The Synthesis is the practice of being alive
The trinity, a message I sent to my friend Ellery back in 2022
I sent this video message to my friend ELLERY JAMES ROBERTS on December 4th, 2022, we had a conversation that morning that I wished I had recorded, so later in the day, I felt inspired, and I created the video below. It was sent as an open dialogue/invitation, although today I see it more as an inner dialogue, a statement of an era that unbeknownst to me was about to close. In retrospect, I had just started to become quite conscious about the shift I was going through. I also see it as a reaffirmation of a path I embarked on this life with only one thing in mind: [R] evolution.
Today, almost 180 days later, I am in the midst of a Synthesis, as I am still integrating my recent past, where I have been so focused on learning to relate differently with what I value, to my resources, educating myself with new technologies, amplifying and diversifying among multiple themes, and alternative views. My curiosity has no ceiling, as I open my mind wider, and wider, the knowledge is proving to be extremely connected to the source, and everywhere I go, I see the trinity, the law of three, natural law always finds the way back to me, in harmonious, and synchronistic ways.
I can only look up, raise my hands in prayer mode and give thanks with a huge smile and a sense of humility that at times I shed some tears down my cheeks, mind you these tears are full of joy.
In full alignment, the timing with its frequency vibrates in resonance sending various validating codes.
I Surrender
& Trust the Universe
will give me what I need
I am Grateful for the Life
& Our Moment here on Earth.
Written & Produced by Lost Under Heaven
Before-after you hear-read the video message, I would like to invite you to watch-listen to Ellery and Ebony’s Lost Under Heaven’s new trailer (above) of their upcoming album Something is Announced by Your Life!, which releases June 2, 2023.
I hold dear the friendship I have created with both of them, individually and separately as it has offered me the space to inquire, deepen, and engage in collective growth filled with inspiration. I am grateful for their creative expression in this lifetime. I am elated to have minimally contributed to the creation of this album, and I fully support their courageous initiative of producing the record themselves with no middlemen! Be curious and engage with their offerings.
Music is extremely important in my life, it is akin to the Divine Absolute and there is no harmony without numbers and no Logos without correspondence (ratio).
Last thoughts of 2020:
-Christ as the archetype of the self - Carl Jung
-The second coming of the messiah means the advent of individuation...
-It is at a crossroads, where the individual stands today: inner or outer authority?
-Malevich’s cross and his manifesto are intended to underline the significance of felt sense.
I will elaborate further:
The cross has a long association with religion and mysticism. It is a simple form that contains strong echoes of religious doctrine and devotion.
Representing the sublime or the divine may take figurative and non-figurative forms-
The cross has a long association with religion and mysticism. It is a simple form that contains strong echoes of religious doctrine and devotion. Similarly, the idea of a crossroads or a cross street contains a reference to change, uncertainty, and the need for a decision. A cross is at once threatening, laden with associations of death and penance in the religious canon, and conversely, full of opportunity and a new beginning in the public consciousness.
Let’s remember his manifesto: where he exposes the felt sense or the emotional body to be one that embodies the perspective
By 'Suprematism' I mean the supremacy of pure feeling in creative art. To the Suprematist the visual phenomena of the objective world are, in themselves, meaningless; the significant thing is feeling."
[Initially published in a private social media group]

Enjoy the North node + Jupiter conjunction at 3° 30 Taurus, which happens to conjunct my natal Jupiter at exactly 3° 34! I am having my 5th Jupiter return, a typical Jovian cycle’s duration is 12 years.