»For the artist communication with nature remains the most essential condition. The artist is human; himself nature; part of nature within natural space.«
Paul Klee -Pädagogisches Skizzenbuch
Paul Klee Rocks at Night (Felsen in der Nacht), 1939 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York Estate of Karl Nierendorf, By purchase
Another week, I sense a shift in the air, and I am still purposefully taking the time to be; I have been entertained by drawing plenty. I also entered a state of integration from the insanity of the last 15 weeks… More to come, not just yet… In the meantime another set of random shares. Enjoy!
Monika Bravo, sketch 2023
It is time for excellence Not for the minimum or the maximum unintentional motivation For lofty, prominent, and distinguished acts of love
Not a sacrifice but an offering Following the flow of nature As The River As The Clouds As The Sun As a Being
Monika Bravo, Excellence, 06/21/23
Gio Ponti is my muse
It is very challenging to pick up a handful of images that can convey his artistic genius and impact. Since it is not just the excellence of one of his designs, but the overall harmony of the spaces he conceived.
Gio Ponti for the 18th-century ceramics manufacturer Richard Ginori in 1935. Gio Ponti Archives
Gio Ponti’. Italy, c. 1925. glazed earthenware Stamped manufacturer's mark to underside ‘Richard-Ginori S. Cristoforo Milano Made in Italy’.
Palazzo Bo, Universita de Padova. Between 1934 and 1942, Ponti decorated numerous rooms inside the Palazzo,
Gio Ponti; Paper Mock-Up for an Imagined 'Cathedral of Los Angeles' Dedicated to Charles and Ray Eames, 1967.
Gio Ponti, Richard Ginori, 1928 ca "Venatoria" A white porcelain plate with a gold decor depicting two women returning from a hunt. Diam 33cm. Manufacturer's mark
Gio Ponti, Hotel Parco dei Principi, Sorrento 1962. hall’s view
LIXIL / TOKYO / "Giving Warmth to the Building Skin. The World of Gio Ponti, Father of Modern Italian Design” by Mai Inoue and Masahiro Inoue
Gio Ponti’s 1924 Majolica vase for Richard Ginori.
“Everything happens according to a certain regularity which I sense inside me and which never lets me rest.” Emma Kunz
Nick Cave’s corner
Another prolific artist, that is aging gracefully, still edgy and full blast honest, Nick’s art has been part of my life since 1988…
Nick then, Nick now in a very recent interview
Euchrid’s Crib 1. Nick Cave in Yorkstrasse, West Berlin, 1985.Photo by Bleddyn Butcher. From the book STRANGER THAN KINDNESS, by Nick Cave. Copyright @2021,
[…] when another person dies, everybody dies again, you know... All over again. And at the end of the day, we become a kind of manifestation of our losses… We become these creatures of loss moving through the world… a deepening effect to grief, and the world becomes more interesting and deep.
Nick Cave
“My grandmother, long deceased, had a collection of prayer cards. I remember them to be floral arrangements or pleasant scenes of country life, with a small message or prayer. Between writing songs, I painted a series of these lovely little cards, and typed my own words of comfort on them.” Nick Cave
The Devil – A Life is a series of 17 ceramic figures by Nick Cave. In Andrew Dominik’s 2022 documentary This Much I Know to Be True, Nick explains that he’s taken the government’s advice during the pandemic and used this time to change careers, becoming a ceramicist, much to everyone around him’s dismay.
“Excellence" is not a gift, but a skill that takes practice. We do not act "rightly" because we are "excellent", in fact we achieve "excellence" by acting "rightly".”
This entire post is inspiration sprinkles top my present creative mode. I love these artists too. Ty!!! 🤩💭🤍