In Principio…
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
In the beginning, was there the word, or a sound?
Music is Neptunian, in the sense that one falls in it without previous notice, one moment one is one, an independent entity and the next one is embedded within musical vibrations. Lured by the seduction that it promises whether one is soothing or nursing a wound, or one is celebrating by stomping in the frequencies that beat the density of one’s body with the ground-
Music just wants to sense the energies in motion within the body as one’s feelings travel in time and emerge at the other side of the tunnel with clarity.
-The vessel is rewarded deeply
It is Neptunian in quality like drinking from the fountain of youth or bathing inside the spring of salvation-
As I write I get a cosmic Neptunian joke from my upstairs neighbor who at times indulges in the pleasures of weed smoking, the integration of its smell in my house is akin to the sound of Metallica blasting at 6 am penetrating my sleep.
Anyway back to my main theme…
With Neptune or Piscean energy, one cannot notice where something starts or ends! the definition does not exist, the only thing that is present constantly is how it is measured, music travels in space through time and merges with the senses, the beats of the heart can sync with its rhythm.
Realities intertwine and boundaries disappear subtly.
Unlike a Scorpionic/Plutonian union, where one merges in a passionate embrace of culmination with another body, either to procreate or to suck the life of co-dependency, the union with music in regards to Neptune is like being mesmerized, hypnotized, taken.

At the beginning: harmonics
So I had my first music lesson with my friend Terry Maple Poco [aka Spencer], we met a couple of years ago at Rebel Wisdom [digital community] a beautiful friendship has developed as we both love to explore similar themes such as Astrology, Trauma/Gabor Mate, the Tarot, and music - when I wanted to learn about harmonics, well, he was the person to call.
From the west coast of Canada to the southeast coast of Florida sound emerged, just mainly principles, tuning, and setting up. I am interested in knowing about frequencies and vibration as I dive deeply into numbers and geometry, correlating everything with my deep interest in the astral bodies that not only illuminate our lives but guide them sometimes unbeknownst to many…
The session was long as we wove through nonlinear narratives and enjoyed the technical with the psychological and emotional qualities that we experience in life.
As notes were played towards the end (the first part was all about setting up the synth, downloads and activations)
Weaving in time, I have a few words that I felt I wanted to write down as I now listen to the one and only Arvo Pärt. If there is a composer that can make sense of the space between the edge of a note is Arvo, what a master!
-The not-so-silent structure of sound, Ratios
-The sound between [two octaves] is defining the edges of my emotional space in harmony
-Sometimes between two nodes, I can sense the sound echoing in my inner chamber as an embrace that fills my heart in peace.
Arvo Pärt has said: “I am convinced that sound should also speak of what the Word determines. The Word, which was in the beginning.” That this Word “was with God, and was God,” according to the Evangelist, suggests that the underlying logos or “reason” for things is not to be sought for in the realm of the ordinary, but in that of the divine. This presentation will attempt to elucidate in greater detail a few of the Christian spiritual notions connected with Logos which underlie the universality and truthfulness of Pärt’s approach. Perhaps this will give a further glimpse of the hidden motivation behind Pärt’s work and of the world view which is dear to the composer.
Nikita Andrejev – The Theology of the Word Underlying the Creativity of Arvo Pärt, full lecture starts at 47:08.

Arvo Pärt turned to monophonic chant and simple two-part counterpoint, the historical and fundamental origins of classical music. Pärt refined a new style and technique he calls Tintinnabuli referring to the bell-like tones of the notes in a simple triad, a basic 3-note chord. The music often comprises a slow melody moving in small steps accompanied by tintinnabuli with any instrument capable of sounding chords, usually one note at a time in an arpeggio.
[…] Music, distilled down to vibrating material, is silent. It offers no narrative or figurative message. It is energy and medium, haptic andresonant perception.
In Pärt’s work, this kind of silence compels us to listen to acoustic phenomena per se to the resonant frequencies of spaces, the timbral shimmer of voices, or the inharmonicity of a piano not for what they mean or index, but for what they are as phenomenal objects (the way a piano technician might listen to an instrument).
Silence is one of the master tropes in conversations about Pärt.
Tintinnabuli’s materiality
(or, listening to Pärt like a piano technician), Jeffers Engelhardt
Shapes + emotions: Defining the imaginary

These images mesmerize me, the poetics of the structure, and how the night/day duality is balanced, by centering the attention inside/outside of the sphere. A cenotaph and the timing between and beyond 2 breaths. These designs were done around the time Uranus was discovered in Gemini and Pluto had just entered Aquarius. In 6 years, we will have a similar configuration of the same planets in the same signs with Chiron also being in Taurus as it was back then.
No idea exists that does not derive from nature… It is impossible to create architectural imagery without a profound knowledge of nature: the Poetry of architecture lies in natural effects. That is what makes architecture an art and that art sublime.
[…] I attempted to create the greatest of all effects, that of immensity; for that is what gives us lofty thoughts as we contemplate the Creator and give us celestial sensations.
[…] It is light that produces impressions which arouse in us various contradictory sensations depending on whether they are brilliant or sombre. If I could manage to diffuse in my temple magnificent light effects I would fill the onlooker with joy; but if, on the contrary, my temple had only sombre effects, I would fill him with sadness. If I could avoid direct light and arrange for its presence without the onlooker being aware of its source, the ensuing effect of mysterious daylight would produce inconceivable impression and, in a sense, a truly enchanting magic quality.
-Étienne-Louis Boullée. 1728-99 [Visionary architect]
Winter - Spring 2023: a glance on the Journey:
By the beginning of the summer the way we perceive this reality would be at another level:
Saturn enters Pisces 03/07/2023 - 05/24/2025 Gates 55-25 all around the Solar Plexus. It will conjunct Neptune towards the end of the cycle before they meet at 0° Aries.
-Spiritual accountability, every person must do their work, without exceptions
-Endings, dissolutions of corrupted structures. Mourn, forgive, and let go.
-Defining the imaginary, be concrete on your desires.
-Abundance defines form: intention, imagination (with feeling), and manifestation; in that order.
-If not grounded, one can be absorbed by a wave of victimization- poor me.
-Abundance, loyalty, inquiry, grace, compassion, and universal love, that is the tour around the Solar Plexus
Pluto enters briefly in Aquarius 03/23/2023 - 06/11/2023 Gate 60.4.
-Confronting collective trauma
-A Potential for liberation and individuation.
-Detachment and dissociation from the body if the state of being is not in alignment.
-The shadow of Aquarius: if there is still no individual responsibility, the resonance and pulsation of being between disempowered groups will be very damaging to the soul.
-The resourcefulness to either move within limitations and still maximize the potential or these are brought into question without knowing their value, which leads to depression.
Jupiter enters Taurus, conjuncts the North Node, and squares Pluto 05/16/2023 - 05/26/2024 Gates 3, 27, 24, 2, 23, 8.
-Seeking security, knowledge, and the expansion of resources.
If you have previously done the Venus work from the Taurus perspective through the last Venus Rx and all of 2022 until 07/2023 while it rules the North Node in Taurus:
-What are my needs/values, and how I can negotiate them when I have leverage, by not reacting to the expectations of others?
Jupiter will make sure to spend time finding its way to the material via innovation, care, silence, orientation, simplicity and originality.
Saturn will be very supportive by defining and making concrete what makes you feel inspired in the material realm as Jupiter and Saturn create a beautiful sextile between Pisces and Taurus (I was born with this combination, a perfect sextile at 3° of each sign).
Pluto in Aquarius, a glimpse of how would it feel to be free from outside authorities and engage in a revolution based on accountability, starting on how we are not responding wisely to our relationship to finances, to our resources, and to what makes us worthy.
-Are we still trusting people/governments who run Ponzi schemes and want to reinforce their authority with digital banking money also known as CBDCs?
Thoughtful decisions about limitations, and discipline on how to manage our relationship to values, wealth, and health (food is part of what makes us wholesome), this is the perfect time to dive deep into a full understanding of what is happening in the financial realm.
Sign up for a class on #bitcoin-blockchain so you can learn the advantages of being responsible about the decisions you can make with the abundance you can create.
-It is time to be completely grounded, Jupiter loves materiality, beauty- and wealth
Awakening Truth! the great thing is that if you have not seen/felt it already: the space is clear to co-create, to interact in communes, places where the synarchy operates based on resonance, and support. Each member shows up bravely, and most folks have worked through trauma, and are ready to support others who are on the journey to freedom.
-How can I support my needs and let go of my codependencies?
-How are you going to ride the wave of sovereignty?
In a nice twist, Bitcoin has served me as the path to reconnect and synthesize many practices I have been experiencing throughout my life.
Mars stations direct on 01/12/2023 and enters Cancer on 05/20/2023
The rhythm will change pace, it is picking up (one can feel it this week as Mars stations direct on the anniversary of the great Capricorn conjunction back in 2020. do you remember?
Mars wants independence and freedom to sustain enthusiasm yet be wary of needing to confirm your insecurities fishing for compliments as you have been pondering for months where this energy will materialize..
-Within this spectrum, what can you sense that is vibrating at your frequency and what is not?
-Have you been able to reconnect to your true self in the last 3 years since we had the major Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, Ceres + Jupiter, South Node conjunction in Capricorn?
-How can you summarize this experience?
-How is your reality defined at the moment or are you between timelines?
-Can you acknowledge the wisdom behind it?
Echoing some of Dane Rudhyar’s wisdom on planetary aspects and his musical background.
And some more insights on time:
Stay tuned…
-Do you like what you read? -Do you resonate with some of it? You know, you can use parts of it, but quote me like I quote others.
Some ways you could encourage my writing: A. Use the like button even if you are shy. B. Do leave me a comment, and let me know how it feels. C. Share it with a friend! D. Subscribe to the newsletter. I love knowing you might read this. E. Keep coming back for more… F. Think of me and smile because you are alive and rocking this world. G. $upport my creative vessels in different ways by connecting with me or sending some $love; donate as little as you can. THANK-YOU
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