I am not your typical post-baby boomer, nor Gen X
And I am not a millennial!
I however have the capacity to understand people through their design as I have qualities of finding patterns and synthesizing ideas.
When I see a person I don’t see identity or definition.
I see a soul, I see a potential for evolution.
I see hope,
I see freedom,
I feel I have the capacity to connect deeply with humans, when it is appropriate, and when the other human is open to it.
I love to invest time in 1:1 or small-group relationships
I love to connect with my heart
I love to nurture and support all values
I also know when others take advantage of my design…
When they fear my power,
When they try to fit me into tight definitions,
For a long time, I felt like an outsider until at some point I stopped looking to belong. I am my own person.
And I found my way in the flux of it all
I am a very grateful person especially because on a couple of occasions I found myself close to the emptiness one can feel when despair arises and makes you numb or too depressed to move or with dark thoughts of not being willing to be here at all…
I am also fortunate to follow instincts and intuition
I get hurt at times.
I use those times to practice.
I have learned to turn anger into gold, fear into courage.
Turn ire into the fire that serves as an ignition for creative fields.
I am learning to accept sadness as a vessel of grace.
I have learned to be at peace with my Heart
I am no longer on the victim boat.
I stay humble by asking younger earthlings to show me their ancestral wisdom.
Holding onto knowledge in a hierarchal ladder is hoarding and creating more separation.
Positioning oneself as a Guru or sole authority without recognizing the weight and appreciation a teacher should have for the students is anathema
“God, in the dream, illumined the animal's brutishness and he understood the reasons, and accepted his destiny; but when he awoke there was only a dark resignation, a valiant ignorance, for the machinery of the world is far too complex for the simplicity of a wild beast.
Years later, Dante was dying in Ravenna, as unjustified and as lonely as any other man. In a dream, God declared to him the secret purpose of his life and work; Dante, in wonderment, knew at last who and what he was and blessed the bitterness of his life....upon waking, he felt that he had received and lost an infinite thing, something that he would not be able to recuperate or even glimpse, for the machinery of the world is much too complex for the simplicity of a man.”
―Jorge Luis Borges,Dreamtigers
I am not here to steer you, guide you take you to another land, for I am not a shepherd. Nor the leader who governs you.
I am here with my cross of alignment to support your transition in this liminal place.
I know that I can spur and activate a projection, a mirror, or a surface for you to know thyself
I know I have the duration that lasts many lifetimes to support survival toward a state of thriving awareness.
I am becoming conscious of knowing when to retreat when my needs are no longer flowing in the right principles that meet the sensitivity of what is needed.
I have the determination to digest when and how the will should be assertive and loyal to a clan or a tribe.
I know how to forgive if I can discern from tolerance to surrendering as my doubts lead me to a truth that will integrate inner queries.
I know that as long as I don’t nurture my sacred energy first I will deplete it fully and will start adapting to a non-self journey, without a cauldron that can keep the nutrients from evaporating.
I know my willpower is so strong it inspires but also feels like a threat to others who feel they need to compete with it. So please don’t!
I know that part of my cross is to remind you all to explore and to be curious as you practice and find your way in the emotional platform that spins you into revolutions.
I know that my integrity is what makes me flow and align with the magnetism that spins me to evolve all the time finding the rhythm as it generates a state of flow
Completing tasks or initiating at times seem like an objective as I pursue with discipline and focus trying to convey what I perceive as abstractly as I can to create metaphors that will in turn inspire or connect beings to their own evolution
My determination is solid and hopeful, as I learn to trust my sense of smell that guides my primal instinct to connect to the right fractals so the resources are turned into individual powerful experiences.
From the top of the mountain through my inner vision - as passive and receptive, I sense and feel deeply- having no specific direction, I adapt and chose where to be. When I retreat I do so to gain perspective and synthesize the experience.
The joy, and optimist I emit are true at the moment because I have a way to search for better things-
I am not afraid of confrontations with darkness - fear- and in the past years, I have integrated many, many broken pieces. I am a walking mosaic only reflecting back the beauty of your soul-
I say revolt!
Pluto just crossed the line into zero Aquarius - the only thing I will say today, I am ready to live fully as always. I was born in the spring of 1964, Pluto was in Virgo and Uranus was in a balsamic, dissolving relationship (Piscean, Neptunian in quality). I am not afraid to try new venues, nor afraid to confront, what is the worse that could happen???
I have lived a life prepared for this moment, my chart is ruled by Uranus as my ascendant in Aquarius prompts me to initiate in new territories at all times, since Uranus is at the end of my seventh house, I know that to individuate I must confront my shadows… have you listened to the podcast where I go deep into shadow work yet?
These descriptions above, my friends are my human design talking through me-
I run small study groups where we practice live- I can serve as a temporary portal of alignment for -The truth is within you -
The Pluto - Uranus cycle is long, the next conjunction will be in 2104 exactly on my birthday (end of April) at my Taurus’ Sun-Mercury 6 - 7th degree, while Venus + Ceres are on my natal Jupiter. I won’t be alive but it feels good that I carry THAT frequency (Yeah).
In the meantime we have felt it while Uranus was in Scorpio mid-late 70s-81, these folks are going through their Uranus opposition, aka Mid-life crises, when on a can liberate from the Saturnian conditioning, this event prepares us for the Chiron return at age 50-51, ripe and ready to flow…
Pluto in Aquarius will start squaring all millennials born at the end of ‘83→ now for the next 20 years, so some folks born between 1937–1956, will feel the opposition too.
Good times!