Emptiness means to be full of everything but empty of a separate existence.
Thich Nhat Hahn
Cardinals, ordinals, shapes, phases, tones, octaves, periods, aspects, relationships and transits
I never know what I want to write about— perhaps you have noticed I use this space somewhat like an open journal. In time (when we look back at time in quantities or vibrations), one could look back and make sense of what was or is still emerging; thus I like to point to the Adornments in the sky. As I share the language of the Archetypes, embedded in the observation of our ancestors, one can make deductions from those observations. The Greeks called Astrology one of the 4 Quadrivium*.
There was neither non-existence nor existence: There was neither the realm of space nor the sky which is beyond. What stirred? Where?
The Rg Veda
The other three of the Quadrivium come first, and help us make sense of the nature of reality. First, there is the void— where the the spirit is whole, undivided therefore in a state of Emptiness as in the Zen or Taoist way where all things are one. Then the desire of evolution and the first spark of light creates the Dyad, duality is born; The Yin and the Yang emanate the trinity as the one becomes aware of the other, where synthesis is the perfect form; [the generative result of thesis and antithesis]. The 4th dimension is TIME alone, and the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th dimensions are part of the first 4, serving as mirrors at deeper levels.
It is quite an undertaking to even try to comprehend the layers involved in the superficial understanding, let alone the deep understanding that all is all, and yet, there are multiple ways of experiencing an evolution.

Numbers are perfect, devoid of perspective (as in human experience)— numbers have multiple ways of being useful. They are tools to decipher quantities, calculations, projections, and deep understandings of how we are all connected (think string theory & quantum mechanics.) That is where our collective consciousness is vibrating lately.
There is the Earth, Gaia, that bears us— how we can relate to it? We can measure the forms that sprout; they are generated by the Qi, Prana, and Ether, that 4th component, that flows from the creative Yang, receives through the receptive Yin, and we, the human adorable beings that we are, manifest our evolution through these combinations..
We need to make sure we are aware of the harmonics among the elements, the resonances and dissonances that can be created if our awareness is not in tune with the vibrations perceived in the environment, in the food we plant, eat and digest… in the way one connects to other beings in specific spaces.
-Can you sense the differences between the elements, and the modalities of the environment you live in?

Once I stop looking inward, and instead connect to what I am sensing, feeling, perceiving, and experiencing through inner reflection, I can then look for how that reflects on the outside of my consciousness.
Is it vibration?
Is it making weird sounds or sensations in my body, in my psyche?
Can I tune to a better frequency?
Can I shift the uncomfortable feeling without running away from it, but rather by being with it?
Can I hold space for it to have a place in the now, and find the right allocation? Sometimes doing no-thing is what I have to do— just contemplate, feel, and embrace. And then, like a Champagne cork, it pops out and the foam flows from my inner being with a peaceful feeling.
Last but not least, the sky adornments acquire a meaning; Astrology connects all 4 quadrivium (4 ways)— the measurement of space, the relationship of the frequency that can be noted musically or with numbers.
Who am I and what am I doing here?
Having fun!
-What tools do you use to reflect on your reality?
-Is your perception of your inner and outer reality aligned at the moment?

Mystical doctrines as to the relation of time to eternity are also reinforced by pure mathematics, for mathematical objects, such as numbers, if real at all, are eternal and not in time. Such eternal objects can be conceived as G*d's thoughts. [Bertrand Russell, "A History of Western Philosophy"]
The Art of mathematics- μαθηματική τέχνη - Quadrivium
*Arithmetic- αριθμητική [number in the abstract] - Geo-metry γεωμετρία [number in space] - Music ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ - harmony [number in time]- Astro-logy αστρολογία [number in space and time] these were a requirement to study philosophy, and part of the liberal arts. Thus true knowledge is an empirical practice and understanding of the nature of reality [τη φύση της πραγματικότητας}.
mathematic (n.)"mathematical science," late 14c. as singular noun, mathematik (replaced since early 17c. by mathematics, q.v.), from Old French mathematique and directly from Latin mathematica (plural), from Greek mathēmatike tekhnē "mathematical science," feminine singular of mathēmatikos (adj.) "relating to mathematics, scientific, astronomical; pertaining to learning, disposed to learn," from mathēma (genitive mathēmatos) "science, knowledge, mathematical knowledge; a lesson," literally "that which is learnt;" from manthanein "to learn," from PIE root *mendh- "to learn."
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Greek menthere "to care," manthanein "to learn," mathēma "science, knowledge, mathematical knowledge;"
Kevin Morby, Memphis, the Missisippi river, death and Jeff (Buckley)…
The other day I shared one of Leonard Cohen’s songs, Hallelujah sung by non-other than Jeff Buckley, [He might have been in my subconscious], as I was looking through my music and wanted to hear Kevin Morby’s song Oh my G*d, boom I found his latest album, -how did I miss its release 9 months ago? was I under a rock? oh well, it is FANTASTIC! He moved to Memphis to record This Is a Photograph (his best record so far), he is a wonderful storyteller with exquisite attires custom-made by Judith Pierce of RoseCut Clothing check the drawings! Oh my!
I might have been a folk musician in a previous life…

In this last production, Morby is completely taken by Buckley’s bizarre drowning in 1997, the record is an ode to Memphis, death, Buckley, and the past, I love it. Hear him here tell the story to Cheryl Waters at KEXP.
..There's a lighthouse on the water, throwing light back at the shore I heard you died trying to swim towards it, now you're living on the river's floor I heard the mighty Mississippi took you out with just one punch I heard you had the voice of a sweetheart, but the sweetheart was out getting drunk
And hey man, have you heard Buckley singing Hallelujah? He did what Leonard never could to it, gave it wings then away it was Number two in England, and they say you're your daddy's son But Jeff, if you're anything like me, you only care about America Where you're always in someone's wake Or you're singing while you're sinking in sand And the river's still from far away But if you touch her, she will pull you in 'Cause she's violent and she's stubborn And she's ugly but I love her, goddamn Goddamn…
And if you wanna settle down, then you came to the right town
To close your big brown eyes and wear a coat of butterflies
But if you wanna live forever, jump in deep with the mysteries sweet
Wade into the water, close your eyes, boy, and sing
“Want a whole lot of love”
Those lines, to me, are the whole song coming together as this reflection on Jeff Buckley in Memphis. What was it about Buckley that interested you?
When I did that stint in Memphis, I was working on the whole record, and I was tending to each song, but you could almost say that the whole time that I was there was really trying to tackle this song and wanting to do it justice. There were so many moments where I thought, I’m going to ditch this thing.Like, What is this sprawling thing I’m making? Would Jeff Buckley approve of this? I never wrestled with a song as much as I did with this one.
Kevin Morby Breaks Down the Best Lyrics on His New Album This Is a Photograph By Justin Curto, who covers music, TV, and celebrity for Vultur.
Venus and Neptune, a dance in Paradise, while the Sun and Saturn kiss in Aquarius, shining commitments beyond horizons
I had a wonderful day, it seems I am quite aligned with my path, I have a series of transits that enhance my chart in a beautiful way…
Have a great week, you beautiful people!
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-Do you like what you read? -Do you resonate with some of it? You know, you can use parts of it, but quote me like I quote others.