Mavericks, unorthodox [ανορθόδοξος], and freedom
Those who are bold enough to confront the unknown, despite the fear looming in the air, those bold enough to navigate with inner trust and full of uncertainties, those who wear their heart on their chest and know that the energy needed to discover something new depends on their relationship to valor, and freedom becomes their currency, the main resource to thrive in a world of empirical practices based on observation and experience.
In other words, experience is a -trial and error affair-, and dedication to self-inquiry is a plus as one can use the vessel, the body with its instincts, intuition, and emotional centers as a GPS navigational system. With the right energetic focus or intention, and with the understanding of time, one can vibrate at the desired frequency opening streams of consciousness that attract even more synchronicities. Thus the unknown territory becomes the playground of emergence, the becoming, the Dao, the way.
My gift to you is just a reminder: place an intention, and tend to it with utmost attention, because it will create a frequency, a sense of presence. Voilà: be devotional with what you fancy by focusing on what moves you, it will ensure that the rest of your desires will come along accordingly to how you choreograph the above triangle.
End of the Gregorian calendar year 2022:
Things I ventured into the last 12 months without trepidation as my curious intense mind lead me to investigate; my invincible discipline supported me to sustain the rhythm, and the knowledge of upcoming disrupting/[r]evolutionary energies*. I have managed to finally integrate all my interests into one avenue which is to support those who are willing to investigate during these deep transformational times by being of service to them with my empirical and spicy personality.
These things are: Everything Bitcoin, a deep dive including studying diverse indicators to understand financial trading charts [ongoing], writing a weekly substack where I pour my heart as I decipher my existence via a myriad of interests. I deepened my relationship with Human Design and Astrology by starting small study groups that I facilitate and spark so much joy in me. I gave myself the license to take something I LOVE and be a mirror to others in their alignment. Last but not least, I just got a new MIDI keyboard… I am entering the Music of the spheres to understand harmonics.[An update soon as my piano lessons happened in the early 70s and this venture is of a different kind.]
I currently feel that Bitcoin arrived in 2009 as the potential we all have to tune into sovereignty, as a step towards individuation, which means individual accountability of choices. If the Buddha (the awakened one) is the potential we have for becoming aware of the Maya or "magician's illusion." (one of the 8 metaphors used to illustrate the illusory nature of reality), and the Christ as the consciousness of the manifestation through love, then Bitcoin’s frequency vibrates solely in numbers.
Bitcoin isn't backed by anything physical—only the complicated mathematics underlying its blockchain technology and controlled supply. This ensures Bitcoin remains limited in supply and is resistant to censorship—which imbues it with some of its value.
-What backs Bitcoin By Daniel Phillips and Scott Chipolina
Below is my progress:
2014. I heard about bitcoin… I dismissed it because it sounded very abstract, -can I touch it? NO? OK!
2017. I heard about the value of bitcoin and remained behind the veil of not knowing, other things were pre-occupying my existence, such as survival, I had ended a long partnership and I had no idea who I was without my ex-husband…
2020. I started reading about the history of money and Bitcoin when I discovered Robert Breedlove’s writings/videos. Being home gave me the great opportunity of joining groups that introduced me to Sensemaking and other psycho technologies such as the now defunct Rebel Wisdom portal where I was introduced to many thinkers and mostly to amazing people I now call my friends.
2021. In January I bought Bitcoin because a friend told me so, I knew nothing, understood nothing, and made a little mess. (Nothing major tbh), I used a non-custodial wallet and just put fiat money in and out with absolutely no knowledge of what I was doing…
By mid-2021, I was inquiring around who would know about #bitcoin and its relationship to astrology as I had the instinct that there was a connection (somehow everything is connected), so via some synchronicities, I was looking for an article on Planetary nodes from Mark Jones and I landed on Adam Sommer’s podcast where he spoke briefly about bitcoin, bang! I was looking up to the skies and saying thank you! very quickly after I met Tansy The Crypto Ethic and I got into the Noah’s Ark of Bitcoin…
In early 2022, with full immersion, I joined Tansy’s online course and the community of women that she has created devoted to understanding and educating everything about bitcoin, and the blockchain. I learned about wallets, onboarding, exchange platforms, nodes, blocks, fear index, some trading basics, and whatnot. Tansy’s three-month program is so well crafted it inspires my curious mind to dig further, she is very receptive to my line of constant inquiry. At the community, we meet regularly which also runs a monthly Symposia, weekly podcasts, and Instagram lives with the latest news (things progress rapidly in the digital ecosystem BTW.)
In the beginning, I was very fearful about trading yet very curious. I noticed I needed to create a deeper relationship with what I valued and started applying my knowledge of relational and emotional awareness. I decided to confront my biggest fears and become not just acquainted with them but transformed by them and empowered by them. I applied somatic therapy, breathwork, human design, evolutionary astrology, and shadow work, the result has been a marvelous synthesis.
I have devoted all this year to studying deeply the understanding of why the current financial landscape is a complete scam and disaster while finishing major public art commissions and other trauma-related courses and practices. what a year!
I have invested heavily in educating myself, back in August after a conversation about the relationship between trading and astrology with my fellow artist friend Thomas, we started a 1:1 study group supporting each other, meeting regularly, reading books, and articles, and watching endless videos on Bitcoin, Austrian economics, inflation, charts - the dangers of printing money endlessly, the dangers of CBDCs, the bluff over NFTS, all things blockchain and the main difference between a centralized and a decentralized store of value (an asset the maintains its value). We are also invested in creating content that will be revealed soon, as my Scorpio Moon wants to keep it hush-hush until it acquires the right form and trusts the right time to be announced.
Because of the community, I am part of, I have stayed informed of all the crypto scams and market volatility in the last 12 months. Giving me the possibility to make choices and even understand financial charts, and the financial barometer.
I went from ignoring to being an active satoshi stacker using DCA (dollar cost average) as a method.
Bitcoin is having an anniversary next January 3rd, it will be 14 years old, as a full teenager, the time is ripe to become aware of this opportunity, the transiting nodes will create a square to the natal nodes, this creates an opportunity for growth.
The act of accumulating sats (Satoshis) regularly through mining, buying, or earning is called stacking sats. By stacking sats you are purchasing small amounts of Bitcoin. This term emphasizes that even small amounts of Bitcoin accumulated today can be useful and valuable in the future.
2023 is the year of practicing the Virtue of Generosity and liberality*: knowing when to give to the one who is ready to receive.
One can be generous when one has something to offer, to be able to thrive in an abundance of spirit, caring to share with others the wisdom. My wealth is my resource of knowledge, I am quite abundant in that respect, and I am ready to share with those who are willing to invest in themselves and thus are generous to themselves.
*move towards that which you love.[Έλευθερία, freedom]
“Freedom demands virtue and courage”.
“Thelei Arete kai Tolmi I Eleftheria”.
-Andreas Kalvos
I am currently designing a set of offerings to bring this knowledge to all beings who like me never felt either the connection, curiosity, or the importance of understanding the relationship between emotions, price, and value.
The dates are to be set sometime around early spring, when I enter my second Saturn and my 5th Jupiter return, these cycles are very important, as these planets will align in a 60 degrees phase, supporting how I relate to the social constructs I abide by, dealing with the re-structure of resources and the way they lead to personal expansion and freedom. These planets fall in my 1st-3rd house, initiating new quests and sharing experiences.
For me education is freedom, it leads to being sovereign and gives me a choice by knowing and inquiring about differences by questioning the Status Quo. I consider myself on the edge of the avant-garde which allows me to be experimental, radical, and unorthodox concerning art, culture, and society.
All bitcoiners, share one value = education, it is not about indoctrination, for bitcoin is not a religion but the energy that vibrates in sovereignty.
*Which one can project/forecast via Evolutionary Astrology and Human Design, preparing my human side to investigate all subjects that pertain to survival, essential needs, and resources, in a way,
The view of 2023 onwards
Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn 24°21’- 08°08’ on Dec 29th, 2023 until Jan 18, 2023, at gate 61.5: The knowledge that can lead to influence and wisdom. Mars retrograde in Gemini is about to station direct on Jan 12 at 08°07’. For the next weeks, revising all the things, ideas, and concepts you initiated and are working on since last Sept, (when Mars entered Gemini) Mercury RX in Capricorn offers support on defining the last details regarding the timeline, the container, and the efficiency of these ideas that seemed to be scattered but are really taking shape.
Venus conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn at 24°21 on Dec 31st, 2022, and both rulers of the current nodal axis conjunct the USA’s natal Pluto. at Gate 60.2 Taking advantage of opportunities with decisiveness. The understanding of existing limitations makes it possible to determinedly grasp opportunities to overcome the limitations. If you did the venus retrograde reflection a year ago, and have been focused on confronting your limitations, letting go of what no longer serves you, and focusing on you as the resource, this conjunction will open a new beginning to fulfill where you have invested so dearly during 2022.
Revolutions start when current paradigms have reached the peak of corruption and they are organically in a state of decay. The next revolution is the way we relate to our sense of freedom, our individuation, and how the vibration of manifestation supports a monetary - value system where one is the only accountable, no more corrupted leaders inflating recklessly the value of things. This year between $upporting a proxy war, and an endless irresponsible financial printing factory, the US closes 2022 in a deep sense of denial, with an excruciating never-ending debt, and fueling FIAT $$$ to the wrong people for the wrong reasons, while the people remain still confused as to what creates inflation while they only focus on the day to day survival needs.
With an Aquarius rising and Uranos in my 7th house, freedom is the most important relationship I have. My South Node in Capricorn on my 11th house, and Saturn its ruler in Pisces on my 1st, has made sure that I have based all my decisions in my life so I would have the structure that creates the power to move, speak, and create freely.
Happy new year!
On new year’s the Sun falls in Gate 38, It is the fuel necessary to fight one's fear of (senseless) death. The Stream of Intuition originates in this gate. Like all individual gates it is not made for being influenced by others. It protects itself from outside influences through unyielding resistance and even isolation. The gate's potential is Tenacity. The Earth in Gate 39, the drive to gain emotional freedom. Its task is to provoke the Spirit and trigger emotions in order to recognize the quality of the Spirit. It is the energy that deals with moods and eliminates emotional obstacles standing in one's way. The gate's potential is Liberation.
Enjoy the turning of the clock from 2022 to 2023, a seven number associated with intuition, inner wisdom, spiritual awakening, and development. As well as with individualism, independence, and self-awareness.
-Where do you see yourself in 9-12 months? How does it feel when you envision the future?
-Are you financially educated, and free?
-How do you relate to your fears of survival?
-Are you establishing a gentle relationship with your needs?
-What kind of r-[evolutionary] steps are you taking that are leading you to unknown territories?

-Do you like what you read? -Do you resonate with some of it? You know, you can use parts of it, but quote me like I quote others.
Some ways you could encourage my writing: A. Use the like button even if you are shy. B. Do leave me a comment, and let me know how it feels. C. Share it with a friend! D. Subscribe to the newsletter. I love knowing you might read this. E. Keep coming back for more… F. Think of me and smile because you are alive and rocking this world. G. $upport my creative vessels in different ways by connecting with me or sending some $love; donate as little as you can. THANK-YOU
BITcoin: monikabravo$paystring.crypto.com
Strike.me/monikaco - The Lighting Network, a layer 2 payment protocol layered on top of Bitcoin.
LINKTREE forest is full of ways to see my artwork, watch + read interviews, etc
For my $supporters, some juicy resources (links to pdfs) of what I have been listening to, reading, studying, and a beautiful sound experience.