Form a mental picture of your desire, feel it as it moves in your mind, let it manifest!
Imagination is one of the powers of the soul. It is itself a kind of image, as both are depictions. The image, therefore, that resembles the imagination cannot be useless…
If imagination were useless, it would be an utterly futile part of human nature. But then the other powers of the soul would also be useless: the senses, memory, intellect [nous], and reason. Thus a reasoned and sober consideration of human nature shows how nonsensical it is to despise the image and the imagination.[xi]
[xi] Epistolarum Liber, II.36 (PG 99 1213 CD);

Be kind and open your heart...
Oh yes the full moon in Cancer, on January 6th, the Sun Gate 54, the Earth and Moon gate 53, a Square to Chiron in Aries, Gate 21.
Venus relates with detachment in Aquarius Gate 41, adapting successfully to the limitations that Chiron feels it cannot control.
The moon reflects the Capricorn light taking time to have emotional clarity. The dream needs drive and ambition for the desire to begin and find the right momentum to fulfill all its potential.
-Do you have a clear direction?
-Do you have a clear image of what that desire is?
-Can you define it in your imagination?
Be concrete and indulge in the field where all dreams manifest, allow the heart to give you a glimpse of how that might feel.
Be bold and ambitious, shoot for the moon!
Vibrate at your frequency and resonance will ensue….
Understand that all tensions offer a possibility to see and experience things, situations or things with a new perspective,
All resistances always meet a support down the line.
This week just a few words, the Sun is traveling through my 12th house, the “unseen realm," meeting non-physical forms, dreams, and the imaginary plane.
Heaven on Earth, I find the correspondence.
Sometimes I make more sense of images. below from sketches to final images intertwined, for me the process of creation is attached to the emotion I want to inspire others to feel when they encounter the work.
-Do you like what you read? -Do you resonate with some of it? You know, you can use parts of it, but quote me like I quote others.
Some ways you could encourage my writing: A. Use the like button even if you are shy. B. Do leave me a comment, and let me know how it feels. C. Share it with a friend! D. Subscribe to the newsletter. I love knowing you might read this. E. Keep coming back for more… F. Think of me and smile because you are alive and rocking this world. G. $upport my creative vessels in different ways by connecting with me or sending some $love; donate as little as you can. THANK-YOU
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