"To be conscious you need feedback. Consciousness is a loop of information between the external world and the internal world. It is fundamental for everything. So everything/ object is conscious. Every thing/object feeds the vacuum field and the vacuum field feeds the thing/object in return. The amount of information you are able to transfer (upload) into the system is directly dependent on how much resistance you put up to the amount of information you are able to take in."
- Nassim Haramein
Creating an intimate journey with what is really driving my desire to evolve (purpose), taking time and steps towards individuation and freedom of being sovereign (a Uranian quality)
Yet now that Saturn turns retrograde at 25 degrees Aquarius for four months (still squaring the lunar nodes and transiting Uranus), the opportunity lies in the area where it is journeying in your chart, Saturn retrograde functions very much like Uranus, it wants to individuate. Mine is in the 1st house as I am an Aquarius rising —where is yours?
It is time to create a balance sheet, on the left side, what conditioning (or set of behaviors) do I feel are limitions in the present moment?
On the right, what qualities can I still apply in my character that give me an authority and still serve me as a support to grow further?
-Are these constructs (mostly mental and aligned with society) still empowering my journey? Or have they become a burden, a limitation, exerting pressure, creating depression, and a perfect excuse for acting under the flag of guilt, must do’s, and not authentic, nor true to my purpose?
What is the difference between purpose and achievement? At times they can overlap, even working towards the same direction, yet the purpose is neither a place nor a timeframe, purpose is like the water that makes up 70% of our body, or even the Qi, Prana, vitality.
Purpose: Placing an intention and surrendering to, “Wu Wei”, in the Daoist tradition, refers to -non-doing -effortless action -acceptance of what is. So the purpose IS the experience that emerges from the intention, the process.
As achievement relates to the western linear narrative of grasping time in a single line. When writing “proper stories”, a beginning, a middle, and an end is expected. Even movies have that structure. The most influential book of the western civilization “Ta Biblia to Hagia”, (sacred scroll, books), was a set of linear narratives.
Alas, life itself seems to have this structure, yet we are in a constant continuation, life and death are just passages. How one relates to time, defines the experience. If prompted by time to be “cut as a deadline”, then life “Does have an ending”, a projection, an expectation, that comes with glory and disappointment. Time is relative.
The Yìjīng
In the Eastern/Ancestral traditions time is cyclical, as it places humanity as part of nature, not above, nor below, as part of it. The Chinese Book of Changes, the Yìjīng, I Ching, (another ancient seminal work), explains the concept of time and space. Gan-Zhi: Time is divided into 12 heavenly stems and 5 earthy branches, following the sky (zodiac constellations and the five elements). Observing one’s nature is the best “time-piece” (clock) one can use, not to measure, but to align with our individual rhythm and intention, with purpose. The symbol of the Trigram represents the YANG creative energy emanating from heaven that follows a downward direction, the YIN, receptive energy, the earth that bears us, and humanity in the middle, synthesizing this polarity. A reference to the Trinity found in many early traditions, the Trinity is to live and to understand that the third dimension is a state of Becoming.
What is my relationship to discipline? (being a disciple, a follower for the purpose of learning, to grasp and accept from someone or an experience). Time can be a master of discipline. Time - yes! take your time-, the shoe doesn’t fit anymore, and before I get into a new set of foot-ware assuming new roles, can I walk barefoot and feel the ground beneath me, can I sense my needs, can I find my place?
Satoshi started a fire in cyberspace. While the fearful run from it and fools dance around it, the faithful feed the flame, and dream of a world bathed in the warm glow of cyberlight.
Bitcoin is the most efficient system in the history of mankind for channeling energy through time and space.
-Michael J. Saylor.
Ego- Persona - Self:
-What is behind the desire that has a purpose to come back over and over to experience life under a specific lens?
-What kind of life is one living based on the pressure created by those who are part of a social context? Thus creating a mask in fear of not showing true Light -
-During this journey, how could I become aware and conscious to reveal the (true) self of the unconscious?
-And duty? What is my duty? Or Is it the purpose?
The planet Saturn rules where transiting Pluto is located now (the last degrees of Capricorn), when it entered in 2008, our value system had just burst the bubble of an inflated house market. Now 14 years later, (and with less value on the dollar, only those holding assets do benefit), the ballon has more pressure since what created the bubble is what is at stake: the monetary system, the whole system-
No wonder after the 2008’s economic crash, in Jan. 2009, an anonymous person(s) Satoshi Nakamoto created a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, that has been labeled as “the most perfect form of money” (a social contract) aka Bitcoin. Its genesis has one thing in mind, to keep a set of values decentralized outside of possible corruption. What is corruption? Something that is spoiled and can be seduced to bribery.-
Both time and maturation (Saturn/Capricorn are ruling the underworld (Pluto/Scorpio), the realm where one dives into to meet and confront deep fears -
Saturn rules the social norms - are the fears we feel collectively and individually based on the ability to accept our true calling? the real purpose that is interrupted by a set of rules and expectations towards achievement and status?
When did I abandon my authentic self? Was it when I got scared of being left out? FOMO (fear of missing out)?
Who is currently ruling these principles? (Saturn is currently in Aquarius), Uranus! Freedom of the known, Uranus/ Aquarius rule individuation! And transiting Uranus in the sign of Taurus, where the North Node is currently traveling, is ruled by values, resources, money, and how one relates to its essential needs. This whole month Venus, their ruler is in her own domain! (Watch out for overindulgence and sudden shocks!)
Are you aware of what rules your own relationship to needs, values, structures, and freedom?
Take time to exercise your sense of sovereignty with courage -
You will not be left alone
You will find your kin, Some Souls that are resonating with the same values co-creating emergent communities with principles that question the existing malfunction of social systems/institutions-
There is an overall resistance from the status quo regarding innovative ways to relate, accept, integrate the social contract of what money is, what serves, how little do we know about it, having given all the power to an “Authority, that is supposed to care for our individual needs”- NOT.
Education has been a great conduit, I have invested heavily in the last 5 years learning through online communities, trauma, dialogue, somatic therapies, empathic inquiries, evolutionary astrology, human design, Jungian psychology, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and the list goes on-
Now? A synthesis through practice-
For me, Mastery lies in the trust of my inner authority, not in the acknowledgments and badges I once expected from social contracts-
I aim to serve communities by bringing awareness of an individuated, sovereign self, a creative, joyful inquiry with purpose.
The Gate of The Gatherer.
The sun will be on Gate/Hexagram 45 this week, my natal Venus is in Gate 45.5, I may lead others to align with their sense of value, thus caring for the overall welfare of the tribe, allowing these qualities altruistically. Its shadow would arise when I project and expect to gain respect through achieving acknowledgments, defeating the purpose. The intention is to align with the awareness of both the spiritual and the material, such as resources/values/money, and exercise full integrity for the benefit of all beings.
Therefore Saturn retrograde can provide with the limits and the support.
(A tribal gate 45/21 makes me a manifestor in human design)
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I am not surprised that your writing resonates strongly with Bryan and I will just tag along. I struggle with your writing but always get something worthwhile. Amazingly, we have taken very different paths and ended up in the same place.
Another great one, Monika! The line that stood out for me (among many) was, "So the purpose IS the experience that emerges from the intention, the process."
Set the intention/the purpose and then live it as the process and that experience means you are living your purpose, no matter what you achieve "in the end." (as though there are ends in the first place, ha ha. Or maybe there are? Every beginning is also an end, nothing but the Now, including beginning/ending. Is it all a matter of perspective?)
I really appreciate how you write these from a place of deep inquiry and the process you are going through. It's like having a wonderful, wide window into HOW you are living your Purpose and I appreciate you both being so conscious of it and being willing to share it with the rest of us.
Oh, and Saturn from 25 to 18 degrees of Aquarius is in the first decan of my 8th house. I'm going to inquire into that more. I sense there are issues relating to my breaking the bonds/chains with my "wife" that are being invited to come into my awareness.