Saturn is authority
Here it is, the “dreaded second Saturn return” NOT!
Saturn is like an amazing adult, one who is accountable and sovereign, who can be generous and supportive. What Saturn offers helps define ourselves through maturation, giving a direction, and protects our skin from the environment. Saturn used to be positioned at the edge of our reality, until 1781 when Uranus was first sighted. Saturn is the ruler of my Capricorn South Node— we go back a long way, many lives, where I practiced many times as a devoted disciple and acquired discipline— it has been quite a gift…
Authority, Author, Authentic, Auto, same root, Greek for Self, Αυτόs from Αυthentes "one acting on one's own authority,"
29 years ago, I was going through the first Saturn return, with a 6/2 profile. The first 29 years are lived as a third line, and it is all about the experience, pushing and pressing, trying out, so I managed to live in 5 countries, tried different journeys, and by 1993, the energy was shifting, as it is now. I won’t tell the full story of a love affair with JAHD, who was born the same day and year as I was, and how this “recognizing each other” threw me out of the curvy lane I was following and landed me in NYC (after a miscarriage and a bunch of odd + spooky events). We are still friends— destiny was that the relationship served as a launching platform so I could have the courage to experiment with “being” {not becoming} an artist.
A full Saturn octave later— no art-school degree (rolling eyes emoji), and having experimented for 26 years faithfully as a “Newyorker” (2nd rolling eyes emoji), I am now the author of my life, confident I can trust my way via the integration of my artistic-spiritual-curious numerous practice[s]— I am synthesizing them all, and I still have a “beginner’s mind”.
Moon light, inner authority
Saturn and the Moon act as opposites, and they complement each other. The Moon is how we perceive this lifetime as emotional beings; it’s what is called the Ego {Εγώ}. Our emotions are energy experienced through our bodies in time. They charge it with a frequency that vibrates in space and serve as a GPS for us.
If one is paying attention and doesn’t get drowned by them, which requires time and practice, at times emotions can be restrained and not expressed— that, too, is energy in a state of stagnation, the ultimate thing is to allow energy to flow down the river. Sometimes because of fear we hold too tight on to the structure(s), to the container not allowing the emotions to settle or to be expressed, therefore limiting its true potential as guiding devices. The Moon is the ruler of my Cancer North Node— I have in the last years opened my heart tremendously. I am very happy about that.
The cardinal signs with their rulers (Aries-Mars 1st house, Cancer-Moon 4th house, Libra-Venus 7th house, and Saturn-Capricorn 10th house) are there to initiate and orient the path for an individual to feel safe emotionally, know how to relate to others, and live a life in a time/way that will bring sovereignty. The keywords are awareness and accountability. The Moon’s cycles are very short (28 days) and those of Venus (225 days) and Mars (687 days) are short in relation to Saturn’s 10,756 Earth days.
Syncing to the cycles through the resistances we meet such as accidents, miscarriages or a feeling that nothing is working can provide multiple support such as unexpected outcomes that may bring an array of opportunities one could not see for standing in a constrained environment. Just start observing the waves and realign. As in financial charts, every resistance creates a line of support that changes a tendency…
Chapter 3 here onwards…
Chapter 3 is blank with no expectations, only one feeling and a set of daily virtues:
the feeling is JOY and the virtues are kindness, gratitude, humility, honesty, and Generosity
The protective framework of inner and outer membranes can sustain harmony with a sense of safety and confidence, can allow interaction as an individuated soul that seeks to be in harmony with everything and everyone it encounters without sacrificing, but full of offerings and serving as an authentic self.
I would call this the ultimate second Saturn return rite of passage.
This week’s drop is sweet and short— next newsletter I will come back with some insights on what I have observed and learned about the financial landscape. For now, just enjoy…
Hello, Saturn, my ol' friend 04/03/2023…
As someone who is learning to love and appreciate Saturn’s role in helping guide/form my life after a fair amount of neglecting him, I’m happy to see your open-armed acceptance of his blessings!
Loved the energy of your writing here, I celebrate your entering the 2nd return with such joyful vitality! X