Note: Last week I said I would bring more information about my future offerings, I am still in that place of integrating the past 6 months thus few more days of delay won’t hurt, instead I am focusing on this message today.
The pilgrimage of truth
The intention is set, the path awaiting, and the journey is the destination, what matters now is the courage and surrendering to the willingness to experience.
-Unknowns are always tricky
Preparing the goods, taking time to question what is the ultimate intention for the upcoming journey I envision towards the next frontier.
-What are the valuable ideas and thoughts I would like to meet down the road that will give meaning to the journey?
Devotional commitment, So what am I exploring?
The relationship to what I value will always give meaning to my urge to live in truth.
Faith is the practice of that intuitive pulse
Surrender is the practice of that truth.
I sometimes see my vision as very optimistic - expansive, and capable of grounding the spirit, creating a flow with materiality, inspired by a motivation to share all creative practices with an open heart, as the Moon is the ruler of my North Node in Cancer 5th house. My intense 9th-house Scorpio Moon meets in a balsamic phase with the gentle 10th-house Neptune. My natal Jupiter is in a 3-degree balsamic or dissolving relationship to my Sun, Mercury Rx conjunction in my Taurus third house ruled by Venus in Gemini.
The key is to keep it flowing, synthesizing the needs that at times are more terrestrial than celestial.
Truth is experienced as inner knowledge not as a belief since it would mean I have yet to meet its truth. Belief or faith is action based at times condensed in rituals. The emotional body contains many instances with memories that were encapsulated and shaped by events, they helped delineate the outcomes as a form of absolute truth.
Yet in the journey as the path is walked or ridden, and perspectives start to change, it is the ripe time that shows belief in a different form.
We are at the Post-eclipses station slowly shifting and wanderers of the Axis of shared, and individual Needs-Values. Before we define life entirely and close ourselves to believing that Fate is doomed, a bit of air and adventure is set on the horizon, the next 9 months are going to show a glimpse of infinite possibilities, and the number of options will depend on which frequency each person with their emotions-thoughts is vibrating-

Intention - attention - presence. The codes from the celestial wisdom
I see myself in a wave of beautiful encounters and joyful moments, meeting old and new companions from this and other lives.
The lunar Nodes will change Gates on November 27 leaving the Gravity center and its 1st and 2nd fundamental hexagram/gates. The celestial creative emanating life generates the potential for evolution as the Earth receives and offers a direction -
The monopole is where these two polarities meet, and where the trinity can occur. The I AM - the SO HUM सो ऽहम् - ἐγώ εἰμι equation that liberates each individual from the past-
In the Daoist book of changes the Yi Jing, the trigram represents the trinity as heavenly Yang, Earthly Yin, and humanity in between must synthesize the experience the polarities on the Earth realm.
In all ancient cultures, the trinity refers to the Earth's experience of the journey of surrendering to one’s truth. In Christianity, the symbology of the Father (heaven), the conception (Earth) giving birth to a child (humanity) that in other words translates manifestation itself. Or the desire the soul has to experience evolution.
人之所惡唯孤寡不穀, 而王公以為稱.
人之所教, 我亦教之.
"The Way produces one.
One produces two.
Two produces three.
Three produces everything.
Everything has polar elements in it
They interact to achieve harmony.
People all hate being isolated, helpless, and wicked,
But kings use these words as their titles.
Therefore, things can gain from losses
And can lose because of gainings.
I just teach what I have been taught.
Those who willfully go against the Way
Will die an undue death,
And are fit to be my textbook."
- Translated by Liu Qixuan, Chapter 42. Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) Classic of the Way and Virtue
By Lao Tzu (Laozi)
The Lunar nodes will be moving to 44th/24th gates - hexagrams until February 6/2023, there is potential for SYNARCHY and towards grounding our individual essential needs by cultivating a wholesome environment. True freedom is inner freedom – from hierarchy to synarchy- the return of basic essential needs. Settling home: the environment where seeds thrive in attention.
Gate 24’s shadow is addiction, and what exactly is addiction? It’s a lack of connection to self, thus one projects what one is feeling as a void onto someone or something else to fill those voids. We can live our whole lives just in that state, unaware of our attachments, inflicting so much pain. Just watch the channel/news these past weeks: Drama-Trauma.
New Moon, Venus - Mercury in Sagittarius
Jupiter, its ruler in Pisces stations direct a day after the New Moon 11/23/2022 and supports her with a trine, Mars RX still squares Neptune, some deep journey into what ideas, ideals, faith, hope, illusion, delusion, and trust, could be integrated.
Jupiter will dash into Aries like a pilgrim on an individual mission reaching Taurus by mid-May! Thus by the time the next set of eclipses arrive, you and I would have some new stories to chit-chat about, and our desire to seek that truth to be grounded with will start defining itself.
What a glorious prospectus! And we will ask each other:
-How was your journey? what experiences did you meet? How different is that vision from now?
please allow yourself to dream BIG, to up your game and with one foot on the ground, allow the other to take a leap and start emanating your highest possible frequency for unity, surrendering into an earth that thrives in love.
-How would you envision it to be, without holding too tight to convictions:
“The truth is something to know not to believe” J.W.GREEN
The New Moon and the Sun in Gate-Hexagram 34.2, thunder over heaven, there is a momentum, where the power of the great is such that the sage won’t take a step unless it is not in accordance with propriety. Second line: a momentum where success can be in sight according to your own moderation, it is a clever use of the opportunity to generate a wholesome outcome.
The earth is in Gate 20.2 contemplation, creating the channel of charisma. Walking the narrow path of presence by being connected to the Now. Contemplate your motivations and discern the purity of your intent. "Put your money where your mouth is.” or "Walk your talk.”
During this Sagittarius season, one can harvest and integrate experiences. also, acting with leaps of faith by taking risks of courage. cultivate a clearer vision. Trust your body that emanates instinct, intuition, and emotional energetic waves. Realign with the source.
-Do you like what you read? -Do you resonate with some of it? You know, you can use parts of it, but quote me like I quote others.
-Some ways you could encourage my writing: A.Use the like button even if you are shy. B.Do leave me a comment, and let me know how it feels. C.Share it with a friend! D.Subscribe to the newsletter. I love knowing you might read this. E. Keep coming back for more… F.Think of me and smile because you are alive and rocking this world. G.$upport my creative vessels in different ways by connecting with me or sending some $love; donate as little as you can. THANK-YOU
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