Dia-logos and the nature of my reality.[Dia-λόγος τη φύση της πραγματικότητάς μου]
Consider, for example, the work of an artist. Can it properly be said that the artist is expressing himself, i.e., literally “pushing outward” something that is already formed inside of him? Such a description is not in fact generally accurate or adequate. Rather, what usually happens is that the first thing the artist does is only similar in certain ways to what he may have in mind. As in a conversation between two people, he sees the similarity and the difference, and from this perception, something further emerges in his next action. Thus, something new is continually created that is common to the artist and the material on which he is working.
The scientist is engaged in a similar “dialogue” with nature (as well as with his fellow human beings). Thus, when a scientist has an idea, this is tested by observation. When it is found (as generally happens) that what is observed is only similar to what he had in mind and not identical, then from a consideration of the similarities and the differences he gets a new idea which is in turn tested. And so it goes, with the continual emergence of something new that is common to the thought of scientists and what is observed in nature.
‘Real dialogue is where two or more people become willing to suspend their certainty in each other’s presence.’
-David Bohm
From Logos to Dia-logos, it was only in the last two-three years I have been able to understand the complexity of knowing how to listen to others while I also listen to myself, in each encounter, I always part from one perspective, mine, and slowly I allow the information to be woven slowly as I discover (while confronting my shadows), the ideas that might not be resonating at first but perhaps will offer me a new perspective in time.
The latest part of my inner Dia-logos has a lot to do with an urge I have to devote myself to understanding Time, Value, and making sense of the interdisciplinary nature of my inquiries.
I have also engaged in the dialectics practice [διαλεκτική] among a group of diverse friends, with subjects that range from Mysticism, Bitcoin, trading, harmonics, creative processes, and the science of differentiation [human design] among many other subjects. The dialectic method is held between 2 or more people that hold different perspectives about a subject and are willing to establish a line of communication that offers a breakthrough through reasoned argumentation.
I am studying music (harmonics) to understand time.
I am studying financial charts to understand time.
I am studying geometry, the tarot, and numerology to understand time.
I am deepening my studies on human design and astrology to understand The nature of my reality.
I have felt the energy all moving forward, taking action, and being so grateful for the opportunities I have to express myself through creativity.
-What kind of inner dia-logos are you going through?
-Do you have a meaningful dialectic practice?
-What are you studying at the moment?
Intervals and overtones
This 👆👆 non-defined composition [if I may call it like that] is my first attempt as a simple exercise to find the truth about time…
To the man who pursues his studies in the proper way, all geometric constructions, all systems of numbers, all duly constituted melodic progressions, the single ordered scheme of all celestial revolutions, should disclose themselves... [by] the revelation of a single bond of natural interconnection.
(Ἐπινομίς Epinomis 991e, 992a)
-Plato For relating tone to number, and both to Geometry]
Time: Chronos* [χρόνος] - Kairos** [καιρός] - Aion*** [Αἰών]
I am not the only one looking to master TIME, every human being is looking to Decipher it, to stretch it, to beat it, to live it, to understand it, to experience it…
-Time is the conduit as emotions like music are sensed with time.
-Time is perceived as the motion of the mind, and the fourth dimension—is how we perceive this reality through movement.
-Time can be the master of maturity, wisdom & value.
-Can you become more conscious of your spatial emotional boundaries?
Within the emotional spectrum, ask time to show you the wave!
*Chronos-Saturn: is linear time, which has a past, present, and future. Can be quantitative, homogeneous, and secular time.
**Kairos, An opportune moment, or a due season. Qualitative, heterogeneous, seasonal, archetypally informed time.
***Aion, Cyclical time, as shown by the steady motion of the Sun through the constellations. Unbounded, sacred, or eternal time.
Current Dynamics: Leo Full Moon, Venus, Mars last quarter square, the Moon nodes change Gates to 27.6-28.6
In terms of periodicity, look back in your journals and make note of what has been emerging while we have been in the Scorpio-Taurus nodal axis that started back in January 2022, what were you willing to be confronted with, what have you dealt with, and what has been finally released from your Psyche?
Dates: Mid-February, Mid-May, August 1st, and Nov 8th, 2022. The wave of stripping fear away is almost finished, basically, after this spring, we would have upgraded to a different frequency willingly. The next term is all about a synthesis while you show up as a sovereign individual.
The full moon in Leo on Feb 5, 2023, culminates 192 days where new intentions were set as to how we wanted to embrace our unique being. The full Moon squares Uranus the ruler of this Aquarian Sun: the impetus is to use the resistance that Uranus is creating, to make last revisions on how we are individuating and creating a solid structure of our new identity within a community.
How can we set into action while listening to our needs integrating everything that Mars has been sampling in Gemini during its retrograde period? Making a last quarter square in mutable signs, Venus in Pisces, sings a tune of both compassion and beauty, while it approaches the end of a cycle by meeting Neptune at 24 degrees again On Feb 16th. It is the same degree they met on my birthday [04.27.2022] when Jupiter was nearby. Let’s remember that Venus brings the opportunity to reconnect to our essential needs and values.
Venus has been leading the North Node in Taurus and will be the ruler of the upcoming South Node in Libra while Mars will lead as the ruler of the North Node in Aries by the end of the year.
The Sun joins Saturn in Aquarius for the last time in 30 years on Feb 16th. Earth and Moon Gate 7, Sun gate 13
-Have you integrated the learnings of the last 3 years?
-What are the strategies of direction + leadership coming to light, as you attentively listen to the experiences of the past?
This week the nodes will shift to gate 27/28, the North Node will be on my Mercury and Sun, and later on my Jupiter. The South Node already touched my moon some weeks ago, I do feel a sense of realignment and reconnection to what keeps my immune system safe, and how I can take care of my resources wisely.
The North Node in Gate 27 at the sacral center line 6, Wariness of abuse of generosity, sensing if one has to respond to the instinct of nurturing others before nurturing oneself which could lead to depleting vital energy. The South Node Gate 28.6 is not giving up, is willing to win at all costs, ready to fight for the meaning of life, The only fear is to live a life with no purpose.
-Can you devote the next period to knowing what exactly is needed to nurture your life so you reconnect to the natural resources that are part of your design and are endless in nature?

Rudhyar, Time, Harmonics + Amplitude***
The Great Dane Rudhyar gave us so much knowledge through his writing about Astrology, but did you know he was also a very gifted musician? Music and the stars have forever shared space - in the attempt to understand reality, the Greeks with the Quadrivium sought deep understanding in empirical practices (first one tries, then one knows, and after one becomes friends with wisdom).
I agree that real knowledge is based on experience rather than just on available information, reading texts, quoting texts, talking about texts, or even writing about them; real knowledge to me is empirical, and in my opinion, it must be tried and refined through trials and errors, and it should be felt, observed, and synthesized.
I write all this from my experience, what you do is your journey, your experiment, your knowledge - we can sit down and compare notes within a dialectic practice perhaps!
*** the maximum displacement or distance moved by a point on a vibrating body or wave measured from its equilibrium position. It is equal to one-half the length of the vibration path.
Dane Rudhyar in his own words-
THE MAGIC OF TONE and the Art of Music, Chapter 2 Sound as Carrier-Wave for Tone
"In most ancient cosmologies with a metaphysical foundation — that is, that speak of a transcendent, spiritual realm of being antedating material existence and becoming — a release of sound is said to cause the "precipitation" of the Forms of a spiritual realm (noumena and archetypes) into the objective, perceptible, and measurable materials constituting the foundations of existential entities. Hindu metaphysics and cosmologies speak of the primordial creative Sound AUM as the power that gives birth to the many worlds of existence1...
In Genesis, Elohim (the plural God, creator of the universe) said, "Let there be light: and there was light." The saying refers to the release of a creative power that should be thought of as Sound in its spiritual or spirit-emanated aspect. The result of the divine utterance is light. Sound, therefore, precedes light.2
Atoms spin and so do planets. Cosmic Sound is the power that generates the rotative motion of every globular form of existence. 3
…As a creative, spirit-emanated power it should be considered a descending movement because we instinctively consider matter heavy, inert, resistant, and the lowest aspect of being. Matter has to be moved by "higher" forces. In its primordial aspect, cosmic Sound is such a force. At the biological level, Sound may refer to what powers human nerve activity as an expression of the will. It is through the use of that power that a human being's will can affect the contraction of muscles and produce physical acts. There is an organismic, biological, and unconscious will, which we call instinct, and a conscious, self-motivated, and self-directed will. Between these two levels of will are also what we call emotions (literally, a moving out). Emotions can also arouse muscular movements, although we may not be aware of many of them. Swayed by various kinds of emotions, a person makes gestures and performs instinctual or determined acts.
The capacity of music to arouse emotions — or more strictly speaking, to arouse feelings that induce emotions — is quite evident, even in Western culture, which has thoroughly intellectualized music.4
This power of music is stressed and discussed at great length in many ancient books from China, India, and Pythagorean Greece. So also is the power of sound to heal and reinvigorate an organism-by which I mean the mental and emotional components of a person as well as his or her physical body.5
…Will and Sound are vehicles for concretizing or exteriorizing needs, emotions, ideas, and subjective states of being or consciousness in general. Will and Sound are carrier-waves, bringing what is potential into a condition of actualization and effectual manifestation. Whatever will and Sound carry gives them a specific character, which involves both an implicit purpose and a latent meaning. This character imbues sounds with the quality of tone. Similarly, the activity of the will carries to the physical mechanisms of the body what we call a decision to move in a particular direction, toward or away from a particular goal….As Sound and will are neutral, they can be used for destructive (or catabolic) or constructive (anabolic) purposes. Sound may kill as well as heal. Some of the Japanese martial arts train one to produce a deep, very intense shout that is intended to kill one's opponent. This sound is a vocal tone. It is a tone and not merely a sound because it carries a definite intent and purpose. It projects and communicates at the physical-biological level the conscious will to kill. It is a vocal tone endowed with magical power.
The word tone has several meanings, which should be differentiated for clarity's sake. In musical theory, the term tone defines an interval — that is, the relationship between two successive steps in a kind of abstract ladder of sounds called a scale. Between the ends of the ladder are tones and semitones; quarter tones are sometimes distinguished, too. We also speak of the particular tone of a musical instrument and of low and high, loud and soft tones. In these cases, tone refers to the frequency and intensity of sounds.
The word tone also has nonmusical meanings. One speaks of the tone of a person's muscles and of the tone of a particular society's morals. In pharmacy, some substances are called tonics. In these cases, tone refers to the capacity of an organism, a person, or a whole society to mobilize its energy in response to challenges, or merely to maintain itself adequately in a range of circumstances. The tone then is almost synonymous with potency. A state of tension is also implied, as a violin string needs to be stretched and tensed in order to produce tones. Whatever is too relaxed lacks tone.
Metaphysically the most fundamental tension is that between spirit and matter — or in the "philosophy of Wholeness" I have developed, the tension between the Principle of Unity and the Principle of Multiplicity.6
..The universe is the product of a creative release of power this tension generates. In terms of pure energy, this creative release is Sound. Because it communicates or carries out to the inert expanse of chaos (pure matter) the compassionate quality and purpose of spirit as the expression of the Principle of Unity, which religions personify as God, Sound manifests to the consciousness of spiritually illumined beings as one Fundamental Tone. It is the Tone of the One Life that fills the entire universe — One Life because it carries out the purpose of the Principle of Unity, or as mystics say, of "the One."…

πολυμαθής - 'having learned much' interdisciplinary -
As a polymath7 I am integrating it all together, or rather allowing all things to be as they come!
I am always looking for connections and patterns which are part of a logical stream that supports my inquiry, yet the abstract circuit rises between times and through metaphor and allegories inform my individual journeys, the ones I can experience while deciphering time. In other words, the methodology should be unique, as it is my own life.
ʟᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ɢᴜɪᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟɪꜰᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴇʀᴠɪᴄᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇᴠᴏᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴊᴏʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ!
Full moon in Leo -be your own sunshine!
When speaking of its cosmic, spiritual, or metaphysical aspect, I shall capitalize the word Sound. To refer to what the vibration of molecular matter produces I shall use the word uncapitalized. THE MAGIC OF TONE and the Art of Music, Chapter 2 Sound as Carrier-Wave for Tone
A human being can utter sounds through his or her voice but cannot generate light; this may be the reason sound is considered the primary type of wave-transmitted vibration. A less anthropomorphic picture is presented by the contemporary yogi Baba Hari Dass, who has said, "First it is a point; then it changes to sound; sound changes into light." A Sufi saying also states, "Creation comes into being from Saut [sound), and from Saut spreads all light." Both quotations are from The Rainbow Book (San Francisco: The Fine Arts Museum, 1975) p. 134.
If there are periodical changes in the rotation of the earth — as advocates of various pole shift theories claim (cf. Pole Shift by John White [New York: Anchor Books, 1983]) the rationale for these changes may have to be found in the periodic action of some central galactic Sound (for the earth moves in galactic space as well as around the sun), rather than in millennial modifications of some external features of the earth's surface (for instance, Antarctica's enormous ice cap) or in the movement of continental plates.
We should distinguish emotions from feelings. Feelings refer to the reactions of the organism-as-a-whole (in some cases of only the body or the psyche but most often both are involved) to a life situation; one feels tired, sad, insecure, depressed, or ebullient, joyful, and confident. Emotions are waves of outflowing energy, directed toward some person, object, or situation. Thus desire, love, anger, jealousy, resentment, and fear are emotions. Emotions imply physical or psychic movement.
See Chapter 4 regarding Pythagoras's use of tones, and Appendices I and III on Chinese music and the origin of European music
See my book, The Rhythm of Wholeness
Von Wowern defined polymathy as "knowledge of various matters, drawn from all kinds of studies ... ranging freely through all the fields of the disciplines, as far as the human mind, with unwearied industry, is able to pursue them". Murphy, Kathryn (2014). "Robert Burton and the problems of polymathy". Renaissance Studies. 28 (2): 279.
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-Do you like what you read? -Do you resonate with some of it? You know, you can use parts of it, but quote me like I quote others.