NOte: it is a long one, I won’t post anything next week, enjoy!
Masks off
A few weeks ago I was packing to go for a week down to Bogota where the average temperature is 15°C [60°F], and since I moved to Miami Beach my average temp is 26 °C [80°F]. When I was choosing what to pack and wear in the colder weather, I paused in surprise and asked:
-Whose are these garments? Who is the person wearing these clothes? LOL!
I could not recognize the now Monika with the Monika that lived in NYC and spent 27 winters there!
So the persona I had embodied was no longer vibrating at the same frequency now, after 33 months [almost three years], and that brought a huge smile to my face! ‘Evolution’ means growth to maturity and development of an individual living thing, also felt as a detachment, a growing out, growing up, letting go, innovating, mutating…

How many Personas have I consciously left behind, shed, and disembodied so drastically, and at times smoothly and less violently? Two? Three? Four? Does it have anything to do with celestial alignments, sine wave oscillations that meet again and again, such as Saturn's returns [every 28.5 years], or lunar nodes returning and passing through specific angles every 18.6 years? Fractions of that perhaps?
Well, I feel these geometric events that happen as harmonious or not so harmonious serve as validators and reminders of what surrendering to my Geometry is.
The last lunar eclipse was very potent, the cycle of the last 18.612958 years (6,798.383 days) completed yet again another revolution in my chart.
What did I release? The masks I had to wear just to be! (Or I thought I needed to be!) Gabor Maté calls these behaviors adaptations– at times one has to adapt to the environment because one does not feel safe and is lacking a connection to one’s essential needs, so one trades this connection for validation as a way to survive what is, thus there is no authenticity. One is acting out, wearing a mask, a persona.
The deal is to start recognizing the adaptations and to work with them as one changes the ideas held behind that make their behavior endure. Changing a point of view, for instance, is an incredible event that supports evolution.
“The persona is what we would like to be and how we wish to be seen by the world. It is our psychological clothing and it mediates between our true selves and our environment just as our physical clothing presents an image to those we meet. The ego is what we are and know about consciously. The shadow is that part of us we fail to see or know.”
― Robert A. Johnson, Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche
On Nov 8, 2022, there was a lunar eclipse (full moon) at 16°of Taurus - Scorpio axis, Uranus was between the Moon and the North Node opposing my Neptune. The nodes were at 13° at the same axis, the dissolution of multiple personas I had worn started to be felt, and by May 5th, 2023, [178 days later] the lunar eclipse opened again another portal between my natal Moon at 12°18 Scorpio (just learned it aligns with Alphecca1 fixed star) and my natal Neptune (16° Scorpio). This time the full moon in was at 15° Scorpio.
Both celestial bodies are each at one side of my 13°Scorpio MC, which refers to the public persona. It felt as if the last 9 months had been a preparation for a new platform I am about to embark on. There is no defined shape, as I will work together with Jupiter entering Taurus and squaring Pluto– this is an opportunity for the collective to allow new views to shape new fields based on the now moment. Tradition is important, but as evolving specifies we can’t survive if all ideals become stagnant.
The work I consciously started during 2017, is pretty integrated by now; Jupiter has gone ¼ of its 12-year cycle around the Sun, making sure to remind me to be open-minded. I can see it in my life, my face, my frame, my attitude. A friend in Bogota remarked about how different I look and behave. In essence, it is still me, with less baggage and more joie de vivre!
If you see the drawing below, you’ll find 4 cardinal points that refer to 4 aspects of one’s journey: what drives it moment by moment (the Ascendant); what gives it emotional security (IC); the projection of the other is the beginning of shadow work as a synthesis (descendant); lastly, the public persona one portrays in society is what can be found at the top of the sky (MC).
All social constructs demand humans to engage in pursuing a social status, to aim for social recognition, but this is a huge misunderstanding. Humans are looking for validation, and connection, not approval, and until this is integrated, one becomes a slave to outer authorities.

The persona is that which in reality one is not, but which oneself, as well as others, think one is.
C.G.Jung [“Concerning Rebirth,” CW 9i, par. 221.]

Authority, soverignty, and freedom
No certification or accreditation given by someone else will ever define my experience on this earthly plane
I say the above with a humble heart.
No teaching or teacher holds absolute power, for my path is made of practice and curiosity, which I have been able, somehow, in the most intense of ways, to nurture and develop as one of my strengths.
As a seeker and devotee of empirical practice, three years ago I left a stage that had become unsustainable; masks and costumes could no longer hide the pain of not being authentic. In the liberation path I let go one by one, external credit, acknowledgments, and found that my sense of value and authority comes from inside.
For artists who usually live off accolades, it is indeed a road uphill, Trust must be found within the Divine; creativity unfolds and emerges as a confirmation of harmony. I look for integrity and as such, I am given opportunities to manifest large pieces of work that require time, for research and production, many times inquiring about new technologies. I also thrive in engaging with the needs of the community. My creativity is multifaceted and can generate many faces and dimensions, for in each endeavor, I commit 100%.
Since I follow my bliss, I have been asked to leave groups I had lovingly cared for. I have left others I no longer feel connected to, and instead of filling the gap with noise, I let the sound of my frequency reverberate. There is grace in accepting what is.
I have realized that the work in this lifetime is to just be me, and to only be available to those who are already committed to themselves and value the energy I can generate in a caring manner. Otherwise it will be like depleting the cauldron that is slowly cooking the nurturing elements.
I also took a deep dive into understanding everything about the nature of my reality– how it operated mechanically, and magically… and one amazing thing is how potent both sides of the spectrum are, the material and the spiritual and everything in between.
-Are you aware of your Personas?
-Are you willingly working on aligning with your authority?
-How are you integrating the last 9 months?
Imagination is the conduit
Suffering is fed with the imagination of the past
And the future is in the sweet sound of the now
I am not the typical artist-astrologer-human design reader-teacher who generalizes
When I write, I base it on perceptual observations
When you meet me for a reading, I will meet you with an inquiry
When I facilitate my study groups, you will meet your observation skills and will start trusting your geometry
The thought of “the simplicity of the complexity of life” has me very excited these days– Yes! Read it again: the simplicity of the complexity!
The uniqueness and singularity are yours only for you to be and to experience!
The mysticism of the ancestors is not to be revealed all at once, for no appreciation can occur. This must be lived and integrated into the journey, into the way, into the DAO, for the secrets belong to you, my dear friend. In your sovereignty you discover each pebble that makes the road a beautiful path to walk on.
-You will never get a paper from me validating you-
You will be seen and appreciated with my presence if you also commit to your journey!
On May 19th, the Sun and the Moon meet at 28° of Taurus, at Gate 8; the Earth will be in Gate 14, Mars will be opposing Pluto in late Cancer while creating a sextile to the New Moon, a few hours later it enters Leo, also creating a T-square with Jupiter, which just entered Taurus, and Pluto, that slowly moves retrograde at 0° Aquarius.
Ground the energy in Gate 14, by having the capacity or great measure to gather, to serve, to manage, with humility and great principles, the resources, holding vitality, and capacity to create individually. It is the strength to find one's direction, the path in life by making use of one's creative power. The new start at Gate 8 deploys individuality for the benefit of the whole– what are the gifts I can bring to the table? Contribution, in need to be shared, or to be put to good use? Be sincere, serve in style, respect the order, and be a vessel of harmonious timing of creative contributions.

Looking at previous times, some cycles seem to repeat themselves every 84 years, a full Uranus cycle. May 19, 2023, September 1st, 1939, December 29, 1854, and May 15th, 1771. I can’t help to notice one common thread, with all dates and events involving Crimea with occupations, liberations with its geographic strategic value, from the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, to the Ottomans, Mongols, Russian, the Soviet Union, and now Ukraine.
Crimea was also called the Tauric Peninsula; it has been at the boundary between the Classical antiquity, centered on the Mediterranean Sea and the Caspian steppe.
Look into all charts, the repeating themes are mind-blowing, at times aligned, at times with opposing perspectives! Will humans ever integrate the lessons of the past? Look at Uranus in Taurus, and the lunar nodes in either axis– Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn play important roles at the end of the Cardinal signs, or at the beginning of the fixed signs. T-squares, oppositions, Will this time be different?
Influencers - fake gurus, Uranus + the Sun at Gate 23, innovations, and new terrains as a volunteer at the Bitcoin conference next week…
Influence late 14c., an astrological term, "streaming ethereal power from the stars when in certain positions, acting upon character or destiny of men,"
Interestingly, the celestial bodies are not here to hold power over us, but rather to validate whether we are abiding by our geometry and vibrating with what is. The stars guide us, yet they have no influence, although the etymology of the word, per se, implies an outside force from above that has power over us. In this dying age, I would say, if you are aligned with the stardust of your crystal, the same that connects your spirit to mine and the rest of the universe, if you are in alignment, and once you dance within your frequency, your destiny is not influenced but lived in sovereignty.
At this juncture, while Jupiter squares Pluto, it is the right time to question all teachers, gurus, and dogma. I am not looking for followers or any guru position, I am free to roam to speak up, and having that responsibility is not in my Design.
I am just open to connections, and I will certainly connect with those that are aware of their relationship to their freedom. It requires PROOF OF WORK.
Uranus rumbles and just entered hexagram/Gate 23 on 05/09/23, another individual gate! This time when adornments become excessive, beauty falls away, starting from the bottom– the decay erodes the foundation. Uranus is traveling around Taurus yet for another few years. Since 2018 it has been through gates 3, 27, 24, 2, 23, + 8 - all individual gates but gate 27 where the north node is now. (Nurture your needs.)
We may lose our hats, or the rug is about to be pulled from under our feet. (Take it literally or metaphorically, Taurus is about resources 🙄.)
Educating myself in new realms keeps my vitality ongoing; the joy of being a volunteer for the upcoming Bitcoin conference in Miami Beach is difficult to convey. I would only say this– until now, I barely did any volunteer work at this scale (apart from some Karma yoga at the Sivananda center back in NYC).
This time I feel a similar energy as I felt at the beginning of the 90s when the internet was a baby and very few jumped in, as I did! I am genuinely curious, and having Mars in Aries ruling my third house, I am ready to explore what it takes.
Meeting and befriending young folk has inspired me tremendously. Why am I in awe of a younger generation that does not have the time to whine, but has not spared a moment in their lives to build and construct a brighter future? Because proof of work pays with freedom and joy!
Just listen to Jack Mallers who created Strike, a popular no-fee app that users can use to quickly make and receive payments over Bitcoin's Lightning Network. In this video he states that both Bitcoin and the Internet are public utilities that can be exchanged as words and concepts. One holds decentralized peer-to-peer information, the other peer-to-peer payments/stored value.
At 59 years old, I keep myself young because I am not getting too cozy with the personas I needed to embody during past periods. At the time, I had no tools to embrace my uniqueness for fear of exclusion and abandonment.
At this point, I have tested diverse outcomes and the one that I have chosen is close to my last name– to be brave means to know that the unknown is better than the familiarity of corrupt ways!
The natal position of Pluto in anyone’s chart by sign describes the generational vibration that a person comes in with, and by the house placement in the chart, will show as the specific pattern associated with what implies an individual journey of a fulfilling and evolutionary path. Pluto’s placement is where the person is the least powerful, the lesson is to merge with the fear of powerlessness thus integrating its Polarity point.
As part of the Pluto in Virgo generation [conjunct Uranus], my Pluto falls in the 8th house, while my Uranus in my 7th, there is a theme about codependencies and willingness to learn to discern how to merge in relationships– so I transform and liberate from these addictive behaviors and both surrender and embrace a path of self-reliance. This is both empowering and soulful.
I also have found that working with the generation of Pluto in Sagittarius [peeps born 1996- 2009] is bringing me a great and accelerated potential of maturation, as I integrate the specific traumatic memories of lives lived before and remind each other of the gifts we are unveiling by serving a life full of meaning. Their path is to understand themselves through seeking knowledge and embracing their own intuitive connection with larger cosmic forces and higher spiritual states.
The previous generation of Pluto in Scorpio [1983-1996] is also extremely important at the moment as many have already started to confront their deep fears, embracing and surrendering to their path via plant medicine, and deep psychological confrontations reaching higher states of consciousness that support them by liberating through self-inquiry and integrating their sense of value.
Uranus, as the keeper of all-time memory and trauma, frees us from any patterns that are in restriction and way too conditioned, as it reaches 19 degrees in Taurus’ having traveled ⅔ of the journey of the sign of what we value in material ways. I would say that all materiality has yet to be shifted,
Do you know that the card game 52 pick-up2?
Well, If you have not gone through a deep change since 2018 and you are still resisting some things… Uranus at Gate 23 is about splitting apart the mountain from the earth. Would that be your savings? Your invested time [time is money]? Your hard-earned money while the governments are gambling with it, promising a retirement full of beautiful beaches?

The invitation to connect to your paradise is within.
No promises from the outside, those are bargains– remember there is no free lunch. Take a look at what you own, what is necessary, what makes you feel safe, and make three piles that you can divide in ways you will feel comfortable with…I will say no more.
Take care of your needs, the lunar nodes are still in Gate 27, Mercury is also, and Jupiter will join very soon.
No nourishment, no sustainable living, no energy that can save any clan!
Be selfish– that means focus on your needs. Be conscious of the lowest frequency in the energy centers, and be aware of the highest, too.
No wonder these days I wear a red hat, red boots, red bag– the vibration is calling! For the last 18 months, I have been focused not on hoarding, but on having a graceful relationship with materiality, studying money, and understanding markets. Spirit is guiding me– there is only one way and it’s inward.
Zhuangzi was walking on a mountain, when he saw a great tree with huge branches and luxuriant foliage. A wood-cutter was resting by its side, but he would not touch it, and, when asked the reason, said, that it was of no use for anything, Zhuangzi then said to his disciples, 'This tree, because its wood is good for nothing, will succeed in living out its natural term of years.' Having left the mountain, the Master lodged in the house of an old friend, who was glad to see him, and ordered his waiting-lad to kill a goose and boil it. The lad said, 'One of our geese can cackle, and the other cannot - which of them shall I kill?' The host said, 'Kill the one that cannot cackle.'
Next day, his disciples asked Zhuangzi, saying, 'Yesterday the tree on the mountain (you said) would live out its years because of the uselessness of its wood, and now our host's goose has died because of its want of power (to cackle) - which of these conditions, Master, would you prefer to be in?'
Zhuangzi laughed and said, '(If I said that) I would prefer to be in a position between being fit to be useful and wanting that fitness, that would seem to be the right position, but it would not be so, for it would not put me beyond being involved in trouble; whereas one who takes his seat on the Dao and its Attributes, and there finds his ease and enjoyment, is not exposed to such a contingency. He is above the reach both of praise and of detraction; now he (mounts aloft) like a dragon, now he (keeps beneath) like a snake; he is transformed with the (changing) character of the time, and is not willing to addict himself to any one thing; now in a high position and now in a low, he is in harmony with all his surroundings; he enjoys himself at ease with the Author of all things; he treats things as things, and is not a thing to them: where is his liability to be involved in trouble?
This was the method of Shen Nong and Huang-Di. As to those who occupy themselves with the qualities of things, and with the teaching and practice of the human relations, it is not so with them. Union brings on separation; success, overthrow; sharp corners, the use of the file; honour, critical remarks; active exertion, failure; wisdom, scheming; inferiority, being despised: where is the possibility of unchangeableness in any of these conditions? Remember this, my disciples. Let your abode be here - in the Dao and its Attributes.'
《 Zhuangzi 山木 - The Tree on the Mountain》
Social media is full of fools and wannabes, with false promises of reels and fake, quick enlightenment tricks.
Those who know ain’t flaunting it! That is for sure…
Many certifications flying around the digital realm!
FYI, these people charging for them learned via YouTube…so is that your highest authority? A piece of paper that validates you?
That, my friend, ain’t knowledge!
That is the road of the influencer!
Show me what you got once you are naked!
And I might engage…
Take off your mask, own your truth.
Be bold.

Geometry, from Pythagoras to Plato, calculations, epistemology, empiricism, Human Design, the G-center, and the illusion of the matrix.
Geometry Greek geo (“Earth”) and metron (“measure”) for the measurement of the Earth.

Accepting Aristotle’s idea that the Sun and the planets revolve around a spherical Earth, a geocentric view. Ptolemy developed this idea through observation and in mathematical detail. In doing so, he rejected the hypothesis of Aristarchus of Samos, who came to Alexandria about 350 years before Ptolemy was born. Aristarchus claimed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, but he couldn’t produce any evidence to back it up. Ptolemy saw this view as geocentric then Kepler via Copernicus and Galileo shifted to the Helio-centric perspective in the 1400-1600s
Pythagoras’ followers stated that all things owe their relationships to numbers. This creed gives mathematics absolute authority in the understanding of the nature of reality. Plato had an analogous view, often inspiring other philosophers to write ecstatically about geometry as one of a fourth of the quadrivium, or four ways, whose role was a key to the understanding and interpretation of the universe. Therefore, ancient geometry was associated with the sublime, with the absolute to complement its earthy origins and its reputation as the exemplar of precise reasoning. I subscribe to this notion, as many artists in the 1910s also implemented these notions, albeit hidden.
When the Greeks used geometry as calculation, they geometrized the heavens, calculating the speed of rotation of the celestial bodies in these hypothetical circles from observed motions (now known as gravitational orbits that measure the frequency and the ratio between them).
In the Timaeus Plato describes a universe that is living in and of itself, i.e. the World Soul, which is governed by a fundamental order, i.e. Pythagoras’s kosmos. The universal order that Plato speaks of is one akin to eternal Being but yet is in motion, and is governed by time which in turn is governed by numbers and basic mathematical principles. This concept of time, its association with numbers, and the movement of the heavenly bodies themselves is a core characteristic of the World Soul, the universe, and is one of the key attributes of the kosmos itself.
Epistemology delineates how we think, a conjunction of two fundamental theories - empiricism and rationalism- when confronted in between prompts to inquiry and thesis/theories. -Empiricism and experimentation is the theory that knowledge is felt and applied. It relies on experience as the source of know-how. Specifically empiricism is the epistemological theory that genuine information about the world must be acquired by a posteriori means, so that nothing can be thought without first being sensed.
What do I refer to as my Geometry? Well, as having the capacity to experiment with awareness about the nature of my reality, having the curiosity and the capacity to question and learn by observation. This is close to living in the uniqueness of expression, aligning with a frequency that vibrates with my design, to acknowledge the movement is leading to evolution, and at times I have to surrender to the current of life. Living correctly and applying my authority is already 70% of the way. Integrating both yin and yang at the magnetic monopole gives me a direction to orient my design according to the position that needs to be expressed.
In Human Design the core of what makes this possible is the G center. If you see the gates, they are the cardinals and ordinals of the circle– they divide the circle in 8 (an Octave), and the gates are based on the 64 hexagrams (8x8) which are located at 0°-45°-90°-135°-180°-225°-270°, and 315°, and are found in the chart as 0° Aries, 15° Taurus, 0° Cancer, 15° Leo, 0° Libra, 15° Scorpio, 0° Capricorn, and 15° Aquarius. Gates 10-15, 46-25 are part of the cardinals, 0°–90°-180°-270° angles and 7-13, 2-1 are part of the ordinals or 45°-135°-225°-315° axis.
This is the compass, so to speak; the monopole holds together the illusion of how it feels as separate and dual nature. It translates as the trinity, the synthesis integrates the duality, it holds it together as the illusion of the matrix. The fundamental understanding is that knowing your design implies you have to arrive at the base to see and know your singularity, having traveled through the incarnation cross, the gates, the lines, the color, tone, and base– all these are fractions of time. Human Design shows your uniqueness to the second, therefore understanding the difference between your vessel and your personality, following your strategy authority, is of the essence. Human Design is not about knowing all the definitions, but rather understanding the practice of relating to your observation.
Time is a cycle, space is the square, time is frequency, and space is vibration– I will meet you between ratios!

That which changed in me
To embark on a new perspective was to stand in other people’s shoes, to listen to other people's views, to move away from the space of comfort, and to inquire beyond my safety zone. That is basically what changed me.
The judgment ceased - the inner critic had a break. I have learned so much in the last years… and if I tell you that compassion levels rose? That I live in a state of grace and gratitude? That I no longer have to prove anything?
What changed? My point of view was so stuck and radical, unmovable! Jupiter in Taurus near the Sun, and Jupiter on my third house, have been very opinionated and fixed – unmovable, and at times extremely arrogant (and by that I imply ignorant).
To not admit that there could be another way? That is arrogant and it is also ignoring that there could be another point of view.
When I moved to Florida, we were in the middle of the lockdown; I immersed myself in listening to new ideas, and I discovered new ways of engaging. In future articles I will share what changed me.
For now, I am just an artist expressing myself through metaphors.
It is a brilliant white binary star located at the base of the Crown. Alphecca is positioned at 12°18′ Scorpio with an orb of 2°10′"Corona the Crown’s lustrous ring, which twinkles with varying luminosity; for the circle is dominated by a single star [Alphecca], which with passing splendor sparkles in the mid forehead and enhances with its blazing flame the bright lights of the constellation. They shine as the memorial of deserted Ariadne" [Manilius,Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 5, p.29]. If conjunct the Sun or Moon and well placed in a map, this star promises honors and preferment. With Moon: Public honor and dignity, suffers through law, partners and neighbors, trouble through underhanded dealings of enemies but eventual triumph over them, bad for love affairs, some faithful friends, greatly esteemed by Venus and Mercury people. [Robson, p.132.]
52-card pickup is a humorous prank which consists only of picking up a scattered deck of playing cards. It is typically played as a practical joke, where the "dealer" creates the false impression that a legitimate game will be played, then simply throws the entire deck into the air so the cards land strewn on the floor, and instructs other players to pick them up.