Having the courage to be foolish
Optimism, pessimism, and the crude awakening for real and concrete stuff; Yep, the journey from Sagittarius to Capricorn, these two archetypes labeled as “The social constructs”. As ideals become so inspiring, we tend to gather in groups creating rituals about what we consider to be #true. Say, for instance, the crowd gets more prominent, and the space smaller, and there is a need for a person to manage the business, a need to create an institution, a place of worship, like a temple for knowledge, a school, library, or a temple for faith, a church, a place to be in communion. Finally, that is what is "constructed": the need to be socially validated.
-But the Truth– does one find it there?
Good question. We humans are social beings incapable of surviving alone; we require tribes and communities that can manage all aspects of our complicated lives for survival, and in some cases, we might dream of having the infinite possibility of thriving on what we love doing, committing to, our passions, our dreams, that truth we are looking for.
Every day (like many people I hope), I wake up with one question alone:
-How can I be of service?
…Having the valor to initiate a unknown journey that is unknown and trusting my intuition, and my instincts can lead to a wonderful discovery of self-inquiry and evolution. Cycles are here to offer opportunities to grow, experiment, to be. Falling into concrete definitions of thought (belief) and limiting space both in my mind and physically, can only offer a long-term detriment to my curious soul….
Why do we need an institution to give us authority?
We don’t.
That is the construct! That is the idea that someone wiser up in the chain can tell us what to do, while we stay not acquainted, not aware, not knowing --ignorant–.
How can one beat that up? Education, accountability. I was raised with that consciousness, being born as the third generation of progressive women educators that imprinted a couple of words in my mind: Joy and service.
And what does an artist have to say about money, sovereignty, and inflation? Precisely, I have been “trading and had my artwork traded” my entire 30-year-old artistic life! I have been creating work that sells, and have been giving it value based on what I felt was a fair share!
Yes, it works like that, despite the idea behind the art world that makes you believe that they have the right to set up your prices based on how they use your work as a pawn, how they inflate the value and support the 1% of artists that make it to the TOP to then trade their assets in art fairs and auctions. Raising and inflating prices, making profits, and dumping them, basically playing with Art as a commodity (a useful or valuable thing).
The 99% of the rest of us mortals (artists) are supposed to trust the “middleman” a.k.a the one who knows the trade, the gallerists, the ones who nurture are “the curators”, the ones who protect the artwork as “the museum directors”, and so it goes… The list of enablers is endless, and the number of jobs that art creates is unbelievable. We, the 99%, are the fillers that make the cushion look cute. Yes, I naively participated in this game, ignoring really what was at stake: my own value. My assets, and how I distribute my Merch become an affair of way too many middlemen. (Pause and introduce Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System that can change all this)
But wait, No, the Art-world doesn’t have the artist in mind, just the “Merch”; the artwork is moved from hand to hand as a token, which in turn offers social standing, tax breaks (donations), status, and yes, more wealth. Place all components on a monopoly board and change the names from artworld to inflation, and so forth…
Inflation measures how much more expensive a set of goods and services has become over a certain period, usually a year. It may be one of the most familiar words in economics. Inflation has plunged countries into long periods of instability.
If the average artist like the average person out there understood the mechanics, there would have been an R-evolution a while back... But on second thought, all artists wished to be that 1%! Unknowingly or willingly ignoring that the 99% is in a state of slavery, my friends, is what supports the whole system. Like the average person with no assets in real estate or metals, supports the economy of governments with inflation, also known as the hidden tax.
-ART: another unregulated commodity. Yes, I still sell artwork, but under different conditions, I exited that crazy elitist place…
…at the risk that I might never exhibit in large institutions that move, invest, and speculate with what I most value now– my creativity and my independence.
I have become educated in trauma, money, and all sovereign matters, and my purpose and intention now are to inspire the common folk to educate themselves to have a choice. There is always a choice– always.
A crisis that brings opportunities
krinein "to separate, decide, judge," from PIE root *krei- "to sieve," thus "discriminate, distinguish.
And then there are value, money, and essential needs, the lunar nodes are still midway through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, and Uranus is midway through offering the potential for liberation from what we have known, what has been constructed and limited us, which we know doesn’t work.
What can I learn about the latest crypto implosion? (Google Sam Bankman Fried, #FTX, or Alameda research) A Ponzi scheme that from the get-go represented the microcosm of the current financial Fiat system macrocosm.
Let me elaborate: not all crypto is devilish nor are all systems corrupt, but we need to distinguish between them, what they are, and what they serve, and education is key.
Why can’t we have a financial education paired with emotional education in kindergarten? after all, they go hand in hand
Have you heard about the fear index?
The fear and greed index is a tool used by some investors to gauge the market. It is based on the premise that excessive fear can result in stocks trading well below their intrinsic values while, at the same time, unbridled greed can result in stocks being bid up far above what they should be worth.
Have you listened to financial markets talk about the sentiment?
Market sentiment refers to the overall attitude of investors toward a particular security or financial market. It is the feeling or tone of a market, or its crowd psychology, as revealed through the activity and price movement of the securities traded in that market.
So why me, why now?
Ever since I opened this space last February I have been speaking about individuation, accountability, transformation, sovereignty, and value.
Role versus relationship
c. 1600, "part or character one takes," from French rôle "part played by a person in life," literally "roll" (of paper) on which an actor's part is written, from Old French rolle (see roll (n.)).
I was listening to Daniel Maté talk about accountability, attitudes, and relationships, and it struck a chord. I have invested a lot of time to understand things from the relativity perspective, polarities, synthesis, and whatnot. As soon as I heard the word pose, which felt more like Role, something positive was triggered. I paused and reflected on how many roles and attitudes I had been conditioned by, connecting to responsibility as it assigned a specific part that defined a character. A persona that I performed as a role for a long period until I snapped out of it. (Roles are a very Capricorn, Saturn archetype.)
The joke is that in Human Design my profile is a 6/2, I am a role model, but hey, I am just being me, so that is the conclusion, no followers, no mini me’s, I’m just inspiring others to have the courage to be foolish.
Aware of the place and how I market my offerings.
Aware of the static quality of a role versus the dynamic quality of any relationship.
Aware and mindful of how I relate to the information that I have consciously been willing to invest in the last year.
Aware of any passive role in society; if I don’t individuate and become sovereign, then I have no choices, I would be defined, shaped, and a perfect member of a social construct…
-Are you aware of the roles you have played?
-Are you aware of the belief systems you have yet to question?
-Are you interested in finding out about the courage you need to become your own sovereign being?
-Are you interested in starting a journey of liberation that will integrate your polarities and offer unlimited values?
-Are you willing to be the fool and discover a wonderful journey?
I am here supporting you!
*The archetypes that define social constructs are Jupiter, Sagittarius, the 9th house, Capricorn, Saturn, and the 10th house.
scroll down for my $upporters below, in gratitude always.
-Do you like what you read? -Do you resonate with some of it? You know, you can use parts of it, but quote me like I quote others.
-Some ways you could encourage my writing: A.Use the like button even if you are shy. B.Do leave me a comment, and let me know how it feels. C.Share it with a friend! D.Subscrie to the newsletter. I love knowing you might read this. E. Keep coming back for more… F.Think of me and smile because you are alive and rocking this world. G.$upport my creative vessels in different ways by connecting with me or sending some $love; donate as little as you can. THANK-YOU
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Some goodies for my $upporters below, in gratitude always.