The perfect storm
"There is a deep sense of thrill that comes as you progressively face your inner demons" R.Rudd
There is an air of duty at the same time an air of play…
Which one will my sweet soul choose in the next weeks?
Where do I still feel disempowered and willing to focus and penetrate new depths of death and transformation?
This intention could very well culminate in some longing or something I have been cooking for the last 6 months… consciously and unconsciously.
There was a glimpse of it at the beginning of August, perhaps a sudden realization confirmation, or realization.
Sudden change is not sudden, it happens when energy stops flowing -
Stagnant parts.
Not moving parts that need a gasp of fresh air,
They need a heavy storm to wash away…
The atmosphere breaks away and the winds of change approach,
Am I holding too tight or releasing now that I can?
I close my eyes,
Feel the breeze become heavy wet wind.
I can hear the skies speaking in short intervals and my body gets ready with the memory of old battles,
This time my spear is my heart and the aim is to conquer it all with compassion and determination akin to a wise warrior knowing that certain battlefields are conquered without destruction, and that it depends on who we regard as our enemy.
Be gentle, yet firm, and allow the storm in.
Now instead of being afraid to die, people are more afraid to live. The fear of not finding your purpose is still really a dressed up fear of death.
The majority of people do not even want to think about whether they are fulfilling their true purpose or not because to do so is to look right into their deepest fears. The majority compromise and fall in line with the collective belief that they are trapped by the system — by money, by responsibilities, by taxes. In this regard it is interesting to ponder the 27th Shadow of Selfishness, the programming partner to this 28th Shadow. People are afraid to appear selfish and follow their dreams even though those dreams, if they are true dreams, will be of far greater service to the planet than anything else they do.
The 28th Shadow represents a deep attunement to the acoustic field and is rooted in frequency and sound. In this Shadow every fear can be perceived as a vibration. These vibrations have been personified by many cultures as demons or entities with a separate existence from their host. This very interesting phenomenon forms the basis of many systems that explore the darker unconscious side of human nature, from shamanism to psychoanalysis. The shaman operates in the world of vibration, and he or she identifies fear patterns as entities, which must be either dislodged from your inner being or transmuted. This is the foundation of true shamanic practice. Psychoanalysis on the other hand examines your mental and emotional world and names these same fear patterns neuroses. Other systems give other names to these fear frequencies. The true shaman or therapist also knows that he or she can never take away another person’s fears. He or she can only help the person identify those fears so that they can be accepted. Wholeness comes about as all your deepest fears are embraced, thus it is said that the only way to kill a demon is to absorb it into the light inside yourself.
All your inner demons emanate from a single source — an egregor or collectivity of all your fears rolled into one. This is the arch-demon, the antichrist or the doppelganger within each of us. The 28th Shadow truly represents everything within your psyche that you do not wish to accept, right down to your core fear of non-existence. Only as you reclaim each of these dark aspects of your inner being can you begin to assemble and manifest the true purpose of your life. This is the magic and true purpose of the 28th Shadow.
—Richard Rudd, the Gene Keys (edited)
Memory is how I re-create my mythology and where my heart is.
When I was very little, I used to look up to the sky and find the seven sisters (6 visible - one), I could also spot Orion, the hunter next to them; fascinated with the possibility of astral travel, I even asked my dad if I could be an astronaut, (the moon landings were a theme then…) he would say,
-Monika, just focus on the names of the planets to start with.
Little did he know that learning them in order was a seed my dad planted for my deep interest in the astral bodies, the study of the time cycles, spirals, and holograms. Or was it a memory formed in past lives?
Now I know the reason why I am so invested in what is called the quadrivium, a grouping of the study of astronomy-ly, arts- arithmetic, geometry, music (harmonics) since the early times from Plato through the Middle Ages-
More on that in another article once I am ready to share the practical purpose beyond the knowing. Now just an appetizer as one image:

MicroCosmos: The Sun, Moon, Venus Gate 28, Earth Gate 27 Partial solar eclipse and new moon in Scorpio conjunct Venus and inconjunct Jupiter, Saturn is finally direct.
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