the consequences of human actions—a vital tool for decision-making, particularly in fields like economics and policy.
Individual decisions can also be part of another practice in the process of understanding how energy travels around the body, and which energy centers provide a direction on how to respond according to each design. After all, human design is the science of differentiation.

Here in Las Vegas9, amid relentless stimulation, the sensory onslaught can be jarring. The extremes of this city lay societal constructs bare.
Remembering my earlier musings on blockchain as an organism, I'm now drawn to delve deeper, focusing on the heartbeat of the Bitcoin network and the vibrant community that animates it.
Is this community akin to a cult? The resounding cheers for freedom echo, but who are these individuals? Nerds, rebels, or visionaries? What draws us to start with is the value in the scarcity of only 21 million coins, mirroring the uniqueness of our individual lives; time is scarce, hence the value. The net is constructed by an integrity towards a society of sovereign individuals.
I can't help but explore the connection between human action, subjective value, and the allure of Bitcoin. How do privacy, self-ownership, and aggression factor into this digital narrative?
Emotional maturity becomes a lens through which to view the community. How do these diverse perspectives and motivations coalesce? Is there a collective emotional intelligence shaping the culture? All hidden aspects of the underworld may reveal themselves through relational values.
Bitcoin’s community invites me on a journey, a path into the elaborate intersections of ideology, individualism, and the shared pursuit of something as elusive as freedom but concrete in behavior and the choices we make that turn out to be all economic, whether we are aware of them or not.
The core of the Bitcoin network, known as layer 1 or the mainchain, encompasses vital components such as the distributed ledger, network nodes, and the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism. It serves as the foundation, much like a backbone. Within this layer, individuals act as Nodes, actively engaging in the connection and validation of the digital ledger—an analogy to the human ledger, where every action is meticulously documented, leaving a lasting impact. As integral agents in this complex system, we contribute to the dynamic flow of energy, participating in the continuous process of generation, transformation, and emission of power, guiding us through various states of existence.
What is the scope of Bitcoin? For me, it is more than an aspiration; it is a state of consciousness, where all decisions will shape my behavior, and that behavior will define my character, thus my life will be impregnated and realized by it. I would like that experience to have the most integrity and a purpose of service, for the good of humankind.
We need all agents! Duality can only be synthesized!
Protocol + immune system
Ensuring the creation of a facsimile, a protocol, is vital for drafting my upcoming times— which no one knows what, nor how, uncharted territory definitely vibrating at a very, very different frequency.
One cannot raise vibrations and believe to be in a higher state; there is NO SUCH HIERarchy. Many seek meaning by attaching themselves to experiences or visions, such as those encountered during plant medicine journeys, yet integration surpasses the event itself; it requires time and practice.
One cannot stop the energy from flowing, so you had a vision, congratulations! and now what? Are you going to frame it and let your life be defined by one moment as opposed to a constant flow or ever-evolving energy? The first one sounds like prison to me; rigid definitions and constraints tend to feel like strangulation unless they serve a purpose.
In Vegas, surrounded by soulless, zombie-like beings reacting to all kinds of stimuli,visual, sonic, sexual; and I in the middle of it questioned myself, "Monika, what the hell?"
In this convergence of fantasy and reality, a person's ability to disconnect in seconds is alluring, after all, addictions are attachments related to disconnection from bigger pains when safety has been compromised.
Dante's layer nine, symbolizing the deepest level of hell in 'Inferno,' mirrors the chaotic allure of Vegas—an indoctrination where senses respond by hypnosis, making one a slave to the system.
So I pondered, Perhaps we need all agents, high and low, awake or zombies, each one of us is ABSOLUTELY necessary to create enough tension and contrast to elevate vibrational states.
-How does the environment's ecology operate?
-What is the immune system, and how does it function?
-Who and what are the soldiers guarding against and keeping off the bad agents from infiltrating and impregnating the system?
It's fascinating to explore immunology through various metaphors, be it likening it to bitcoin mining, the human design splenic awareness center with its triggering fears, Bio geometry, aligning the body with a personal wavelength, or finding practical solutions to harmonize oneself with the environment (acknowledging rather than altering it, much like epigenetics). Even Chinese medicine, with its holistic approach, observes the dynamic shifts in the quality of time and adjusts the body accordingly.
In essence, all these perspectives converge on a common thread—a force that eludes a fixed definition but undergoes continual transformation, transcending conventional boundaries.
So, what truly is Energy10?
-Can one measure, conserve, transform, and cognitively mutate it?
“We are energy”—the bio part of ourselves embodies the elan vital or vital force.
While exploring these metaphors, I am left with a fundamental question: What truly defines and transforms the elusive essence of Energy?
Energy, power, and motion
Energy, power, and motion intertwine within the realm of Bitcoin mining. Here, motion refers to the computational activity of mining rigs, while action represents the productive behavior leading to results.
Achieving the target hash, whether less than or equal to a specified threshold, requires a substantial amount of energy and computational power. This serves as the validation proof in the "proof-of-work" concept. The process involves using energy for computational tasks, and power denotes the pace of these computations. The ultimate goal is to solve proof-of-work problems, earning newly mined Bitcoin as a reward and establishing a connection between power, energy, and the potential to receive payment in Bitcoin.
Energy is crucial for the computational calculations, and power is vital for the swift execution of work, increasing the chances of efficiently solving proof-of-work problems.
Although physical motion is not involved, the concept of motion metaphorically captures the dynamic computational processes within mining hardware.
The popular comparison of bitcoin mining to the creation of Bitcoins correctly links Bitcoin's abstract computational functions to biophysical environments. The energy needed to create a block can, in many cases, serve as a source of heat, or the energy can be produced by natural resources such as volcanoes.
In the context of personal decision-making, the metaphorical motion is implicit in the dynamic process of weighing options and arriving at a choice. The energy expended in instinctual, intuitive, emotional, or mental efforts propels the decision-making process forward, akin to the motion in a physical sense.
Every thought, instinct, emotion, evaluation, and consideration contributes to this dynamic mental, emotional, or instinctual journey, forming a sense of motion within the decision-making framework.
The power to resist immediate gratification and prioritize long-term goals adds a deliberate and purposeful motion to the process, highlighting the dynamic nature of decision-making in the realm of human action and economics.
Parallels between the processes of Bitcoin mining and the metaphorical motion involved in personal decision-making emphasize the dynamic interplay of energy, power, and motion in both contexts.
On a Bitcoin Standard, bureaucracies go bankrupt. They cannot grow into the abominations we see around us today in which useless idiots work bullshit jobs just to pretend like they’re doing something, when in fact they’re leeching.
On a Bitcoin Standard, the organisation with the most inefficient bureaucracy and the greatest infestation of parasites, dies. It does not “live long & prosper”.
This is the inherent natural advantage of an economic standard rooted in reality. One which exists as Proof of Work. One which is time incarnate. Energy Money.
The parasite cannot survive, let alone thrive in such a place.
Natural selection does not necessarily happen because of us, but happens through us, and the emergence of a parasitic environment filled with a blend of dumb blind automatons on one side and psychopathic energy vampires on the other is part of the process of enlightenment.
~ Aleksandar Svetski The Remnant, The Parasite & The Masses, A psychological analysis of the core archetypes
Emitting good will
I want to thank those who may seem lazy, and those who, in reality, flatter me—the parasites who, inspired by me, contribute effortlessly without generating from their own life force.
Within an organic ecology, is the role of parasites essential?perhaps they create interconnected systems that shape community serving critical ecological roles like regulating wildlife that might otherwise balloon in population size and become pests.
When examining charts illustrating time cycles, imagine a vibrant organism fueled by energy, generating power through the dynamic interplay of movement. Understand that static images represent only two-dimensional glimpses of multidimensional frequencies, each in perpetual motion—whether involving planets, the temporal evolution of prices, or the ebb and flow of transits.
Speaking of transits, Mercury turns retrograde at 8° Capricorn, the same degree when it went direct last January 18, 2023. Looking at its cycle this past year is essential to integrate the ideas that need to be concretized, creating a new paradigm where ideals are slowly constructed on the platform of speaking freely with integrity. This shift will further liberate us from the chains of numbness, slavery, and a zombie-like existence.
Step up and fuel your energy to generate a life of authenticity, empowering your purpose of serving by moving away from what is stagnant.
~Can you notice how you are using your energy to transform your reality and put in motion what makes you potent?
Ultra- word-forming element meaning "beyond" (ultraviolet) or "extremely" (ultramodern), from Latin ultra- from ultra (adv. and prep.) "beyond, on the other side, on the farther side, past, over, across," from PIE *ol-tero-, suffixed form of root *al- "beyond." In common use from early 19c., it appears to have arisen from French political designations. As its own word, a noun meaning "extremist" of various stripes, it is first recorded 1817, from French ultra, shortening of ultra-royaliste "extreme royalist."
Infra- word-forming element meaning "below, beneath," from Latin infra (adverb and preposition) "below, underneath, on the under side, beneath," also "later than; smaller than; inferior to," related to infernus "low, below," from PIE *ndher "under" (source also of Sanskrit adnah"below," Old English under "under, among;" see under). Modern popular use of it dates from the 1920s, as an opposite to super-, often in science fiction. "This use of infra- is scarcely a Latin one" [OED].
radiation (n.) mid-15c., radiacion, "act or process of emitting light," from Latin radiationem (nominative radiatio) "a shining, radiation," noun of action from past-participle stem of radiare "to beam, shine, gleam; make beaming," from radius "beam of light; spoke of a wheel" (see radius). Meaning "rays or beams emitted" is from 1560s. Meaning "divergence from a center" is 1650s. In modern physics, "emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles," especially in reference to ionizing radiation, from early 20c.
Dr. Karim's BioGeometry Physics of Quality, outlined in "Back To A Future For Mankind.
Universal energy qualities, manifesting around a circle, differentiate through the color scale, akin to absolute energy qualities seen as universal laws.
Ultraviolet (UV) light has shorter wavelengths than visible light. Although UV waves are invisible to the human eye, some insects, such as bumblebees, can see them. This is similar to how a dog can hear the sound of a whistle just outside the hearing range of humans. Infrared waves, or infrared light, are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. People encounter Infrared waves every day; the human eye cannot see it, but humans ... Infrared radiation (IR), sometimes referred to simply as infrared, is a region of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum where wavelengths range from about 700 nanometers (nm) to 1 millimeter (mm). Infrared waves are longer than visible light waves but shorter than radio waves.
Aikido's self-defense foundation revolves around redirecting the aggressor's energy, converting it into a force that is either harmless or potentially beneficial. It is the skill of transforming negativity into positivity, turning curses into blessings. There is always a method to redirect and repurpose any attacking energy.
In Austrian economics, praxeology serves as the methodological and analytical framework, emphasizing the study of purposeful human action and the logical implications derived from it. It distinguishes Austrian economics from other schools of economic thought and underscores the importance of deducing economic principles from the understanding of individual actions and choices.
I was attending a Bitcoin conference called unconfiscatable for few days.
Energia "activity, action, operation," from energos "active, working," from en "at" (see en- (2)) + -ergos "that works," from ergon "work, that which is wrought; business; action" (from PIE root *werg- "to do").