So here we are in Pisces season, Saturn will enter the sign on March 8th, (it has not been here since June 1996) it is a big deal at many levels if you have been “feeling it”.
Our emotional body aka our solar plexus will be activated for the next 36 months, there are diverse ways to feel the emotional wave, the key is to observe these energies in motion in a period of time - as emotions - feelings, and sensations need time for clarity.
Diverse techniques can be practiced during these times, a very ancient one rooted in taking both a distance [space] and taking some time to observe how situations, people, or things make you feel- these will support all kinds of triggers.
This is so one gets in touch with the perceptive part of our being that has mainly been conditioned by the way we grew up, and has grown accustomed to identifying with what is not true.
Remember the Socratic triad before reacting:
-is it true? -is it kind? -is it useful or for the benefit of humankind?
A journal, a recording device, or any other form of documentation of the wave can be of service - because Saturn is all about support in the definition of our reality. The structure will yield or become firm depending on our awareness.
If your Solar Plexus center is undefined or open, you are amplifying these waves, so be on the lookout for other people’s meltdowns. Observation is still key.
Here below are some reels I made and I would like to share
Be well my friends - practice any of these virtues: gratitude, kindness, generosity, humility, and or honesty.
Three Emotional waves in Human Design lingo:
Individual: Moody* (a state of mind), it operates in waves with spikes of highs and lows, a bit melodramatic, when the needle is low it feels like there is no light, MOVE the body, Do channel the anger or sadness creatively, go write a poem, make a drawing, or sing a song!
Tribal: Sensitive**, it needs to feel the touch and warmth of the clan, which could be through caring for pets or between familiar celebrations, this wave seems to be mild until it breaks either because the principle is no longer true or the bargain too big.
Collective: as long as there is a desire, there is a potential for mastering experiences for the sake of it there is a process, yet if the expectation is higher than the process, this wave will break.
*subject to or indulging in gloomy spells, out of humor, sullen" is recorded by 1590s (via the Middle English sense of "angry).
**By 1520s as "of, connected with, or affecting the senses." With reference to persons or mental feelings, "keenly susceptible to external influences," especially "easily touched by emotion, readily wounded by unkindness" (but also "ready to take offense"), by 1816.
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Emotional Wave 🚨 Activated
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So here we are in Pisces season, Saturn will enter the sign on March 8th, (it has not been here since June 1996) it is a big deal at many levels if you have been “feeling it”.
Our emotional body aka our solar plexus will be activated for the next 36 months, there are diverse ways to feel the emotional wave, the key is to observe these energies in motion in a period of time - as emotions - feelings, and sensations need time for clarity.
Diverse techniques can be practiced during these times, a very ancient one rooted in taking both a distance [space] and taking some time to observe how situations, people, or things make you feel- these will support all kinds of triggers.
This is so one gets in touch with the perceptive part of our being that has mainly been conditioned by the way we grew up, and has grown accustomed to identifying with what is not true.
Remember the Socratic triad before reacting:
-is it true? -is it kind? -is it useful or for the benefit of humankind?
A journal, a recording device, or any other form of documentation of the wave can be of service - because Saturn is all about support in the definition of our reality. The structure will yield or become firm depending on our awareness.
If your Solar Plexus center is undefined or open, you are amplifying these waves, so be on the lookout for other people’s meltdowns. Observation is still key.
Here below are some reels I made and I would like to share
Be well my friends - practice any of these virtues: gratitude, kindness, generosity, humility, and or honesty.
Three Emotional waves in Human Design lingo:
Individual: Moody* (a state of mind), it operates in waves with spikes of highs and lows, a bit melodramatic, when the needle is low it feels like there is no light, MOVE the body, Do channel the anger or sadness creatively, go write a poem, make a drawing, or sing a song!
Tribal: Sensitive**, it needs to feel the touch and warmth of the clan, which could be through caring for pets or between familiar celebrations, this wave seems to be mild until it breaks either because the principle is no longer true or the bargain too big.
Collective: as long as there is a desire, there is a potential for mastering experiences for the sake of it there is a process, yet if the expectation is higher than the process, this wave will break.
*subject to or indulging in gloomy spells, out of humor, sullen" is recorded by 1590s (via the Middle English sense of "angry).
**By 1520s as "of, connected with, or affecting the senses." With reference to persons or mental feelings, "keenly susceptible to external influences," especially "easily touched by emotion, readily wounded by unkindness" (but also "ready to take offense"), by 1816.