Two fictional points (nodes) and eclipses:
“It is particularly important to stress that when dealing with the nodes both of them should always be considered, and not only the north node as is often done. We are dealing here with a line, not with mere points.” -Rudhyar
Eclipses are here–they are portals, liminal places where one can connect to what has been almost forgotten. Let's start from the technical part: eclipses are the cross of the planes of the Moon's and Earth's orbits. A line of intersection is produced when two such planes intersect. This line converges the Earth's orbit (the ecliptic- tropical zodiac) at two points (nodes), the ascending north and descending south nodes. Thus Nodes are fictional points; physically they don't exist, it is the trajectory of the orbit of the earth and the moon at which lines or pathways intersect or branch, a central or connecting point. ) Eclipses of the Sun and Moon can only occur when they meet (conjunctions) close to the nodes in longitude.
During an “eclipse” there is darkness; something “fails to appear”*. It seems as if the light of these two astral bodies which are in exact alignment near the nodes has been swallowed up by the dragon’s head. When the Moon and the Sun meet next on April 30th, it will be a solar eclipse, the sun is overshadowed as the Moon absorbs all the solar power. Next, on May 15th during a lunar eclipse, there is a full moon, and then she is overshadowed by the sun.
Unfinished business and growth potential
The Moon's South Node reveals in abstract terms the perils that the passivity of subconscious memory stands in the way of personal evolution. The Moon's North Node symbolizes the new potential of growth based on what has become conscious "in the past '' leading to transformation. We feel very identified with what our natal moon represents, as it is the “persona” or “ego image” that is traveling through these nodes, from lifetime to lifetime. Pluto in the chart serves to point to the desire the soul has to evolve, the place one feels disempowered (whether it is conscious or not depends on other factors.) The lunar nodes are how we have identified in each previous experience (other lifetimes, if you will.) It is through these familiar memories that we identify with our emotions (cancer/Moon) and where some of these memories have been crystallized (Saturn/Capricorn). The scope is to liberate ourselves from this conditioning (Uranus-Aquarius).
The nodes move backward in relation to the moving direction of the planets; this is called a retrograde motion, completing one ecliptic cycle in about 18 and 2/3 years. The change of axis, or signs, occurs every 18.6 months (they are circling the tropical zodiac or ecliptic.)
As of Jan 2022, the South Node of the Moon is in Scorpio and the North Node is in Taurus– their ruling planets (Pluto and Venus) play an important role in how this opportunity can unveil possibilities for closures and growth to you individually, hence affecting the collective path. Just imagine what happened to you that was significant during Apr 15, 2003 – Dec 26, 2004, or even Sep 12, 1984 – Apr 6, 1986. What kind of attachments did you release, and what basic principles or simple grounding routines did you embrace then?
-Have you noticed that you might be willing to be more grounded, or physically active, and/or have fewer ideas/ideals than at the previous nodal axis that ended when this one started?.
As for me, in 2003-2004, I became focused on my spiritual practices: Tai qi, Qigong, Buddhist meditation, I quit cigarettes, stopped smoking weed, and created a haven in my mind, learning to cultivate it with a discipline that has lasted. It gave me the basics of how I was able to develop resilience and willingness to individuate.
What I feel is emerging for me now is a deeper sense of roots, as I have made incredible choices that will benefit my sense of emotional security, though at the expense of any attachments. I can say I feel free. A lot of my conditioning has consciously melted away. Bye Bye, Sayonara~
Beyond Saturnian realms and the process of individualization
Beyond the Saturnian-Capricorn realm, the archetypes Uranus-Aquarius, Neptune-Pisces, and Pluto-Scorpio function through transformations taking place in culture and in society as a whole, such as changes in political, economic, and lifestyle structures. Acting mainly in an indirect manner, each of these three planets tends to operate during the process of individualization, which requires a free and autonomous individuality, a state of consciousness whose ideal goal is human evolution, and thus they play a critical role individually affecting the socio-cultural environment of the collective.
This leads to SYNARCHY and towards grounding our individual essential needs by cultivating a wholesome environment. At the upcoming solar eclipse on April 30th, the Earth and Moon at Gate 44 will be anchoring the Sun in Gate 24.
True freedom is inner freedom – from hierarchy to synarchy- the return of basic essential needs. Settling home: the environment where seeds thrive in attention.
Gate 24’s shadow is addiction, and what exactly is addiction? It’s a lack of connection to self, thus one projects that which is a feeling of void onto someone or something else to fill those voids. We can live our whole lives just in that state, unaware of our attachments, inflicting so much pain. Just watch the channel/news these past weeks: Drama-Trauma.
People confuse love with the abusive behavior that stems from trauma and adaptation during early childhood when there was a disconnection, or one had to cope with abusive parents that did not know better– perhaps they, too, had endured the same, on and on and on.
When there is an abuse of any sort, emotional, verbal, physical, or sexual, there is violence - boundaries are crossed and pain is perpetuated. The media is allowing us, the public, to witness a couple of very famous individuals that have been inflicting pain on themselves and one another -
I, too, sought professional support some years ago when I decided to leave my 18-year marriage. The cause of the abuse? Disconnection - projection of needs - abandonment issues…we attracted one another and stuck like Velcro.
-” You don't love me enough” - was the daily mantra I heard- so I spent 18 years trying to prove otherwise - an impossible task. I failed miserably… had I known then what I know now?
Well, I am trauma-educated now and only wish for more awareness brought to the light - it is neither Johnny nor Amber, Jada nor Will… It is also Pepe - Maria - Jose - Diane - etc. It could be you and them, too- It has no one face, just the face of pain. I got trauma-informed and have been supported by practitioners. It does make a difference.
Honesty, silence -the potential for recognizing individual truth through careful introspection
So facing the shadow starts with honesty and acceptance that one could need some support, evoking higher wisdom, calling the Daimōn and reaching out to stop the disconnect. We are then returning to self, back to basics, through introspection, back to what needs to be cultivated so it can serve as a haven for growth.
Gate 44 is the awareness for survival through instinctive collaboration. Recalling the abilities of others as the archetype of a human resource manager. Synarchy allows the connection in resonance to kindred spirits. It allows you to attract your fractals to build the right relationships and cultivate a wholesome atmosphere/membrane/ecosystem that is needed to live in a world that thrives with sovereignty, individuation, and creativity, letting go of all types of attachments that relate to any kind of slavery or being led by ideas from people that have different interests. We have the fear of not meeting the right people, and we also have Venus-Taurus concerning the self.
This is very important to understand, that to have all these things going on we have to start an inner dialogue. Dialogue comes from the word in Greek dia-logos, which means having a conversation, a two-way conversation where we learn something new, where something that we didn’t know can come to the surface. It’s not about convincing other people to have our view but allowing the logos, or the reasoning, of other people to come through during the conversation. When you have an inner dialogue, that means you have a relationship with yourself where you talk to yourself, write to yourself, journal, or you listen to yourself when you talk to other people, as a third person, and you realize you are probably projecting a lot of stuff, of shadow.
Trusting by not interfering, just resonating… but first, look at what is still an attachment that impedes growth, and by cultivating essential needs, you can let it go! Just focus on a day-to-day practice that is grounded (with your hands or with your body.) The eclipse is an opportunity, an invitation, to turn toward the shadow, to look into it, to see (even if it seems like there’s nothing) what is failing to appear, and this is where you will meet the Daimōn.
--what is THE most difficult attachment you are ready to let go of now?
*c. 1300, from Old French eclipse "eclipse, darkness" (12c.), from Latin eclipsis, from Greek ekleipsis"an eclipse; an abandonment," literally "a failing, forsaking," from ekleipein "to forsake a usual place, fail to appear, be eclipsed," from ek "out" (see ex-) + leipein "to leave" (from PIE root *leikw- "to leave".) - Etymology online
Audio - Video whispers:
I intertwine between the spoken and the written word, hear my insights (different content) below. The written article is a companion (not a transcript) to the video.
00:00 –01:14 A time to be born and a time to die…
01:15 – 04:40 back to basics
04:40 – 10:47 "for the time being", being an artist in NYC in 1998
*for the nerd in me (and in you) here is a marvelous presentation of Apianus, Petrus. Astronomicum Caesareum. Ingolstadt, Peter Apian, 1540. Presented by Daniel Crouch and May Geolot from Daniel Crouch Rare Books
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learn more about my multidimensional creative expressions — BIO
Thank you Monika. Another absorbing and informing piece for this moment in time. I love that we see our inner processes reflected in each other's experiences. 2003-4, and 1986 were both times I was preparing for and making significant moves internationally. Shutting down one life and starting up another. This time I am feeling very settled in my new home and community (of 18 months) Grounded, growing roots, feeling 100% internally resourced. Settled and free.
GREAT stuff, Monika! From my perspective, your getting better and better at these---they are resonating more and more for me, helping me more and more. Thank you so much! (I will share more in our mutual group we are a part of, for I wish to engage in a way that others in that group can potentially engage with, as well.)