A story of relating…
Eclipses are back– I won’t write about them again. For more technical information, read the first paragraphs here.
Instead, I will tell you the story of a room full of mirrors. As you enter you seem fascinated with all the gloss, and the seduction starts taking place, you sense the presence of others, something that has been missing that you have not yet been able to find.
Between hope, illusion, and excitement, your wish is to be seen and heard, to matter… this new space shows promise…
As you move around the space you start feeling enchanted, recognizing some aspects that are either enticing or familiar such as smells, sounds, and perhaps something that you can feel more intimately…
Can I touch it? Can I sense the materiality of this experience? Can I merge with it? Do I become one with it?
Those thoughts cross your mind as you seem to be floating in the room.
Is this a palace? Why does everything seem like a dream, my dream, Your Dream, the dream of happiness…
A spicy warm aroma reaches your sense of smell and the attraction deepens– the tone of it is not too fruity, it’s woodier, amber-like, and intense. A touch of cinnamon…
-ok, you fall for it.
As the seduction ensues, you forget your own self; at this point, you just want to meet the other half of you, that aspect you feel can be heaven like - or hell once the spell is shattered.
You chose!
You cannot see clearly, as the sunlight that penetrates the large windows is so intense…
The sound of a song like a lullaby is calling you, and you have started to hum– you know this song by heart! Don’t you?
A little bit of anxiety starts arising- why can’t you see the other? The dream? The other half? Your ideal of perfection?
There is a possibility to go through this threshold-like existence as you keep deepening and merging with the experience…
Just keep one part of you observing the whole…
-But that is not merging- you argue! -That will spoil it-
So I ask you, -is there pain or joy?
-Is there expectation or acceptance?
-Do you know what you are looking for?
In a matter of seconds and a thousand years, all and the same, there is a point of view in a corner of the room, where you realize that the whole existence is just you– you alone in a room full of mirrors reflecting all the things you need.
Can you accept that the path and the journey are the experiences themselves?
That listening to your needs is the start of a beautiful love affair to standing in your sovereignty?
There is that moment of truth and all mirrors shatter, and alone you stand, my friend, with the courage to be solely free from The Maya - the Illusion…
Being in this world is a gift, the biggest privilege perhaps as this freewill conundrum plays many jokes-
Be like water, as Bruce Lee once said, let life flow, let the emotions not drive you but guide you.
Let the body speak, let the senses inform you.
Let the possibility to evolve be the one and only cause while embodying it with utmost joy-
Scorpio is about power, the power we have yet to integrate.
And Taurus shows us the way by offering sustainable awareness -
The Sun, the Moon, and Venus are in Gate 28, and The Earth in Gate 27:
Pain is living a life with no purpose, without meaning. In the drive to fulfill this ascending energy, one has to generate a sense of caring. We want the energy to flow and reach up, nurturing communities once you have cared enough for your own well-being.
You cannot be in relationships until the main relationship to your needs is not sound.
This eclipse season will help you get rid of unneeded drama; when in loss, mourning reaches acceptance and the metamorphosis starts taking place -
I could write my story - but all I can say is that when the Lunar nodes are in this Scorpio- Taurus axis every 9 years, looking back I have shattered all the mirrors and have been able to see through the illusions.
- So take your life for what it is: a sweet song.
The mirrors are like the 7th house or Venus function when ruled by Libra.
The seduction is the other in the mirror –
And you fall for the projection… which creates expectations- yet when you are aware that in the mirror you are reflecting yourself, the spell is gone and the power of Venus in Taurus stays within you.
Venus will be blinded by the Sun in Scorpio– Combust- Cazimi-
Venus can’t see herself,
She can’t see or hear her needs,
Seduced by the senses of others.
Merging her power in Scorpio, the Moon starts a new cycle of death; she gives in so she can show the way in a fortnight, with a lightning bolt, where the essence of those needs really lies.
The power lies within.
That is what is important, as the experience emerges.
And there is a deep message within this inquiry.
Intensity inside out
Awareness of the time cycles, birth, death, and rebirth, a myriad times I have done this journey, each time facing it, embracing it, it has shown and proved to be quite rewarding.
Sending you all a very warm hug. We all need a hug.
-Do you like what you read? -Do you resonate with some of it? You know, you can use parts of it, but quote me like I quote others.
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