“It is not with the stresses and requirements from the outside world that I align with, but rather with the rhythm of my essence and what my soul needs to be one with the breath.
The truth about nothingness is to start the day with the intent of just being, with no expectations just being…
In Between states - liminality - No definition prevails at the beginning, some anxiety. 75 days later, a blissful essence.
-Life unfolds
The soles of my bare feet touch the humidity that rises from the soil, raising my arms with palms upwards, I feel the warmth from the light that emanates from the sky, the astral body that is equivalent to life, regeneration, the Sun, Ra, we revolve around you.
Inner sound, flow - resonance, and rhythm - what is grounding? the mono- pole - is it echoless? no, pure magnetism.
-I say it is The Trinity where I, as a breath, am the synthesis-
It is almost futile to write how it works… as the experience is unique as each individual may perceive it differently.
Back to the reptilian brain, instincts prevail. The senses’ best outlet, I can smell, listen, taste, and my inner vision emanates textures,
-SHHH, silence did you hear that?
Attentive to any whisper, any change in the humor - the mood and the humidity in the air, I am, and I act solely attentive in the NOW MOMENT.
Courage to self validate
No longer a seeker, I embody my own truth. In too many potentials, too much talk shapes nothing, I lose interest when connectivity is absent from every encounter-
I can sense when I can connect and when I can withdraw; to be inspired means to be one with spirit
Ceres/ Deméter
Maybe I don’t know who I am when I am not supporting others… a thought that I weave when in anxious times, yet I know I nurture collective and individual structures, holding space to mirror what is needed in the now.
Flow “Your attitude affects life’s events, which is the first great Law of Magic.
Two humans going through identical experiences can literally taste two entirely different worlds. One can be in heaven and the other in hell. Not only that, your attitude affects life’s events, which is the first great Law of Magic. Experience mirrors attitude. Attitude is in fact one of the great mysteries of life, because its source is indefinable. You may think it is the way you think, but it is not your mind even though it operates through your thinking. You may think it is your unconscious, but it operates underneath even the deepest levels of your psychology and physiology. In short, your attitude denotes how consciousness is using your awareness at any given moment. It is the membrane that links the microcosm to the macrocosm and it is how DNA programs and is programmed by the environment. It is a natural response to life and its prime directive seems to consist of only one thing — growth. Finally, attitude is linked to your hormones, your brain chemistry and to something altogether beyond your conscious perception — your spirit. […]”
“One of the great challenges for modern humanity is to learn how to slow down. The Schumann Resonance is a frequency oscillation that moves far more slowly than most human beings are used to, especially in our modern world. Time moves very uniquely for all life on Gaia. She has never been in a hurry. The power of Gaia is the power of greenness. If we left our planet exactly as it is now for a thousand years, our cities and roads would once again become green forests. That is the speed, power and pace of Gaia. Since magnetism is the binding force of all creatures and forms, the more deeply you move into the Schumann Resonance, the more magnetic you become. This is all about trusting in the natural ebb and flow of life events. You can see how the agitation of the lower frequencies so easily experiences these slower frequencies as dullness. The fact is that when the frequency of your DNA hits the Schumann Resonance, your experience of time stops completely. These are truths that are still experienced and embodied by many of the indigenous cultures alive on our planet today. “To live closely to the earth’s natural rhythms is to experience the wisdom and clarity that comes of moving more slowly through the world.[…]”
“As you ascend in consciousness to the Gift level of frequency, you experience for the first time the underlying beauty of life’s diversity through the subtle mutations that take place in this 15th Gene Key. The very state that you feared was taking away your life force actually becomes an awesome font of vital magnetic energy. Dullness is no longer dull. It is as though you were peering into an empty vessel and suddenly realise that it isn’t empty but full — full of potential. This simple shift in attitude allows you to unlock the higher magnetic power latent within your DNA. Such magnetic power is the foundation for the law of attraction — the universal law that draws towards you that which serves your higher purpose, be it money, people or resources. Until you hit the Schumann Resonance, the effortless power of this law cannot be realised in your life.
People displaying the 15th Gift as a powerful trait emanate a tangible physical presence. They stand out from others in this respect. The Gift of Magnetism makes a person physically glow with life force, literally making them appear larger than life. It is a Gift filled with enthusiasm and openness and above all it is a Gift of Love.”
Excerpt From Gene Keys Richard Rudd.
NOte: I have the 15th gate-gene key that it is located in my open G (identity) center #humandesign, it is conscious part of the design where my North Node is located 15.6, The power of the Self to explore extremes in order to find and eliminate the weakest point.
Now some shorts I created over the last two weeks, as I play from one state of being to the next… JOY
As in the artist studio, the process is what really keeps me alive, curious, playful, and holding space to resonate with meaning.
I am going to try this: duration: 01:29 seconds
Aging… duration: 02:43 seconds
my glasses story duration: 02:40 seconds
some astrological energy updates
duration: 00:33 seconds
duration: 01:30 seconds
Pluto - Saturn direct duration: 01:22 seconds
Accountability - Saturn - full moon in libra conjunct chiron duration: 01:31 seconds
pallas athena alter ego: Accountability - Saturn - full moon in libra conjunct chiron duration: 03:00 seconds
-Do you like what you read? -Do you resonate with some of it? You know, you can use parts of it, but quote me like I quote others.
-Some ways you could encourage my writing: A.Use the like button even if you are shy. B.Do leave me a comment, and let me know how it feels. C.Share it with a friend! D.Subscribe to the newsletter. I love knowing you might read this. E. Keep coming back for more… F.Think of me and smile because you are alive and rocking this world. G.$upport my creative vessels in different ways by connecting with me or sending some $love; donate as little as you can. THANK-YOU
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I was quite happy to hear the story of the glasses! It was even better than I expected, especially the touching part about your mother. I love how you used playfulness to make a connection with her, and how it was playfulness that caused you to buy them in the first place.
Thank you Monika! I've just subscribed as a small token of my appreciation for you and all the light of inspiration you have gifted me!!