Self-actualization or acknowledgment?
A differentiation:
actualization, realization, materialization, realization, being, be, individuation, immanence, intentionality, and effect.
Decoration, medal, ribbon accolade, award, honor, kudo, prize, tribute, and dedication
How does it feel to be home alone, or to be not alone but on my own?
Is this the way being mature feels? As an adult making conscious mature choices, Confronting fears, anger, and sadness allowing worry to creep in, and being joyful?
This month with Uranus, Mars, and the North node in Taurus being so prominent the question is -can I prepare for this sudden, erratic, and surprising invitation to ground my dreams? Are alignments with destiny suddenly possible?
-Can I keep responding to life in a mature way?
The way to transform the collective is by doing so in my individual self first.
Dislocation, and Self-compassion
To self-actualize one can do it by creating an event, an experience, a book, or a work of art, the thing itself is the validation, its representation fulfills the creative outlet and willingness to be expressed, to be seen, to be heard, whereas recognition, depends mostly on The Establishment. Acknowledgment needs an authority in the field to establish a hierarchy. I recognize you, is not the same as I can see you. I have never had a problem self-promoting, maybe my Mars in Aries in the third house of communication or my Neptune in my 10th house of direction, I can blend it, say it firmly.
Another theme: Beating the drum of victimization by becoming accountable and acting upon the fears and anger that are felt when no recognition is felt.
-Can I sense that what I created is of value?
-Can I enjoy the commitment to my own creative source?
-Do I still have memories of dissolving in the status quo and waking up from the nightmare unknowing when and how I gave in?
I am no longer projecting authority, but connection - whoever connects with me sees a mirror of themselves.
Subliminal voices echoing in the background, we come to meet and reconnect, we recognize each other, and we resonate.
Alignment? The fear that is felt when the echo doesn’t emit a sound, I have been sensing that a big part of unhappiness is part of a habit, a language learned very early on when needs went unmet.
The child cries, screams, and will act upon the need and would have a tantrum, the inability to express her needs is actually the path of evolution. The restrictions or limitations will define and shape the road, at times there will be grassy fields with flowers, at times high-temperature deserts, and long nights with extreme cold-
The soul knows what it needs but comes with a contract that says you have to remember, the small print is so small, that no one ever reads it.
One has to tap into the Daimon (δαίμων) and allow the blending, the unity to occur for the alignment to take place.
The action of initiation is very scary and real and it is something individual; the support can come as a cheer in the background, and courage is closely related to the heart when one senses it and it is right to engage with action, as an instinct to create a new path—- the route will be showing the way as the memory of its power comes alive in small confirmations. Drum beats… the only time is NOW.
Long are the days one has to wait for a reaffirmation or a prize from an entity that says it holds the power to give one the validation and self-actualization that can only happen within the CREATION -
That is what self-actualization means—- the Self is integrated when the Ego or Identity echoes the invisible part that belongs to the stream of consciousness of long-term memory - Uranus, the Promethean Myth-
- Give me fire, give me love, light my path, let me shine.
One is never ready as a human, ever. Only time will tell, time is the path to maturation. It will dissolve any trace of victimization with accountability.
Daydreaming is the dream-
The intention is one:
I am-
TRANSITS: Prepping in the next 4 weeks, what are you bringing to the fire?
Look in your chart for 18 degrees of Taurus- Scorpio
If you have been paying attention in the last 6 - 8 months,
-What are you confronting that you need to let go of?
-What holds value and is essential in your life now?
-How does it feel to finally allow life to be the perfect place to validate your creative self -
-How does it feel to be of service?
-How would it feel when those dreams are really shaped?
-And how are your intentions on a moment-to-moment basis defining that path?
Liberation, Sun in Gate 39, Earth Gate 38
The energy comes from the root center, on one side, endurance, and the stamina to find and connect to The Real Purpose in this Life - to live a life that is worth it.
On the other side of the root center—- provoking emotional abundance that can lead to a spiritual experience… the sound of a poem that moves your heart… the sorrow of a beautiful color felt through your eyes.
The sense of I am not alone but am on my own. The energy that moves in the body, and the emotional cycles that allow the creative to be. It is the drive to gain emotional freedom. Its task is to provoke the Spirit and trigger emotions in order to recognize the quality of the Spirit. It seeks challenges and provocation, liberates, confronts, responds, tempers, and troubleshoots.
These gates and channels are very individual and projected. Rage and anger could be expressed if the invitation is not received. Therefore rooting the body is of the essence. The provocation creates enormous pressure on the individual and immediate environment. It is this pressure that gives rise to so much creativity.
You don’t have to be an artist to be creative,
Life itself is the perfect canvas,
And you are IT,
Just trust in it and take the steps needed to align with what is on the horizon of your view. ALL THAT IS.
Synchronicities (as per C. G. Jung) will reveal themselves when one is attentive and self-aware, they are beyond coincidences, they appear as ephemeral markers, if one is attentive and opened to its subtle presence, one can realign with time beyond time = Kairos.
The proper atmosphere is a timeless moment, a qualitative function, unlike Chronos which keeps accountability of time, progress, and maturation.
This month will give us enough moments to be aware of Kairos, synchronicities, and sudden awakenings.
-The only revolution is to be one’s self
Violence is an addiction for most people on our planet, which is why
we endlessly watch it on our television screens.
…The power of the 39th Shadow over human beings lies in our tendency to take things personally. The astonishing reason for this is that we think we exist as individuals, whereas in fact, we are quantum patterns in an ever-changing web of energy. The next time someone provokes you emotionally, try to understand what really just happened to you. If you reduce it down to essentials, all that happened was that someone resonated some speech codes by means of their vocal cords, and this simple collection of tones caused you to react in a violent unconscious emotional manner. In the old days, they would have called that other person a wizard to exert such control over you…
…At the low frequency, fear provokes fear and anger provokes anger. At the higher frequency level of the 39th Gift, Dynamism can be contagious. Whenever you meet someone expressing their latent genius, it draws you in. In such a person’s presence, you feel capable of so much more, and your horizons expand as you begin to breathe fully once again…
…At the highest level, an interesting thing occurs when all this genetic pressure breaks through to a higher dimension. Consciousness merges back into the totality, which means that it has to give up its greatest gift — individual freedom. There is a great irony here. Only in giving up the illusion of your individual freedom can you receive an even greater gift — the liberation of being. Few people are able to make the transition from creative genius to divinity because you must give up the very thing that appears to fuel your creativity — your individuality…
-Richard Rudd, 64 keys.
This week’s voice: Provocating authentic being
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Great stuff. Lots and lots and lots of resonance and a few synchronicities buried within.
I was cycling to work today on a very muggy morning and it seemed there were many invitations from the Matrix in the form of other commuters, many seemingly unconscious that their method of commuting was causing me to slow down and feel stuck in the sticky air. I reacted with a bit of irritation at my first encounter but then realized on the second or third, that this "sticky Matrix" was a spider web I had the choice in HOW I engaged with it, so I decided to not be irritated but just accept that everyone was like me, commuting on a sticky morning, and they weren't the source of my distress, the source was within my choice in reacting with irritation.
I was thinking about how even a seemingly mundane activity like a commute is an invitation for growth, should I choose to see it that way. And in that way, life itself is an artistic process of creation. Who will I create today? The answer is mine alone! What fun!