What am I releasing?
What am I discerning?
The purity of surrendering
Saturn will soon conjunct Fomalhaut* part of the Fixed stars grid, enchanted and intoxicated by love and life. This star governed the winter solstice in Mesopotamian times, so like Jesus the savior of the Piscean times, it carries the weight of resurrection. Fomalhaut has higher standards, and lofty ideals, such as knowing that love is -All that is-. One of Fomalhaut’s characteristics is the challenge to keep grounded in the material world. An otherworldly, “away-with-the-fairies” demeanor may find it such suffering to be on this material existence that the temptation is to check out altogether with mind-altering substances or pain-relievers. -let’s see how Saturn can support the collective not falling prey to delusions, one thing is to dream big and have an infinite imagination, and another one is to fall into self-denial and abandonment.
Fomalhaut, located at 3°52’ of Pisces, is one of the four Royal Stars associated with our 4 most familiar archangels. Archangel Gabriel is associated with Fomalhaut and is known as one of the Watchers of the cardinal points. Also called the Guardians of Heaven and the Four Royal Architects, Regulus, Antares, Aldebaran, and Fomalhaut have been used as navigational guides for centuries. They have also been seen as connected to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelations.
Suffering is a vessel for ultimate Grace
The wounded, the light, and the healer, the Sun at Gate 22 (03/08/2023), the Earth Gate 47 (storing all the DNA, the world karma), surrendering to the path, one must find the will to forgive and surrender to one’s truth to reach an ultimate state of grace.
It is not, and it was not, a joke learning that Chiron (the asteroid that represents the wounded healer and that returns only once every 50 years, that slow bastard…) falls in my second house, ruled by Pisces, at 17° 28’ and at Gate-Hexagram 22 in Human Design - part of the solar plexus, an individual moody gate where suffering must find grace through graciousness.
The process of integration or synthesis that I often speak about has 3 ways to express itself: the trigger, the shadow thesis; the gift, anti-thesis, or light; and the synthesis, the realization, insight, or the third way to experience the situation, person, or thing.
Remember the triggers are just placeholders.
I used to experience the idea of suffering with repulsion - although I may emanate compassion, at times if I feel the energy as winding, whining, and powerlessness, that triggers me with lots of rage.
Confession time— I feel zero sympathy for those (including myself) who remain whining and powerless in a situation, repeating how miserable they are, as though they are in a suffering competition… the sensation is depressing and weighs very heavy.
It took me years, and an awfully painful Chiron return, to experience that this suffering, and these triggers, meant I was everything but compassionate towards my own vulnerability; that asking for help or accepting I did not know something was OK; that saying no was an option— it paved the way to humility and empowered my embracing self-reliance. From time to time I am still reminded to care about my needs, as life is a journey toward liberation.
The Buddha said the cause of suffering is that we either cling to or reject those ideas that are either in the past [anger, sadness] or in the future [fear or anxiety]
Just think about the energy that is needed to cling to something! Close your fists and experience the energy.
Imagine you are hanging with one hand on a windowsill, on the verge, about to fall down to your death.
Imagine the strength of that fist, having all your energy focused there —
Now also imagine trying to push a metal wall because you reject something - so much energy.
No space for flow.
The mountain and the rivers are in harmony because each one emanate in the presence of the other.
The mountains, or the trees, don’t shout to the water in the rivers, “What the f$&?!”
Surrendering to life— accepting brings joy, and less suffering…
At the end of that cycle, Grace emanates, it is just living in gratitude for the privilege of being aware of a state of evolution.
grace (n.) late 12c., "God's unmerited favor, love, or help," from Old French grace "pardon, divine grace, mercy; favor, thanks; elegance, virtue" (12c., Modern French grâce), from Latin gratia "favor, esteem, regard; pleasing quality, goodwill, gratitude"
The goal of orange-pilling someone has nothing to do with drugs. It is the notion that bitcoin will inevitably become the global reserve asset while converting people to believe in the bitcoin standard. But, how do Bitcoiners expect this to occur if the vast majority of people still fail to understand what Bitcoin is and truly stands for? Thus, the Bitcoin orange pill theory was formed.
Orange pilling is something that I am enjoying a lot*.
You may have noticed I like to inquire into many, many subjects— it may appear that I have no direction, but my brain and mind are very open and reflective, so I accumulate info, and then when someone asks me (including me asking, too!) I can go into my inner vision and find the answer somewhere in the Bibliotheque of my unconscious. If I don’t know the answer yet, and I connect to the inquiry, then I look to validate that thesis and return and share it. It is not really about proclaiming truth but rather the discovery of my path through self-inquiry.
Sharing - educating and supporting — are part of my purpose. I thrive at all levels when I do so when I am part of the tribal circuitry, which cares about community resources. Education is the ultimate survival tool. You educate or provide support, thus allowing individuals to thrive while you grow with others - not as a leader like a king or a tyrant, but leading as an example in the community.
I inquire responsibly, so part of the questions from others I connect to need to be in a frequency I may be vibrating, resonating with.
My Saturn in Pisces, first house, Neptune MC 10th house conjunct 9th house moon in Scorpio, my 12th house is ruled by the Moon’s South Node in Capricorn, 3 planets in Taurus. There is a clear indication in my chart that my soul came with an ability to integrate spirit and matter— it is clear in the way I perceive things. It all depends on the point of view or perspective in which I find myself at the moment. The definition is limitless and materialization is charged with imagination.
*I have slowly and steadily shown the way to others of the significant potential of the bitcoin network, I share articles, resources, and show for example how to pay me or others using Satoshi’s units on the Layer 2 of the Bitcoin network.
The downside of not self-caring and the beauty of gratitude
I have been running study groups for a while. Whether 1:1 or in small groups, I have to honor the potential they bring to my life— my curious mind finds so much appreciation in the investigation and preparation for every session.
My sense of presence in the field has gifted back so much humility.
I learn so much as I care deeply to playfully nurture everyone’s curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
I appreciate these relationships, for they slightly differ from teaching. It’s the same when I hold space for individual mentoring— what transpires and emerges is difficult to describe in words - the experience is life itself undefined - open, investigative, at times mischievous, and allowing so much space to evolve.
Full moon in Virgo 03/07/23
A few words: discerning and caring about your relationship to any habit you may have towards negligence, self-abandonment, or victimization; take stock of your greatest qualities and use them as a support to establish a purifying, imaginative, beautiful journey of liberation.
Much love, my dearest earthlings —
Pallas Athena, my alter ego shares some insights:
A love letter to Saturn in Aquarius
The usual paragraph asking for $upport
I sustain my weekly writing and copy editor fees by doing Astrological-Human Design readings, study group facilitation, and selling artwork.
It would be a wonderful feeling to know that I would have your support for an upcoming publication without having to put all or some of the content behind a paywall.
If you have at some point benefitted from my insights, if these have supported your journey, I would be delighted to receive your token of appreciation, either by using the subscription button or any of the other ways below.
Thank you for reading, I enjoy writing very much!
BITcoin: bc1qrhq3djr40v3gwemesegufp4jr5hkmcmjq5hks8
The Lighting Network wallets:
FIAT MONEY - BTW, The first two don’t charge fees
-Do you like what you read? -Do you resonate with some of it? You know, you can use parts of it, but quote me like I quote others.