Synchronicity, Epigenetics, Synarchy + the Blockchain
as membranes that hold and nurture our unconscious desires… part 1
“I grew cells in tissue culture dishes and used culture medium to approximate blood. In addition to nutrition and oxygen carried in the blood, the blood is also sending information: signals, hormones, growth factors, and neuroregulatory agents. Information is in the environment of the cell. This information, by interfacing with the cell membrane—which is the brain of the cell—then enables the cell to engage in behaviors that are elicited by this information. The cell becomes aware of the environment by reading the information in the culture medium, the natural culture medium called blood… A lack of knowledge about this new understanding of epigenetics is actually a disempowering experience for the individual on this planet. If you believe genes control your life, then you let go of the control and programs take over. If you understand epigenetics and you say, “Wait, I have the ability to change conditions environmentally or perceptually to enhance my life, rather than to fall victim to illness,” that is self-empowerment. That is why the new knowledge is power inducing…
- Bruce Lipton, PhD: The Jump From Cell Culture to Consciousness
“Although modernity has increased our belief that the inner world of feeling, imagination, ecstasy, and longing is fundamentally different from the impersonal material world guided by mechanistic laws, Synchronicity contradicts this view by revealing meaningful connections between the subjective and objective worlds. Yet this suggested hidden unity of the inner and outer worlds, this view of man and nature rooted in what Jung called the Unus Mundus is not easily understood or experienced. I argue that it requires us to transcend the psyche, to consider ourselves more than finite psychological beings. Yet how can this unified understanding exist within fragmented modernity and especially modern science, which has evicted the gods from stars, planets, and nature and left us as solitary wanderers out among the 1010 galaxies in the unimaginably vast universe?”
-Victor Mansfield Synchronicity, Science and Soul-Making.
“Synarchy means we all lead together! It doesn’t mean that we’re all the same. Not at all. It means that our uniqueness has a place within the orchestra, and instead of just playing a nice tune and being oblivious to all those around us, we begin to play in harmony with everyone.”
– Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
In a series of articles*, I am going to lay down the foundation of how I perceive the potential of empowerment and sovereignty to be linked with Epigenetics, Synchronicity, Blockchain, and Synarchy as membranes that hold and nurture our unconscious desires… The upcoming eclipses starting at the end of the month will prove to be very supportive of how one can generate an environment where growth and evolution reconnect and ground us to what is pure and of absolute essence. 2022 will prove to be a pivotal year for integrating our truth individually and finding how to resonate in community.
Since childhood, I have been interested in understanding time (how we perceive it as cycles is the base of my artistic practice). Aware of the works of Carl Jung, I am also deeply acquainted with the relationship between quantum theory, synchronicity, and Taoist/Buddhist practices of transcending the mind; in the last months I have embarked on a new pathway of studying and understanding the infinite possibilities of blockchain, and how its networks serve as the soil for an environment to plant the seeds society needs for regaining full agency and accountability.
*A blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger (a book of accounts) in which transactions are recorded across a peer-to-peer network without a need for a central clearing authority. Potential functions include digital coin trades, fund transfers, voting, and many other forms, such as Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) a safe way to work in synergy. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party. These ledgers are immutable, and the records of transactions cannot be altered, deleted, or destroyed.
Swimming in my mother’s womb:
When I swim in the pool, I feel so connected to my mother’s womb, and I enjoy feeling that sense of security from time to time. The womb was the ecosystem where my body was formed and nurtured and prepared, for me to be able to come out of my mother’s body and become my own person. It took some care, and at times it didn’t have all the care or attention that it needed. Last year, one day while doing some laps and holding my breath, I felt a ray of a light break into a thousand pieces across the pool. It hit me. Suddenly I felt the connection between “I” and the ”other”, that which emerges in between, the state of becoming was and is for me the quantum field of infinite possibilities– I was back in the womb, I was safe, I was free.
For the past six or seven months, I’ve been taking on the practice of propagating Monstera Deliciosa. When I moved to Miami Beach, I realized I have this beautiful veranda where I could turn green, but I had never had a relationship with plants. I grew up in South America, where tropical bushes and flowers are just thriving everywhere, and my mom used to have the most amazing patio; we used to have this Spanish house with a courtyard in the middle, with a fountain, and every Sunday she would buy more plants, and she would take me with her, and I never even cared about any living thing. For me, it was her thing. But a few months ago, I asked her, “How was it that you kept those plants thriving?” and she just said to me, “You just have to talk to them.” And I was like, “Oh, really, ok. There goes another layer of me becoming even crazier– I already talk to myself every day, now I’m gonna talk to the plants, ok, let’s do it.” And I started doing it, and it changed, how I was relating to them, and it gave me a lot of insights into how it is that we relate to ourselves, how we relate to our needs, and how that lack of relationship is what drives a lot the fear of not wanting to be in touch with the material, the body, the home, the vessel, the vehicle… but it also means how to sustain those things, by means of resources– so that’s where we start talking about money, or any element that it can be used to trade for food or shelter.
So I got a couple of palm trees, a Monstera deliciosa, a cactus and then I left for two months, and when I came back they were all dead. I was like, “Oh! Ok, I guess I’m not relating to them.” I used to just put in some water and that was it, so I said, “Ok, I’m just going to find out how to take care,” so, of course, I googled ‘How to take care of a Monstera’, and I learned the word ‘propagate’. I remember the first step, I bought the tool, a Clipper - [new word alert!], and I just had to look really well around the stem to see if there was a little root coming out, and if there was, then that was the place below which I could clip the stem and divide it. Then I could separate it and put it in a glass of water, and change the water every week, and then some roots were propagating. That was amazing, because from a little plant, I have a big jungle right now and one of the beautiful meditative practices that I have is to clean the roots and change the water, and now the roots are huge. I’ve been kind of hesitating on putting them back into the soil, but that will be the next aspect of me learning, choosing the right pot, with the right ingredients and nurturing components that are going to make the roots grow healthy, and then we have healthy plants!
One of the things that are important to know when you plant in soil is if it has enough water or sun. The Elements are very important. In the last few months, I am learning everything about the blockchain and understanding the whole world of the crypto-currencies, and I will make an analogy here of that realm with the ecosystem that needs to have the clean soil, water, and proper nutrients so the roots can actually thrive, and how they interconnect with one another to propagate and to feed themselves in an environment that makes things evolve and grow. In the blockchain space, the soil is the network, staking is akin to holding space as one trusts the membrane with all the cells to emanate life wholesomely. The investment is in the “I am sovereign”.
Relating — Resources — Blockchain
Having that inner dialogue is one of the core things about being in the upcoming Taurus season because you learn to listen to your needs, you can establish what your values are, and when you know what your values are, you can look at them as resources– and then you become your own currency, you become your own source of being able to thrive in this world, whether it’s something you have studied and you have experience and you can teach, whether it’s something that you have seen or experienced, or whether you have a skill and you can speak about it, or make that experience into something material that you can offer…we’re all resourceful if we look and understand how to relate to those talents that we have.
In the world that we live in, the environment is no longer wholesome, the capital/money/currency is this value that has been given to a piece of paper that originally held a fixed price for a bar of gold, it’s important to understand how money works. What a big deception it has been throughout history, because we have given all our agency to sovereigns, to people who own the land where we live– not just the land of our house, but the land of the country, and because the land itself has been invested to yield more power, countries have been trading with hypothetical resources in order to gain more leverage. All this without entering into how profitable war can be...
Countries had agreed to convert paper money into a fixed amount of gold. A country that uses the Gold standard sets a fixed price for gold and buys and sells gold at that price. in other words, The Gold Standard is a monetary system where a country's currency has a value directly linked to gold. Until August 15, 1971, when Richard Nixon went on TV to announce that the US would no longer exchange dollars held by foreign governments for gold. Witnessing inflation rates peaking as there was no more gold sustaining the value of that paper money.
This 1971 summer date can be traced as the genesis of the rise of cryptocurrencies and what led to a European coin, the EURO. The gold window was closed, and foreign governments could no longer exchange their dollars for gold; in effect, the international monetary system turned into a Fiat one, a type of money that is not backed by any commodity such as gold or silver, and typically declared by a decree from the government to be legal tender. In other words, fake money.
The end of that era and the beginning of the slow 50-year collapse because we’ve been really living on fake money, plastic money, and a lot of interest money that has been created–and it has been causing a lot of inflation. Normal people never questioned that because they trusted authority, like a bank or a president or a prime minister, a sovereign, thinking the interest of the people was their intent, but it wasn’t. The whole idea of Blockchain is to lead you back to a cleaner, more connected relationship with you as a resource, and to see if you have the responsibility to hold on to your resources and be the one that actually knows how to trade them. And if you don’t know how to do it, then you’ve got to learn, because the more you give yourself more authority, the more you’re authentic, the more you’re sovereign, the freer you are, and we’re going to stop enslaving each other, shaming each other, othering each other.
Full moon in Libra 04/16/2022 Gates 3-50:
This is the core of shadow work: the person or situation serves as a placeholder for one to notice the effects that come disguised as triggers. Here the relationship is about observing how one’s own needs are projected onto the “other”, or how “I” am the recipient of someone's expectations. The full moon forms a square to Pluto, asking to yield power over a situation that at this point is so corrosive it no longer holds stable. As the week dims with Gate 42, what started as an expectation ends in the celebration via detachment. The sun yields to Gate 3 of chaos and looks towards innocence, joining Pluto in gate 60, creating the individual channel of mutation. Innovation is based on the successful synthesis of established concepts and new impulses, The moon is in the opposite stance in gate 50, a cauldron, a melting pot where the theme is to assume responsibility representing a potential that is based on values and ethical consciousness.
Which part of your life is yielding towards a mutation?
How aware are you of your immediate environment?
Are you holding space for your essential needs?
What are you slowly brewing?
*Editors note: Originally meant as three articles, it is ane ongoing thread.
Audio - Video whispers:
I intertwine between the spoken and the written word, hear my insights (different content) below:
00:00 Intro holding space in time
01:56 full moon in libra square pluto
05:40 Synchronicity, Epigenetics, Synarchy, and the Blockchain